Home > @gooddata/sdk-ui-charts > IBulletChartBucketProps
IBulletChartBucketProps interface
export interface IBulletChartBucketProps
Property | Type | Description |
comparativeMeasure? | AttributeMeasureOrPlaceholder | (Optional) Specify measure to use for comparison. This will be charted as the secondary bar. |
filters? | NullableFiltersOrPlaceholders | (Optional) Specify filters to apply on the data to chart. |
placeholdersResolutionContext? | any | (Optional) Resolution context for composed placeholders. |
primaryMeasure | AttributeMeasureOrPlaceholder | Specify primary measure. This will be charted as the primary bar. |
sortBy? | SortsOrPlaceholders | (Optional) Specify how to sort the data to chart. |
targetMeasure? | AttributeMeasureOrPlaceholder | (Optional) Specify measure which contains the target/goal value. The value will be charted as the thick line to reach. |
viewBy? | AttributeOrPlaceholder | AttributesOrPlaceholders | (Optional) Specify one or two attributes to use for slicing the measures. |