absoluteDateFilterValues(filter) | Gets effective values of an absolute date filter. |
applyRatioRule(items, rule) | Applies compute ratio rule to all measures in a list. |
areObjRefsEqual(a, b) | Returns a value indicating whether the two ObjRef instances are semantically equal (i.e. are of the same type and have the same value). Null and undefined are considered equal to each other. |
attributeAlias(attribute) | Gets an attribute alias. |
attributeDescriptorLocalId(descriptor) | Returns local identifier of attribute described in the provided attribute descriptor. |
attributeDescriptorName(descriptor) | Returns name of attribute described in the provided attribute descriptor. |
attributeDisplayFormMetadataObjectAttributeRef(displayForm) | Gets ObjRef of the attribute the display form is a form of. |
attributeDisplayFormMetadataObjectRef(displayForm) | Gets the attribute display form's ObjRef |
attributeDisplayFormMetadataObjectTitle(displayForm) | Gets the attribute display form's title. |
attributeDisplayFormRef(attribute) | Gets an attribute display form object ref. |
attributeIdentifier(attribute) | Gets identifier of attribute's display form to use and get attribute element values from. |
attributeLocalId(attributeOrId) | Gets local identifier of an attribute. |
attributeLocatorElement(locator) | Given attribute locator, return the element that it references. |
attributeLocatorIdentifier(locator) | Given attribute locator, return the localId of attribute that it references. |
attributesFind(attributes, idOrFun) | Given list of attributes, returns first-found attribute matching the provided predicate. |
attributeShowAllValues(attribute) | Gets an attribute show all values property. |
attributeUri(attribute) | Gets URI of attribute's display form to use and get attribute element values from. |
bucketAttribute(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets first attribute matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketAttributeIndex(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets the index of the first attribute matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketAttributes(bucket, predicate) | Gets all attributes matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketIsEmpty(bucket) | Tests whether the provided bucket is empty = contains no items and no totals. |
bucketItemLocalId(bucketItem) | Gets value of local identifier of bucketItem |
bucketItemReduce(bucket, reducer) | Creates a new bucket by modifying items of the provided input bucket. |
bucketItems(bucket) | Gets all attributes and measures from the bucket. |
bucketMeasure(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets first measure matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketMeasureIndex(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets the index of the first measure matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketMeasures(bucket, predicate) | Gets all measures matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketModifyItems(bucket, modifications) | Creates a new bucket by modifying items of the provided input bucket. |
bucketsAttributes(buckets, predicate) | Gets all attributes matching the provided predicate from a list of buckets. |
bucketsById(buckets, ids) | Gets buckets with the provided local identifiers from a list of buckets. |
bucketSetTotals(bucket, totals) | Gets a new bucket that 'inherits' all data from the provided bucket but has different totals. |
bucketsFind(buckets, idOrFun) | Finds bucket matching the provided predicate in a list of buckets. |
bucketsFindAttribute(buckets, idOrFun) | Finds attribute matching the provided predicate in a list of buckets. |
bucketsFindMeasure(buckets, idOrFun) | Finds measure matching the provided predicate in a list of buckets. |
bucketsIsEmpty(buckets) | Tests whether all buckets in a list are empty (meaning neither has any items or totals defined) |
bucketsItems(buckets) | Gets all attributes and measures from a list of buckets. |
bucketsMeasures(buckets, predicate) | Gets all measures matching the provided predicate from a list of buckets. |
bucketsModifyItem(buckets, modifications) | Creates a new array of buckets, each bucket in the array contains modified bucket items (retrieved by applying the modifications function to the bucketItem). |
bucketsReduceItem(buckets, reducer) | Creates a new array of buckets, each bucket in the array contains modified bucket items |
bucketsTotals(buckets) | Gets all totals from a list of buckets |
bucketTotals(bucket) | Gets all totals from the bucket |
colorPaletteItemToRgb(item) | Returns RGB code representing the color in the provided color palette items. |
colorPaletteToColors(palette) | Returns a list of RGB color codes for all items in the provided color palette. |
defaultDimensionsGenerator(definition) | Default dimension generator for execution definition behaves as follows: |
defFingerprint(def) | Calculates fingerprint for the execution definition. |
defSetDimensions(def, dimensions) | Creates new execution definition by slapping the provided dimensions on top of the definition. |
defSetExecConfig(def, config) | Creates new execution definition by merging new exection configuration into an existing definition. |
defSetPostProcessing(def, postProcessing) | Creates new execution definition by setting a new post processing. |
defSetSorts(def, sortBy) | Creates new execution definition by merging new sort items into an existing definition. |
defTotals(def, dimIdx) | Gets totals from particular dimension in the provided execution definition. |
defWithDateFormat(definition, dateFormat) | Changes the dateFormat of a postProcessing, other properties of postProcessing (if any) remain unchanged. |
defWithDimensions(definition, dims) | Configures dimensions in the exec definition. |
defWithExecConfig(definition, config) | Changes additional execution configuration in the definition. |
defWithFilters(def, filters) | Creates new execution definition by merging new filters into an existing definition. |
defWithPostProcessing(definition, postProcessing) | Changes the postProcessing of a definition. |
defWithSorting(definition, sorts) | Changes sorting in the definition. Any sorting settings accumulated so far WILL be wiped out. |
deserializeObjRef(val) | Deserializes an ObjRef from its pure string representation. |
dimensionSetTotals(dim, totals) | Creates a new dimension which has same items as the provided dimension but different totals. |
dimensionsFindItem(dims, localId) | Looks for item with the provided local identifier among the dimensions. |
dimensionTotals(dim) | Gets totals defined in the provided dimension |
disableComputeRatio(item) | Disables compute ratio if set on a simple measure. Does not do anything for other measures. |
emptyDef(workspace) | Creates new, empty execution definition for the provided workspace. |
filterAttributeElements(filter) | Gets attribute elements specified on the attribute filter. |
filterAttributeElements(filter) | Gets attribute elements specified on a filter. If the provided filter is not an attribute filter, then undefined is returned |
filterIsEmpty(filter) | Tests whether the provided attribute element does not specify any attribute elements. |
filterMeasureRef(filter) | Gets reference to a measure being used for filtering if the provided filter is measure based. For other filters return undefined. |
filterObjRef(filter) | Gets reference to object being used for filtering. |
filterObjRef(filter) | Gets reference to object being used for filtering. |
idRef(identifier, type) | Creates an IdentifierRef from object identifier and given object type. |
insightAttributes(insight, attributePredicate) | Gets all attributes used in the provided insight |
insightBucket(insight, idOrFun) | Finds bucket matching the provided predicate in an insight. |
insightBuckets(insight, ids) | Gets buckets for the insight. If ids are provided, then only returns buckets matching the ids. |
insightCreated(insight) | Gets the date when the insight was created |
insightCreatedBy(insight) | Gets the user that created the insight |
insightDisplayFormUsage(insight) | Gets references to all display forms used by the insight. |
insightFilters(insight) | Gets filters used in an insight. |
insightHasAttributes(insight) | Tests whether insight uses any attributes |
insightHasDataDefined(insight) | Tests whether insight contains valid definition of data to visualise - meaning at least one attribute or one measure is defined in the insight. |
insightHasMeasures(insight) | Tests whether insight uses any measures. |
insightId(insight) | Gets the insight id |
insightIsLocked(insight) | Checks if insight is locked |
insightItems(insight) | Gets all attributes and measures used in the provided insight. |
insightMeasures(insight, measurePredicate) | Gets all measures used in the provided insight. |
insightModifyItems(insight, modifications) | Creates a new insight with modified bucket items (retrieved by applying the modifications function to each bucketItem in the insight). |
insightProperties(insight) | Gets visualization properties of an insight. |
insightReduceItems(insight, reducer) | Creates a new insight with reduced bucket items (retrieved by applying the modifications function). |
insightRef(insight) | Gets opaque reference to the insight. |
insightSanitize(insight) | Makes sure the insight does not have any nonsensical data (like totals that no longer make sense, etc.), before it is saved. |
insightSetBuckets(insight, buckets) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different buckets. |
insightSetFilters(insight, filters) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different filters. |
insightSetProperties(insight, properties) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different properties. |
insightSetSorts(insight, sorts) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different sorts. |
insightSorts(insight) | Gets sorting defined in the insight. |
insightSummary(insight) | Gets the insights summary |
insightTags(insight) | Gets the insights tags from the tagging system |
insightTitle(insight) | Gets the insight title |
insightTotals(insight) | Gets all totals defined in the insight |
insightUpdated(insight) | Gets the date of the last insight update |
insightUpdatedBy(insight) | Gets the user that last updated the insight |
insightUri(insight) | Gets the insight uri |
isAbsoluteDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an absolute date filter. |
isAdhocMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is an adhoc measure. |
isAllTimeDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an all time date filter. |
isArithmeticMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is an arithmetic measure. |
isArithmeticMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is an arithmetic measure definition. |
isAttribute(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an instance of IAttribute. |
isAttributeAreaSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is an attribute area sort item. |
isAttributeDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IAttributeDescriptor. |
isAttributeDisplayFormMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IAttributeDisplayFormMetadataObject. |
isAttributeElementsByRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is list of attribute elements specified by URI reference. |
isAttributeElementsByValue(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is list of attribute elements specified by their text value. |
isAttributeFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an attribute filter. |
isAttributeLocator(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is an attribute locator. |
isAttributeMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IAttributeMetadataObject. |
isAttributeSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is an attribute sort item. |
isAttributeValueSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is a normal attribute value sort item, not the area one. |
isBucket(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IBucket. |
isCatalogAttribute(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ICatalogAttribute |
isCatalogDateDataset(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an instance of ICatalogDateDataset. |
isCatalogFact(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ICatalogFact |
isCatalogMeasure(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ICatalogMeasure |
isColorFromPalette(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a IColorFromPalette |
isColorMappingItem(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an IColorMappingItem. |
isColorPaletteItem(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a IColorPaletteItem |
isComparisonCondition(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter's comparison condition. |
isComparisonConditionOperator(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided operator is a measure value filter's comparison operator. |
isDashboardMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IDashboardMetadataObject. |
isDataSetMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IDataSetMetadataObject. |
isDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a date filter. |
isDimension(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is of IDimension type. |
isFactMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IFactMetadataObject. |
isFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a filter. |
isIdentifierRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an Identifier Reference. |
isInlineMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a inline measure. |
isInlineMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a inline measure definition. |
isInsight(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an Insight. |
isLocalIdRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is a localId Reference. |
isMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is any type of measure. |
isMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a measure definition. |
isMeasureDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IMeasureDescriptor. |
isMeasureFormatInPercent(measureOrFormat) | Gets a flag indicating whether a given measure has a format resulting in data being formatted as percentage |
isMeasureGroupDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IMeasureGroupDescriptor. |
isMeasureLocator(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is measure locator |
isMeasureMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IMeasureMetadataObject. |
isMeasureMetadataObjectDefinition(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IMeasureMetadataObjectDefinition. |
isMeasureSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is a measure sort item. |
isMeasureValueFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter. |
isMetadataObject(obj) | Type guard checking whether input is an instance of IMetadataObject. |
isNegativeAttributeFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a negative attribute filter. |
isObjRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an Identifier Reference or an URI reference. |
isPoPMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a period-over-period measure. |
isPoPMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a period-over-period measure definition. |
isPositiveAttributeFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a positive attribute filter. |
isPreviousPeriodMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a previous-period measure. |
isPreviousPeriodMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a previous period measure definition. |
isRangeCondition(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter's range condition. |
isRangeConditionOperator(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter's range condition operator. |
isRankingFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ranking filter. |
isRelativeDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a relative date filter. |
isResultAttributeHeader(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IResultAttributeHeader. |
isResultMeasureHeader(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IResultMeasureHeader. |
isResultTotalHeader(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IResultTotalHeader. |
isRgbColor(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a IRgbColor |
isSimpleMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a simple measure. |
isTotal(obj) | Type-guard checking whether an object is a Total. |
isTotalDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of ITotalDescriptor. |
isUriRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an URI Reference. |
isVariableMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IVariableMetadataObject. |
localIdRef(localIdentifier) | Creates an LocalIdRef from a local identifier |
measureAggregation(measure) | Gets measure aggregation from a measure. |
measureAlias(measure) | Gets measure alias. |
measureArithmeticOperands(measure) | Gets identifiers of arithmetic operands from the provided arithmetic measure. |
measureArithmeticOperands(measure) | Gets identifiers of arithmetic operands from the provided measure. If the measure is not an arithmetic measure, then undefined is returned. |
measureArithmeticOperator(measure) | Gets arithmetic operator from the provided arithmetic measure. |
measureArithmeticOperator(measure) | Gets arithmetic operator from the provided measure. |
measureDoesComputeRatio(measure) | Tests whether the measure is set to compute ratio. |
measureFilters(measure) | Gets measure filters. |
measureFormat(measure) | Gets measure format. |
measureIdentifier(measure) | Gets identifier of persistent measure. |
measureItem(measure) | Gets reference of LDM object from which the measure is calculated (fact or MAQL metric). |
measureItem(measure) | Gets reference of LDM object from which the measure is calculated (fact or MAQL metric). |
measureLocalId(measureOrLocalId) | Gets measure's local identifier. For convenience and fluency, this function accepts both measure object and identifier object. |
measureLocatorIdentifier(locator) | Given measure locator, return the localId of measure that it references. |
measureMasterIdentifier(measure) | Gets identifier of master measure for the provided PoP measure or Previous Period measure. |
measureMasterIdentifier(measure) | Gets identifier of master measure for the provided derived measure (PoP measure or Previous Period measure). |
measurePopAttribute(measure) | Gets attribute used for period-over-period measure calculation. |
measurePopAttribute(measure) | Gets attribute used for period-over-period measure calculation. |
measurePreviousPeriodDateDataSets(measure) | Gets date data sets used in previous-period measure. |
measurePreviousPeriodDateDataSets(measure) | Gets date data sets used in previous-period measure. |
measureTitle(measure) | Gets measure title. |
measureUri(measure) | Gets URI of persistent measure. |
measureValueFilterCondition(filter) | Gets measure value filter condition. |
measureValueFilterMeasure(filter) | Gets measure value filter measure. |
measureValueFilterOperator(filter) | Gets operator used in measure value filter condition. |
modifyAttribute(attribute, modifications) | Allows modification of an existing attribute instance. |
modifyInlineMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new inline measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifyMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifyPopMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new PoP measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifyPreviousPeriodMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new Previous Period measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifySimpleMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new simple measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
newAbsoluteDateFilter(dateDataSet, from, to) | Creates a new absolute date filter. |
newAllTimeFilter(dateDataSet) | Creates a new all time date filter. This filter is used to indicate that there should be no filtering on the given date data set. |
newArithmeticMeasure(measuresOrIds, operator, modifications) | Creates a new arithmetic measure with the specified measure identifiers and operator and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newAttribute(displayFormRefOrId, modifications) | Creates a new attribute with the specified display form ref and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newAttributeAreaSort(attributeOrId, sortDirection, aggregation) | Creates a new attribute area sort - sorting the result by aggregated measure values belonging to each attribute value included in the result. |
newAttributeLocator(attributeOrId, element) | Creates a new attribute locator for an attribute element. |
newAttributeSort(attributeOrId, sortDirection) | Creates a new attribute sort - sorting the result by values of the provided attribute's elements. |
newBucket(localId, content) | Creates a new bucket with the provided id and all the specified content. |
newDefForBuckets(workspace, buckets, filters) | Prepares a new execution definition for a list of buckets. |
newDefForInsight(workspace, insight, filters) | Prepares a new execution definition for the provided insight. |
newDefForItems(workspace, items, filters) | Prepares a new execution definition for a list of attributes and measures, filtered using the provided filters. |
newDimension(items, totals) | Creates new single-dimensional specification where the dimension will have the provided set of identifiers. |
newInlineMeasure(maql) | Creates a new inline measure |
newMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new measure with the specified identifier and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newMeasureSort(measureOrId, sortDirection, attributeLocators) | Creates a new measure sort - sorting the result by values of the provided measure. |
newMeasureSortFromLocators(locators, sortDirection) | Creates a new measure sort - sorting the result by values of the provided measure. |
newMeasureValueFilter(measureOrRef, operator, value, treatNullValuesAs) | Creates a new measure value filter. |
newMeasureValueFilter(measureOrRef, operator, from, to, treatNullValuesAs) | Creates a new measure value filter. |
newNegativeAttributeFilter(attributeOrRef, notInValues) | Creates a new negative attribute filter. |
newPopMeasure(measureOrLocalId, popAttrIdOrRef, modifications) | Creates a new PoP measure with the specified identifier and PoP attribute identifier and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newPositiveAttributeFilter(attributeOrRef, inValues) | Creates a new positive attribute filter. |
newPreviousPeriodMeasure(measureIdOrLocalId, dateDataSets, modifications) | Creates a new Previous Period measure with the specified measure identifier and date data sets and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newRankingFilter(measureOrRef, attributesOrRefs, operator, value) | Creates a new ranking filter. |
newRankingFilter(measureOrRef, operator, value) | Creates a new ranking filter. |
newRelativeDateFilter(dateDataSet, granularity, from, to) | Creates a new relative date filter. |
newTotal(type, measureOrId, attributeOrId, alias) | Creates a new total. |
newTwoDimensional(dim1Input, dim2Input) | Creates new two dimensional specification where each dimension will have the provided set of identifiers. |
relativeDateFilterValues(filter) | Gets effective values of a relative date filter. |
resultHeaderName(header) | Returns item name contained within a result header. |
serializeObjRef(objRef) | Serializes an instance of ObjRef to a string representation. |
sortDirection(sort) | Gets sort item's direction |
sortEntityIds(sort) | Given sort item, returns ids of entities (objects) that are referenced by the sort item. |
sortMeasureLocators(sort) | Given a measure sort item, return the locators which identify the measure (possibly scoped for particular attribute element). |
totalIsNative(total) | Tests whether total instance represents a native total = a roll-up total. |
uriRef(uri) | Creates an UriRef from an URI |
userFullName(user) | Gets the user full name |
visClassId(vc) | For given visualization class, return its identifier. |
visClassUri(vc) | For given visualization class, return its URI. |
visClassUrl(vc) | For given visualization class, return URL where the vis assets are stored. |