Home > @gooddata/sdk-backend-spi > IWorkspaceInsightsService
IWorkspaceInsightsService interface
Service to query, update or delete insights, and other methods related to insights. Check IInsight for more details.
export interface IWorkspaceInsightsService
Method | Description |
createInsight(insight) | Create and save insight for the provided insight definition |
deleteInsight(ref) | Delete insight with the given reference |
getInsight(ref, options) | Request insight for the given reference |
getInsightReferencedObjects(insight, types) | Get all metadata objects referenced by a given insight. |
getInsightReferencingObjects(ref) | Get all metadata objects which uses specified object(ie. object is used by these objects) by a given reference. |
getInsights(options) | Queries workspace insights, using various criteria and paging settings. |
getInsightWithAddedFilters(insight, filters) | Get insight with the filters provided merged with the filters specified by the insight itself. |
getVisualizationClass(ref) | Request visualization class for the given reference |
getVisualizationClasses(options) | Request all visualization classes |
updateInsight(insight) | Update provided insight |