Overview of sdk-ui-charts
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sdk-ui-charts package
This package provides a set of React-based chart visualizations that you can use to visualize your data.
These include bar charts, pie charts, line charts, and more. For a table visualization, see the @gooddata/sdk-ui-pivot
package. For map-based charts, see the @gooddata/sdk-ui-geo
Variable | Description |
AreaChart | Area chart shows data as an area under a line intersecting dots. |
BarChart | Bar chart shows data in horizontal bars. |
BubbleChart | Bubble chart shows data as bubbles using Cartesian coordinates. |
BulletChart | Bullet chart is a variation of a bar chart that displays performance of a measure (primary measure) and its progress towards a goal (target measure). |
ColumnChart | Column chart shows data in vertical columns. |
ComboChart | Combo chart combines two types of visualizations, for example, a column chart and a line chart. |
DonutChart | Donut chart shows data as proportional segments of a disc and has a hollowed out center. |
FunnelChart | A funnel chart displays values as progressively decreasing proportions. |
Headline | Headline shows a single number or compares two numbers. You can display both measures and attributes. |
Heatmap | Heatmap represents data as a matrix where individual values are represented as colors. Heatmaps can help you discover trends and understand complex datasets. |
LineChart | Line chart shows data as line-connected dots. |
PieChart | Pie chart shows data as proportional segments of a disc. |
ScatterPlot | Scatter plot shows data as points using Cartesian coordinates. |
Treemap | Treemap chart presents your data hierarchically as nested rectangles. |
ViewByAttributesLimit | Maximum number of attributes for view-by slicing. |
Xirr | (BETA) Xirr computes the Internal Rate of Return from the given measure and date dimension. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
AxisNamePosition | Position of the axis label relative to the axis. |
ChartAlignTypes | Vertical chart alignment options. |
IDataLabelsVisible | Data label visibility options. |
IDataPointsVisible | Data points visibility options. |
OnLegendReady | Callback to be called once the legend is rendered. |
PositionType | Available legend positions. |