Home > @gooddata/sdk-model > ISettings
ISettings interface
Settings are obtained from backend and are effectively a collection of feature flags or settings with concrete string or numeric value.
export interface ISettings
Settings are stored and configured on the server and typically allow for a more fine-grained tuning of otherwise unified behavior.
Property | Type | Description |
"msf.enableTenantCustomModel"? | boolean | (Optional) Enable custom non-production dataset in AD/Modeler |
ADCatalogGroupsExpanded? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the catalog groups in analytical designer are expanded by default. |
ADMeasureValueFilterNullAsZeroOption? | string | (Optional) Indicates whether "Treat null as zero" option should be displayed in measure value filter configuration and its default state" |
disableKpiDashboardHeadlineUnderline? | boolean | (Optional) Headline component will not be underlined when it is set up with drilling. |
enableAdDescriptionEdit? | boolean | (Optional) Enable editing of insight description in AD. |
enableAlternativeDisplayFormSelection? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether alternative display form can be selected for attribute and multiple instances of the same attributes can be put into buckets |
enableAnalyticalDashboardPermissions? | boolean | (Optional) Enable usage of Dashboard permissions |
enableApproxCount? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the approximate variant of count is available in AD. |
enableAxisLabelFormat? | boolean | (Optional) Enable axis label formatting |
enableAxisNameConfiguration? | boolean | (Optional) Allows configuration of axis name position and visibility for Pluggable Visualizations. |
enableAxisNameViewByTwoAttributes? | boolean | (Optional) Enable axis name for the column, bar and bullet charts with view by two attributes. |
enableBulletChart? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the Bullet Chart is available in AD. |
enableChartsSorting? | boolean | (Optional) Enable charts sorting customization |
enableClickableAttributeURL? | boolean | (Optional) Enable implicit drillToAttributeURL |
enableCompanyLogoInEmbeddedUI? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the company logo should be visible in the embedded dashboard. |
enableCustomColorPicker? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether color picker config panel should allow users to select custom RGB colors. |
enableDataSampling? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports data sampling. |
enableDescriptions? | boolean | (Optional) Enable usage of insights, widgets, kpis descriptions. |
enableDrilledInsightExport? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the drilled insight can be exported. |
enableEmbedButtonInAD? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the Embed button/dialog is available in AD. |
enableEmbedButtonInKD? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the Embed dashboard button is available in KPI dashboards. |
enableHidingOfDataPoints? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether data point visibility configuration is available in AD |
enableHidingOfWidgetTitle? | boolean | (Optional) Enable hiding of widget title |
enableInsightExportScheduling? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the new UI for scheduled widget exports is enabled. |
enableInsightToReport? | boolean | (Optional) Setting to use Report instead of Insight in AD&KD |
enableKDWidgetCustomHeight? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the user can change widget height in KPI dashboards. |
enableKDZooming? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the user can zoom on the insights in KPI dashboards that have this feature enabled. |
enableKPIAttributeFilterRenaming? | boolean | (Optional) Enable attribute filter title renaming in KPI Dashboards. |
enableKPIDashboardDrillFromAttribute? | boolean | (Optional) Enable drill from attributes |
enableKPIDashboardDrillToDashboard? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the drill to dashboard is enabled. |
enableKPIDashboardDrillToInsight? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the drill to insight is enabled. |
enableKPIDashboardDrillToURL? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the drill to url is enabled. |
enableKPIDashboardImplicitDrillDown? | boolean | (Optional) Enable implicit drill down |
enableKPIDashboardSaveAsNew? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the user can save and existing dashboard in KPI dashboards as new. |
enableKPIDashboardSchedule? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether dashboard scheduled mails are enabled. |
enableKPIDashboardScheduleRecipients? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the user can select recipients of scheduled e-mails. If not, scheduled mail can only be sent to a logged in user. |
enableMultipleDates? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether multiple dates can be put into buckets |
enablePushpinGeoChart? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the GeoPushpin Chart is available in AD. |
enableRenamingMeasureToMetric? | boolean | (Optional) Enable renaming measure to metric |
enableReversedStacking? | boolean | (Optional) Enable reverse the order of stacked items in bar chart. |
enableSeparateTotalLabels? | boolean | (Optional) Enable visibility control for total labels |
enableTableColumnsAutoResizing? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether PivotTable columns should be auto-resized to fit viewport before the table is shown to the user. |
enableTableColumnsGrowToFit? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether PivotTable should grow to fill all available, allocated space. |
enableTableColumnsManualResizing? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether PivotTable manual resizing should be persisted or not. |
enableWeekFilters? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether week filtering is available in AD. |
formatLocale? | string | (Optional) Locale code to use for date formatting. |
hideKpiDrillInEmbedded? | boolean | (Optional) Disables Kpi widget drills in embedded mode. |
platformEdition? | PlatformEdition | (Optional) Indicates current platform edition. |
responsiveUiDateFormat? | string | (Optional) Indicates the format in which the dates will be displayed |
whiteLabeling? | IWhiteLabeling | (Optional) Represents whiteLabeling configuration |