Home > @gooddata/sdk-backend-spi > IBackendCapabilities
IBackendCapabilities interface
Analytical Backend communicates its capabilities via objects of this type. In return, the capabilities can then be used by applications to enable / disable particular features.
export interface IBackendCapabilities
Property | Type | Description |
allowsInconsistentRelations? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend allows objects with damaged references. |
canCalculateGrandTotals? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the backend is capable to calculate and include grand totals in the resulting data view. |
canCalculateNativeTotals? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the backend is capable to calculate and include native totals (aka rollups) in the resulting data view. |
canCalculateSubTotals? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the backend is capable to calculate and include subtotals in the resulting data view. |
canCalculateTotals? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the backend is capable to calculate and include totals in the resulting data view. |
canExecuteByReference? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend can execute an existing, persistent insight by reference. |
canExportCsv? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend can export data to CSV file. |
canExportXlsx? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend can export data to Excel. |
canSortData? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the backend is capable to sort the result data view. |
canTransformExistingResult? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend can transform an existing result into a different shape / sorting / totals. |
canWorkspaceManagerSeeEverySharedObject? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backends supports displaying message to inform workspace managers about having access to the shared object. |
hasTypeScopedIdentifiers? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend's identifiers are scoped to a type. |
maxDimensions? | number | (Optional) Indicates maximum result dimensions that the backend is able to produce. |
supportsAccessControl? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports control of access to the MD objects |
supportsBootstrapResource? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports bootstrap resource that returns initial app data. |
supportsCsvUploader? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports adding CSV datasets and switching between them. |
supportsCustomColorPalettes? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports custom color palettes. |
supportsElementsQueryParentFiltering? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports element query parent filtering. |
supportsElementUris? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the backend can recognize attribute elements by URI. |
supportsEveryoneUserGroupForAccessControl? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports virtual "Everyone" group that is used when we want to assign permissions for all current and future users of the platform. |
supportsExplain? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports downloading of files that will be used for debugging. Indicates whether backend supports retrieving of data that will be used for debugging. |
supportsGenericDateAttributeElements? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports returning of the valid elements (values) for generic date attributes (Day of Week, Month of Year, etc.). |
supportsGranularAccessControl? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports granular access controls of metadata objects or if permissions are tied to the user role. |
supportsHierarchicalWorkspaces? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports hierarchical workspaces |
supportsHyperlinkAttributeLabels? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports hyperlink attribute labels. |
supportsInlineMeasures? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports inline measures in execution. |
supportsKpiWidget? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports a special dashboard-specific KPI Widget. |
supportsMetadataObjectLocking? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backends supports locking of metadata objects that prevents their edit by other users than admins. |
supportsNonProductionDatasets? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports non production data sets. |
supportsObjectUris? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether the backend is capable to address objects using URIs |
supportsOrganizationSettings? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports organization settings. |
supportsOwners? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports filtering object by owner/creator. |
supportsRankingFilter? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports ranking filters. |
supportsRankingFilterWithMeasureValueFilter? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports ranking filters in combination with measure value filters (in the same execution). |
supportsSeparateLatitudeLongitudeLabels? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports separate numerical labels (display forms) for geo chart's latitude and longitude. If false, string label with "latitude;longitude" values is expected. |
supportsShowAllAttributeValues? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports executions listing all attribute values |
supportsTimeGranularities? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports time granularities (gdc.time.minute, gdc.time.hour); |
supportsWidgetEntity? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports Widget as standalone addressable entity. |
usesStrictAccessControl? | boolean | (Optional) Indicates whether backend supports only strict access control. |