Overview of sdk-ui-filters
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sdk-ui-filters package
This package provides several React components related to filters.
These include attribute filters, measure value filters, ranking filters, and date filters and utilities to work with those. You can use them to quickly add filtering to your application.
Class | Description |
DateFilter | DateFilter is a component for configuring a date filter value. |
MeasureValueFilter | (BETA) |
MeasureValueFilterDropdown | (BETA) |
Function | Description |
filterVisibleDateFilterOptions(dateFilterOptions) | Returns dateFilterOptions with only items that have visible set to true. |
isWarningMessage(obj) | (ALPHA) |
newAttributeFilterHandler(backend, workspace, attributeFilter, options) | |
newAttributeFilterHandler(backend, workspace, attributeFilter, options) |
Interface | Description |
IAttributeDropdownItem | (BETA) |
IAttributeElementLoader | Handles the loading of the attribute elements. |
IAttributeFilterAllValuesFilteredResultProps | (BETA) It represent message when all elements are filtered out by parent filers. |
IAttributeFilterBaseProps | |
IAttributeFilterCoreProps | |
IAttributeFilterCustomComponentProps | These customization properties allow you to specify custom components that the AttributeFilter component will use for rendering different parts. |
IAttributeFilterDropdownActionsProps | (BETA) AttributeFilter dropdown actions like confirm and cancel button. |
IAttributeFilterDropdownBodyProps | (BETA) AttributeFilter dropdown content that is displayed in the open state of AttributeFilter. |
IAttributeFilterDropdownButtonProps | (BETA) The interface of the AttributeFilter dropdown button. |
IAttributeFilterElementsActionsProps | (BETA) It represents a component that allows users add/remove/toggle to/from selection elements that respect current search criteria. |
IAttributeFilterElementsSearchBarProps | (BETA) It represent a text field input for searching Attribute Filter elements |
IAttributeFilterElementsSelectErrorProps | (BETA) It represents error message component. |
IAttributeFilterElementsSelectItemProps | (BETA) It represents an Attribute Filter item. It displays element label, it allow user to add/remove element to/from selection. It allows users to clear selection and add only it into selection. |
IAttributeFilterElementsSelectLoadingProps | (BETA) It display loading indicator when Attribute Filter is loading or searching elements. |
IAttributeFilterElementsSelectProps | (BETA) It represents a list of Attribute filter elements. It allows users to search elements and display a number of elements that respect current search criteria. It manipulates with current selection. It allows paging. It displays the current selection status. |
IAttributeFilterEmptyResultProps | (BETA) Properties of AttributeFilterEmptyResult component implementation |
IAttributeFilterErrorProps | (BETA) Component that is rendered when the initialization of the attribute filter ends up in an error state. |
IAttributeFilterFilteredStatusProps | (BETA) It represent status message for parent elements titles that are used for filtering elements. |
IAttributeFilterHandlerOptionsBase | Common options for initialization of the IAttributeFilterHandler. |
IAttributeFilterLoader | Handles the loading of the all required metadata for the attribute filter handler. |
IAttributeFilterLoadingProps | (BETA) Component that displays a loading indicator. |
IAttributeFilterProps | |
IAttributeFilterSelectionStatusProps | (BETA) It represents a selection status component. |
IAttributeFilterStatusBarProps | (BETA) It represents component that display status of current selection. |
IAttributeLoader | Handles the loading of the attribute metadata. |
ICustomGranularitySelection | (BETA) |
IDateAndMessageTranslator | (BETA) |
IDateFilterAbsoluteFormErrors | Absolute form date filter errors. |
IDateFilterCallbackProps | Callback props of the DateFilter component. |
IDateFilterOptionsByType | All date filter options grouped by their type |
IDateFilterOwnProps | Props of the DateFilter component. |
IDateFilterProps | All the props of the DateFilter component. |
IDateFilterRelativeFormErrors | Relative form date filter errors. |
IDateFilterState | State of the DateFilter component. |
IDateFilterStatePropsIntersection | Props of the DateFilter component that are reflected in the state. |
IDateTranslator | (BETA) |
IExtendedDateFilterErrors | Extended date filter errors |
IFilterButtonCustomIcon | (ALPHA) Represents a custom icon with associated tooltip information. |
IFilterConfigurationProps | (ALPHA) Configuration actions like save and cancel button. |
IInvertableSelectionHandler | Handles the selection that can be inverted. |
ILoadElementsOptions | Options that can be applied for the particular load of the attribute elements. |
ILoadElementsResult | Result of the attribute elements load along with the options that were applied for it. |
ILoadIrrelevantElementsResult | Result of checking for irrelevant subset of selection. |
IMeasureDropdownItem | (BETA) |
IMeasureValueFilterCommonProps | (BETA) |
IMeasureValueFilterDropdownProps | (BETA) |
IMeasureValueFilterProps | (BETA) |
IMeasureValueFilterState | (BETA) |
IMessageTranslator | (BETA) |
IMultiSelectAttributeFilterHandler | Core API for attribute filter components, that allows you to implement custom attribute filter components. |
IMultiSelectAttributeFilterHandlerOptions | Options for initialization of the IAttributeFilterHandler with multi selection. |
InvertableSelection | |
IRankingFilterDropdownProps | (BETA) |
IRankingFilterProps | (BETA) |
ISingleSelectAttributeFilterHandler | Core API for attribute filter components, that allows you to implement custom attribute filter components. |
ISingleSelectAttributeFilterHandlerOptions | Options for initialization of the IAttributeFilterHandler with single selection. |
ISingleSelectionHandler | Handles simple selection of at most one item. |
IStagedInvertableSelectionHandler | Handles selection of keys with stages: working and committed. |
IStagedSingleSelectionHandler | Handles selection of keys with stages: working and committed. |
IUiAbsoluteDateFilterForm | Represents the global absolute date filter, which may contain selected values |
IUiRelativeDateFilterForm | Represents the global relative date filter, which may contain selected granularity and values |
IUseAttributeFilterHandlerProps | (BETA) Properties of the useAttributeFilterHandler hook. |
IUseAttributeFilterSearchProps | (BETA) Properties of the useAttributeFilterSearch hook. |
Variable | Description |
AttributeFilter | AttributeFilter is a component that renders a simple button and a dropdown populated with attribute values for specified attribute display form. |
AttributeFilterAllValuesFilteredResult | (BETA) Component that display message that all elements are filtered out by parent filers. |
AttributeFilterButton | AttributeFilterButton is a component that renders a rich button and a dropdown populated with attribute values for specified attribute display form. |
AttributeFilterButtonTooltip | (BETA) Tooltip details for the AttributeFilterDropdownButton. |
AttributeFilterDropdownActions | (BETA) This component displays two buttons Apply and Cancel. Apply button is disabled when selection is not changed. Cancel button discard changes and close AttributeFilter dropdown. |
AttributeFilterDropdownBody | (BETA) Component showing a list of elements and controls for manipulating the selection. |
AttributeFilterDropdownButton | (BETA) Dropdown button for the AttributeFilter. |
AttributeFilterElementsActions | (BETA) It displays three state a checkbox and allow select all or none elements that respect current search criteria. It also displays a number of elements that respect current search criteria. |
AttributeFilterElementsSearchBar | (BETA) This component displays a text field and calls onSearch callback when user types search text. |
AttributeFilterElementsSelect | (BETA) This component allows users to search Attribute Filter elements. It manipulates selection. It displays statues like loading, filtering etc. It allows paging. It displays selection status like number of elements and selected elements labels. It displays messages when elements are filtered out by parent filters or the result of search is empty. |
AttributeFilterElementsSelectError | (BETA) Component that displays a generic error message. |
AttributeFilterElementsSelectItem | (BETA) This component represents the Attribute Filter element. It displays a checkbox to add/remove to/from selection. It allows users to add only this item to selection. It also displays a localized empty element label in case element value is empty. |
AttributeFilterElementsSelectLoading | (BETA) Component displays loading indicator. |
AttributeFilterEmptyAttributeResult | (BETA) A component that displays a message that Attribute Filer has any elements. |
AttributeFilterEmptyResult | (BETA) This component displays different types of messages for situations when all elements are filtered out. It distinguishes messages when current criteria return empty results or all elements are filtered by parents or by search. |
AttributeFilterEmptySearchResult | (BETA) Component that displays empty result message |
AttributeFilterError | (BETA) AttributeFilter error component that display error, It does not distinguish different errors, instead it renders a generic error message. |
AttributeFilterFilteredStatus | (BETA) It displays list of parent filters |
AttributeFilterLoading | (BETA) AttributeFilter component that displays a loading indicator. |
AttributeFilterSelectionStatus | (BETA) A component that displays status of current selection, like number of selected elements, if Attribute Filter is inverted and list of selected elements. |
AttributeFilterSimpleDropdownButton | (BETA) Component using the IAttributeFilterDropdownButtonProps props showing just the attribute title. |
AttributeFilterSimpleDropdownButtonWithSelection | (BETA) Component using the IAttributeFilterDropdownButtonProps props showing the attribute title and selection. |
AttributeFilterStatusBar | (BETA) A component that displays status of current selection, like number of selected elements, if Attribute Filter is inverted and list of selected elements. |
DateFilterHelpers | (BETA) |
defaultDateFilterOptions | The default set of date filter options. |
isAbsoluteDateFilterOption | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of AbsoluteDateFilterOption. |
isRelativeDateFilterOption | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of RelativeDateFilterOption. |
isUiRelativeDateFilterForm | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IUiRelativeDateFilterForm. |
RankingFilter | (BETA) |
RankingFilterDropdown | (BETA) |
SingleSelectionAttributeFilterElementsSelectItem | (BETA) Renders elements selection list item as a single select list item. |
SingleSelectionAttributeFilterStatusBar | (BETA) A component that displays only effective parent filters. Current selection is not rendered as it is too simple for single selection filter. |
useAttributeFilterContext | (BETA) Context providing AttributeFilter state and callbacks wrapped as AttributeFilterController. |
useAttributeFilterController | UseAttributeFilterController hook is responsible for initialization of AttributeFilterHandler IMultiSelectAttributeFilterHandler Core API for Attribute Filter components |
useAttributeFilterHandler | (BETA) Hook for retrieving AttributeFilterHandler IMultiSelectAttributeFilterHandler Core API for Attribute Filter components. This hook is responsible for initialization of the AttributeFilterHandler. |
useAttributeFilterSearch | (BETA) Use this hook if you want to implement your custom attribute filter search bar component. |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
AbsoluteDateFilterOption | Represents a absolute date filter option in the date filter dropdown |
AsyncOperationStatus | Represents the current status of the asynchronous operation. |
AttributeElementKey | Unique key to identify the attribute element - its uri, value or primaryKey. |
AttributeFilterController | AttributeFilter controller return type. |
AttributeFilterControllerCallbacks | AttributeFilter controller callbacks. |
AttributeFilterControllerData | AttributeFilter controller state. |
Callback | |
CallbackPayloadWithCorrelation | |
CallbackRegistration | |
Correlation | |
DateFilterOption | Represents any option in the date filter dropdown |
DateFilterRelativeOptionGroup | Relative date filter options grouped by their granularity |
GranularityIntlKey | (BETA) |
IAttributeFilterButtonProps | |
IAttributeFilterContext | (BETA) The return type of useAttributeFilterContext. |
IAttributeFilterHandler | Core API for attribute filter components, that allows you to implement custom attribute filter components. |
IAttributeFilterHandlerOptions | Options for initialization of the IAttributeFilterHandler. |
InvertableAttributeElementSelection | Invertable selection with list of the unique attribute elements keys. |
IUseAttributeFilterControllerProps | Properties of useAttributeFilterController |
IWarningMessage | (BETA) |
OnApplyCallbackType | |
OnInitCancelCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitCancel callback. |
OnInitErrorCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitError callback. |
OnInitStartCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitStart callback. |
OnInitSuccessCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitSuccess callback. |
OnInitTotalCountCancelCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitTotalCountCancel callback. |
OnInitTotalCountErrorCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitTotalCountError callback. |
OnInitTotalCountStartCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitTotalCountStart callback. |
OnInitTotalCountSuccessCallbackPayload | Payload of the onInitTotalCountSuccess callback. |
OnLoadAttributeCancelCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadAttributeCancel callback. |
OnLoadAttributeErrorCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadAttributeError callback. |
OnLoadAttributeStartCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadAttributeStart callback. |
OnLoadAttributeSuccessCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadAttributeSuccess callback. |
OnLoadCustomElementsCancelCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadCustomElementsCancel callback. |
OnLoadCustomElementsErrorCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadCustomElementsError callback. |
OnLoadCustomElementsStartCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadCustomElementsStart callback. |
OnLoadCustomElementsSuccessCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadCustomElementsSuccess callback. |
OnLoadInitialElementsPageCancelCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadInitialElementsPageCancel callback. |
OnLoadInitialElementsPageErrorCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadInitialElementsPageError callback. |
OnLoadInitialElementsPageStartCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadInitialElementsPageStart callback. |
OnLoadInitialElementsPageSuccessCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadInitialElementsPageSuccess callback. |
OnLoadIrrelevantElementsCancelCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadIrrelevantElementsCancel callback. |
OnLoadIrrelevantElementsErrorCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadIrrelevantElementsError callback. |
OnLoadIrrelevantElementsStartCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadIrrelevantElementsStart callback. |
OnLoadIrrelevantElementsSuccessCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadIrrelevantElementsSuccess callback. |
OnLoadNextElementsPageCancelCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadNextElementsPageCancel callback. |
OnLoadNextElementsPageErrorCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadNextElementsPageError callback. |
OnLoadNextElementsPageStartCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadNextElementsPageStart callback. |
OnLoadNextElementsPageSuccessCallbackPayload | Payload of the onLoadNextElementsPageSuccess callback. |
OnSelectCallbackType | |
OnSelectionChangedCallbackPayload | Payload of the onSelectionChanged callback. |
OnSelectionCommittedCallbackPayload | Payload of the onSelectionCommitted callback. |
ParentFilterOverAttributeType | |
RelativeDateFilterOption | Represents a relative date filter option in the date filter dropdown |
Unsubscribe | |
VisibilityMode | Represents the visibility mode of a filter. |
WarningMessage | (BETA) |