Overview of sdk-model
sdk-model package
This package provides domain models for GoodData.UI.
These domain models are backend-agnostic. This makes them reusable across different Analytical Backend implementations. The package includes TypeScript type definitions, factory functions, functions to get or set certain properties of the objects in an immutable way, and more. These are used in both the @gooddata/sdk-backend-*
and @gooddata/sdk-ui*
Class | Description |
ArithmeticMeasureBuilder | Builder for arithmetic measures. Do not instantiate this builder directly, instead use newArithmeticMeasure(). |
AttributeBuilder | Builder for attributes. Do not instantiate this class directly. Instead use newAttribute() or modifyAttribute(). |
InlineMeasureBuilder | Builder for inline measures. Do not instantiate this builder directly, instead use newMeasure() or modifyMeasure() functions. |
MeasureBuilder | Builder for simple measures. Do not instantiate this builder directly, instead use newMeasure() or modifyMeasure() functions. |
PoPMeasureBuilder | Builder for period-over-period measures. Do not instantiate this builder directly, instead use newPopMeasure(). |
PreviousPeriodMeasureBuilder | Builder for previous period measures. Do not instantiate this builder directly, instead use newPreviousPeriodMeasure(). |
Abstract Classes
Abstract Class | Description |
MeasureBuilderBase | Abstract base class for measure builders. Measure builders allow for incremental, fluent construction and modification of measures. |
Enumeration | Description |
ComputeRatioRule | Defines possible compute ratio sanitization rules. |
Function | Description |
absoluteDateFilterValues(filter, includeDataSet) | Gets effective values of an absolute date filter. |
applyRatioRule(items, rule) | Applies compute ratio rule to all measures in a list. |
areObjRefsEqual(a, b) | Returns a value indicating whether the two ObjRef instances are semantically equal (i.e. are of the same type and have the same value). Null and undefined are considered equal to each other. |
attributeAlias(attribute) | Gets an attribute alias. |
attributeDescriptorLocalId(descriptor) | Returns local identifier of attribute described in the provided attribute descriptor. |
attributeDescriptorName(descriptor) | Returns name of attribute described in the provided attribute descriptor. |
attributeDisplayFormMetadataObjectAttributeRef(displayForm) | Gets ObjRef of the attribute the display form is a form of. |
attributeDisplayFormMetadataObjectRef(displayForm) | Gets the attribute display form's ObjRef |
attributeDisplayFormMetadataObjectTitle(displayForm) | Gets the attribute display form's title. |
attributeDisplayFormRef(attribute) | Gets an attribute display form object ref. |
attributeIdentifier(attribute) | Gets identifier of attribute's display form to use and get attribute element values from. |
attributeLocalId(attributeOrId) | Gets local identifier of an attribute. |
attributeLocatorElement(locator) | Given attribute locator, return the element that it references. |
attributeLocatorIdentifier(locator) | Given attribute locator, return the localId of attribute that it references. |
attributesFind(attributes, idOrFun) | Given list of attributes, returns first-found attribute matching the provided predicate. |
attributeShowAllValues(attribute) | Gets an attribute show all values property. |
attributeUri(attribute) | Gets URI of attribute's display form to use and get attribute element values from. |
bucketAttribute(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets first attribute matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketAttributeIndex(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets the index of the first attribute matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketAttributes(bucket, predicate) | Gets all attributes matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketIsEmpty(bucket) | Tests whether the provided bucket is empty = contains no items and no totals. |
bucketItemLocalId(bucketItem) | Gets value of local identifier of bucketItem |
bucketItemReduce(bucket, reducer) | Creates a new bucket by modifying items of the provided input bucket. |
bucketItems(bucket) | Gets all attributes and measures from the bucket. |
bucketMeasure(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets first measure matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketMeasureIndex(bucket, idOrFun) | Gets the index of the first measure matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketMeasures(bucket, predicate) | Gets all measures matching the provided predicate from the bucket. |
bucketModifyItems(bucket, modifications) | Creates a new bucket by modifying items of the provided input bucket. |
bucketsAttributes(buckets, predicate) | Gets all attributes matching the provided predicate from a list of buckets. |
bucketsById(buckets, ids) | Gets buckets with the provided local identifiers from a list of buckets. |
bucketSetTotals(bucket, totals) | Gets a new bucket that 'inherits' all data from the provided bucket but has different totals. |
bucketsFind(buckets, idOrFun) | Finds bucket matching the provided predicate in a list of buckets. |
bucketsFindAttribute(buckets, idOrFun) | Finds attribute matching the provided predicate in a list of buckets. |
bucketsFindMeasure(buckets, idOrFun) | Finds measure matching the provided predicate in a list of buckets. |
bucketsIsEmpty(buckets) | Tests whether all buckets in a list are empty (meaning neither has any items or totals defined) |
bucketsItems(buckets) | Gets all attributes and measures from a list of buckets. |
bucketsMeasures(buckets, predicate) | Gets all measures matching the provided predicate from a list of buckets. |
bucketsModifyItem(buckets, modifications) | Creates a new array of buckets, each bucket in the array contains modified bucket items (retrieved by applying the modifications function to the bucketItem). |
bucketsReduceItem(buckets, reducer) | Creates a new array of buckets, each bucket in the array contains modified bucket items |
bucketsTotals(buckets) | Gets all totals from a list of buckets |
bucketTotals(bucket) | Gets all totals from the bucket |
colorPaletteItemToRgb(item) | Returns RGB code representing the color in the provided color palette items. |
colorPaletteToColors(palette) | Returns a list of RGB color codes for all items in the provided color palette. |
dashboardFilterReferenceObjRef(ref) | (ALPHA) Gets reference to object being used for filtering. For attribute filters, this will be reference to the display form. For date filters this will be reference to the data set. |
defaultDimensionsGenerator(definition) | Default dimension generator for execution definition behaves as follows: |
defFingerprint(def) | Calculates fingerprint for the execution definition. |
defSetDimensions(def, dimensions) | Creates new execution definition by slapping the provided dimensions on top of the definition. |
defSetExecConfig(def, config) | Creates new execution definition by merging new exection configuration into an existing definition. |
defSetPostProcessing(def, postProcessing) | Creates new execution definition by setting a new post processing. |
defSetSorts(def, sortBy) | Creates new execution definition by merging new sort items into an existing definition. |
defTotals(def, dimIdx) | Gets totals from particular dimension in the provided execution definition. |
defWithDateFormat(definition, dateFormat) | Changes the dateFormat of a postProcessing, other properties of postProcessing (if any) remain unchanged. |
defWithDimensions(definition, dims) | Configures dimensions in the exec definition. |
defWithExecConfig(definition, config) | Changes additional execution configuration in the definition. |
defWithFilters(def, filters) | Creates new execution definition by merging new filters into an existing definition. |
defWithPostProcessing(definition, postProcessing) | Changes the postProcessing of a definition. |
defWithSorting(definition, sorts) | Changes sorting in the definition. Any sorting settings accumulated so far WILL be wiped out. |
deserializeObjRef(val) | Deserializes an ObjRef from its pure string representation. |
dimensionSetTotals(dim, totals) | Creates a new dimension which has same items as the provided dimension but different totals. |
dimensionsFindItem(dims, localId) | Looks for item with the provided local identifier among the dimensions. |
dimensionTotals(dim) | Gets totals defined in the provided dimension |
disableComputeRatio(item) | Disables compute ratio if set on a simple measure. Does not do anything for other measures. |
drillDownReferenceAttributeRef(drillDownReference) | (ALPHA) Returns the attribute or date dataset attribute reference for the provided drill down reference. |
drillDownReferenceHierarchyRef(drillDownReference) | (ALPHA) Returns the attribute hierarchy reference for the provided drill down reference. |
emptyDef(workspace) | Creates new, empty execution definition for the provided workspace. |
exportDefinitionCreated(exportDefinition) | (ALPHA) Gets the date when the exportDefinition was created |
exportDefinitionTitle(exportDefinition) | (ALPHA) Gets the exportDefinition title |
exportDefinitionUpdated(exportDefinition) | (ALPHA) Gets the date of the last exportDefinition update |
filterAttributeElements(filter) | Gets attribute elements specified on the attribute filter. |
filterAttributeElements(filter) | Gets attribute elements specified on a filter. If the provided filter is not an attribute filter, then undefined is returned |
filterIsEmpty(filter) | Tests whether the provided attribute element does not specify any attribute elements. |
filterLocalIdentifier(filter) | Gets local identifier of filter. |
filterMeasureRef(filter) | Gets reference to a measure being used for filtering if the provided filter is measure based. For other filters return undefined. |
filterObjRef(filter) | Gets reference to object being used for filtering. |
filterObjRef(filter) | Gets reference to object being used for filtering. |
getSelectedElementsCount(filter) | (ALPHA) Returns count of selected elements |
idRef(identifier, type) | Creates an IdentifierRef from object identifier and given object type. |
insightAttributeFilterConfigs(insight) | Gets attribute filters configs used in an insight if defined. |
insightAttributes(insight, attributePredicate) | Gets all attributes used in the provided insight |
insightBucket(insight, idOrFun) | Finds bucket matching the provided predicate in an insight. |
insightBuckets(insight, ids) | Gets buckets for the insight. If ids are provided, then only returns buckets matching the ids. |
insightCreated(insight) | Gets the date when the insight was created |
insightCreatedBy(insight) | Gets the user that created the insight |
insightDisplayFormUsage(insight) | Gets references to all display forms used by the insight. |
insightFilters(insight) | Gets filters used in an insight. |
insightHasAttributes(insight) | Tests whether insight uses any attributes |
insightHasDataDefined(insight) | Tests whether insight contains valid definition of data to visualise - meaning at least one attribute or one measure is defined in the insight. |
insightHasMeasures(insight) | Tests whether insight uses any measures. |
insightId(insight) | Gets the insight id |
insightIsLocked(insight) | Checks if insight is locked |
insightItems(insight) | Gets all attributes and measures used in the provided insight. |
insightMeasures(insight, measurePredicate) | Gets all measures used in the provided insight. |
insightModifyItems(insight, modifications) | Creates a new insight with modified bucket items (retrieved by applying the modifications function to each bucketItem in the insight). |
insightProperties(insight) | Gets visualization properties of an insight. |
insightReduceItems(insight, reducer) | Creates a new insight with reduced bucket items (retrieved by applying the modifications function). |
insightRef(insight) | Gets opaque reference to the insight. |
insightSanitize(insight) | Makes sure the insight does not have any nonsensical data (like totals that no longer make sense, etc.), before it is saved. |
insightSetBuckets(insight, buckets) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different buckets. |
insightSetFilters(insight, filters) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different filters. |
insightSetProperties(insight, properties) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different properties. |
insightSetSorts(insight, sorts) | Gets a new insight that 'inherits' all data from the provided insight but has different sorts. |
insightSorts(insight) | Gets sorting defined in the insight. |
insightSummary(insight) | Gets the insights summary |
insightTags(insight) | Gets the insights tags from the tagging system |
insightTitle(insight) | Gets the insight title |
insightTotals(insight) | Gets all totals defined in the insight |
insightUpdated(insight) | Gets the date of the last insight update |
insightUpdatedBy(insight) | Gets the user that last updated the insight |
insightUri(insight) | Gets the insight uri |
insightVisualizationType(insight) | (ALPHA) |
insightVisualizationUrl(insight) | Gets URL of visualization that should be used to render this insight. This is a link to the location where the visualization assets are stored and where they should be loaded and linked from. Note: at the moment, the SDK supports only compile-time linkage; for this the visualization URL is in format "local:visName" (as in "local:bar" for BarChart) |
isAbsoluteDashboardDateFilter(dateFilter) | (ALPHA) Returns true when given date filter has type set to absolute. |
isAbsoluteDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an absolute date filter. |
isAdhocMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is an adhoc measure. |
isAlertNotification(notification) | Type guard to check if the notification is an alert notification. |
isAllTimeDashboardDateFilter(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an All time dashboard date filter. |
isAllTimeDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an all time date filter. |
isAllValuesDashboardAttributeFilter(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provider object is an All values attribute filter |
isArithmeticMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is an arithmetic measure. |
isArithmeticMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is an arithmetic measure definition. |
isAssignedWorkspacePermission(value) | (ALPHA) Type guard to check if a value is an AssignedWorkspacePermission. |
isAttribute(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an instance of IAttribute. |
isAttributeAreaSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is an attribute area sort item. |
isAttributeDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IAttributeDescriptor. |
isAttributeDisplayFormMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IAttributeDisplayFormMetadataObject. |
isAttributeElementsByRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is list of attribute elements specified by URI reference. |
isAttributeElementsByValue(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is list of attribute elements specified by their text value. |
isAttributeFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an attribute filter. |
isAttributeHierarchyMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IAttributeHierarchyMetadataObject. |
isAttributeHierarchyReference(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IAttributeHierarchyReference. |
isAttributeLocator(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is an attribute locator. |
isAttributeMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IAttributeMetadataObject. |
isAttributeSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is an attribute sort item. |
isAttributeValueSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is a normal attribute value sort item, not the area one. |
isAutomationExternalUserRecipient(obj) | (ALPHA) Type guard checking if the object is of type IAutomationExternalRecipient. |
isAutomationMetadataObject(obj) | (ALPHA) |
isAutomationMetadataObjectDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) |
isAutomationUnknownUserRecipient(obj) | (ALPHA) Type guard checking if the object is of type IAutomationExternalRecipient. |
isAutomationUserGroupRecipient(obj) | (ALPHA) Type guard checking if the object is of type IAutomationUserGroupRecipient. |
isAutomationUserRecipient(obj) | (ALPHA) Type guard checking if the object is of type IAutomationUserRecipient. |
isBucket(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IBucket. |
isCatalogAttribute(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ICatalogAttribute |
isCatalogAttributeHierarchy(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ICatalogAttributeHierarchy. |
isCatalogDateDataset(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an instance of ICatalogDateDataset. |
isCatalogFact(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ICatalogFact |
isCatalogMeasure(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ICatalogMeasure |
isColorDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IColorDescriptor. |
isColorFromPalette(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a IColorFromPalette |
isColorMappingItem(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an IColorMappingItem. |
isColorPaletteItem(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a IColorPaletteItem |
isComparisonCondition(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter's comparison condition. |
isComparisonConditionOperator(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided operator is a measure value filter's comparison operator. |
isCrossFiltering(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of ICrossFiltering. |
isDashboard(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboard. |
isDashboardAttachment(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardAttachment. |
isDashboardAttributeFilter(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardAttributeFilter. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterReference(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardAttributeFilterReference. |
isDashboardCommonDateFilter(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardDateFilter without date dataSet (aka dimension) defined. |
isDashboardDateFilter(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardDateFilter. |
isDashboardDateFilterReference(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardDateFilterReference. |
isDashboardDateFilterWithDimension(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardDateFilter with date dataSet (aka dimension) defined. |
isDashboardDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardDefinition. |
isDashboardLayout(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardLayout. |
isDashboardLayoutItem(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardLayoutItem. |
isDashboardLayoutSection(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardLayoutSection. |
isDashboardMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IDashboardMetadataObject. |
isDataSetMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IDataSetMetadataObject. |
isDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a date filter. |
isDateHierarchyReference(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDateHierarchyReference. |
isDimension(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is of IDimension type. |
isDrillFromAttribute(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillFromAttribute. |
isDrillFromMeasure(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillFromMeasure. |
isDrillToAttributeUrl(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillToAttributeUrl. |
isDrillToCustomUrl(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillToCustomUrl. |
isDrillToDashboard(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillToDashboard. |
isDrillToInsight(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillToInsight. |
isDrillToLegacyDashboard(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillToLegacyDashboard. |
isExportDefinitionDashboardRequestPayload(obj) | (ALPHA) Type guard to check if the object is of type IExportDefinitionDashboardRequestPayload. |
isExportDefinitionVisualizationObjectRequestPayload(obj) | (ALPHA) Type guard to check if the object is of type IExportDefinitionVisualizationObjectRequestPayload. |
isFactMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IFactMetadataObject. |
isFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a filter. |
isFilterContext(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IFilterContext. |
isFilterContextDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IFilterContextDefinition. |
isFilterContextItem(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of FilterContextItem. |
isIdentifierRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an Identifier Reference. |
isInlineMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a inline measure. |
isInlineMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a inline measure definition. |
isInsight(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is an Insight. |
isInsightWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IInsightWidget. |
isInsightWidgetDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IInsightWidgetDefinition. |
isIOrganizationUser(obj) | (ALPHA) Test if provided object is of IOrganizationUser type |
isIOrganizationUserGroup(obj) | (ALPHA) Test if provided object is of IOrganizationUser type |
isKpi(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IKpi. |
isKpiWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IKpiWidget. |
isKpiWidgetDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IKpiWidget. |
isKpiWithComparison(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IKpiWithComparison. |
isKpiWithoutComparison(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IKpiWithoutComparison. |
isLocalIdRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is a localId Reference. |
isMdObject(obj) | (BETA) Type guard checking whether input is an instance of IMdObject. |
isMdObjectDefinition(obj) | (BETA) Type guard checking whether input is an instance of IMdObjectDefinition. |
isMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is any type of measure. |
isMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a measure definition. |
isMeasureDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IMeasureDescriptor. |
isMeasureFormatInPercent(measureOrFormat) | Gets a flag indicating whether a given measure has a format resulting in data being formatted as percentage |
isMeasureGroupDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IMeasureGroupDescriptor. |
isMeasureLocator(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is measure locator |
isMeasureMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IMeasureMetadataObject. |
isMeasureMetadataObjectDefinition(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IMeasureMetadataObjectDefinition. |
isMeasureSort(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is a measure sort item. |
isMeasureValueFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter. |
isMetadataObject(obj) | Type guard checking whether input is an instance of IMetadataObject. |
isNegativeAttributeFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a negative attribute filter. |
isNegativeDashboardAttributeFilter(filter) | (ALPHA) Returns true when given filter has negative selection |
isNotification(notification) | Type guard to check if the notification is a test notification. |
isNotificationChannelMetadataObject(obj) | (BETA) Type guard checking whether input is an instance of INotificationChannelMetadataObject. |
isNotificationChannelMetadataObjectDefinition(obj) | (BETA) Type guard checking whether input is an instance of INotificationChannelMetadataObjectDefinition. |
isObjRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an Identifier Reference or an URI reference. |
isPoPMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a period-over-period measure. |
isPoPMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a period-over-period measure definition. |
isPositiveAttributeFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a positive attribute filter. |
isPreviousPeriodMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a previous-period measure. |
isPreviousPeriodMeasureDefinition(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a previous period measure definition. |
isRangeCondition(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter's range condition. |
isRangeConditionOperator(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a measure value filter's range condition operator. |
isRankingFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a ranking filter. |
isRelativeDashboardDateFilter(dateFilter) | (ALPHA) Returns true when given date filter has type set to relative. |
isRelativeDateFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a relative date filter. |
isResultAttributeHeader(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IResultAttributeHeader. |
isResultMeasureHeader(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IResultMeasureHeader. |
isResultTotalHeader(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IResultTotalHeader. |
isRgbColor(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a IRgbColor |
isRichTextWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IRichTextWidget. |
isRichTextWidgetDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IRichTextWidgetDefinition. |
isScheduleNotification(notification) | Type guard to check if the notification is a schedule notification. |
isSimpleMeasure(obj) | Type guard for checking whether object is a simple measure. |
isSimpleMeasureFilter(obj) | Type guard checking whether the provided object is a positive attribute filter. |
isSingleSelectionFilter(filter) | (ALPHA) Returns true when given filter has selection mode set to single |
isTempFilterContext(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of ITempFilterContext. |
isTestNotification(notification) | Type guard to check if the notification is a test notification. |
isTotal(obj) | Type-guard checking whether an object is a Total. |
isTotalDescriptor(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of ITotalDescriptor. |
isTotalLocator(obj) | Type guard checking whether an object is a total locator. |
isUriRef(obj) | Type guard checking whether object is an URI Reference. |
isVariableMetadataObject(obj) | Tests whether the provided object is of type IVariableMetadataObject. |
isVisualizationSwitcherWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IVisualizationSwitcherWidget. |
isVisualizationSwitcherWidgetDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IVisualizationSwitcherWidgetDefinition. |
isWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IWidget. |
isWidgetAlert(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IWidgetAlert. |
isWidgetAlertDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IWidgetAlertDefinition. |
isWidgetAttachment(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IWidgetAttachment. |
isWidgetDefinition(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IWidgetDefinition. |
localIdRef(localIdentifier) | Creates an LocalIdRef from a local identifier |
measureAggregation(measure) | Gets measure aggregation from a measure. |
measureAlias(measure) | Gets measure alias. |
measureArithmeticOperands(measure) | Gets identifiers of arithmetic operands from the provided arithmetic measure. |
measureArithmeticOperands(measure) | Gets identifiers of arithmetic operands from the provided measure. If the measure is not an arithmetic measure, then undefined is returned. |
measureArithmeticOperator(measure) | Gets arithmetic operator from the provided arithmetic measure. |
measureArithmeticOperator(measure) | Gets arithmetic operator from the provided measure. |
measureDoesComputeRatio(measure) | Tests whether the measure is set to compute ratio. |
measureFilters(measure) | Gets measure filters. |
measureFormat(measure) | Gets measure format. |
measureIdentifier(measure) | Gets identifier of persistent measure. |
measureItem(measure) | Gets reference of LDM object from which the measure is calculated (fact or MAQL metric). |
measureItem(measure) | Gets reference of LDM object from which the measure is calculated (fact or MAQL metric). |
measureLocalId(measureOrLocalId) | Gets measure's local identifier. For convenience and fluency, this function accepts both measure object and identifier object. |
measureLocatorIdentifier(locator) | Given measure locator, return the localId of measure that it references. |
measureMasterIdentifier(measure) | Gets identifier of master measure for the provided PoP measure or Previous Period measure. |
measureMasterIdentifier(measure) | Gets identifier of master measure for the provided derived measure (PoP measure or Previous Period measure). |
measurePopAttribute(measure) | Gets attribute used for period-over-period measure calculation. |
measurePopAttribute(measure) | Gets attribute used for period-over-period measure calculation. |
measurePreviousPeriodDateDataSets(measure) | Gets date data sets used in previous-period measure. |
measurePreviousPeriodDateDataSets(measure) | Gets date data sets used in previous-period measure. |
measureTitle(measure) | Gets measure title. |
measureUri(measure) | Gets URI of persistent measure. |
measureValueFilterCondition(filter) | Gets measure value filter condition. |
measureValueFilterMeasure(filter) | Gets measure value filter measure. |
measureValueFilterOperator(filter) | Gets operator used in measure value filter condition. |
modifyAttribute(attribute, modifications) | Allows modification of an existing attribute instance. |
modifyInlineMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new inline measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifyMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifyPopMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new PoP measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifyPreviousPeriodMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new Previous Period measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
modifySimpleMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new simple measure by applying modifications on top of an existing measure. |
newAbsoluteDashboardDateFilter(from, to, dataSet) | (ALPHA) Creates a new absolute dashboard date filter. |
newAbsoluteDateFilter(dateDataSet, from, to) | Creates a new absolute date filter. |
newAllTimeDashboardDateFilter(dataSet) | (ALPHA) Creates a new all time date filter. This filter is used to indicate that there should be no filtering on the dates. |
newAllTimeFilter(dateDataSet) | Creates a new all time date filter. This filter is used to indicate that there should be no filtering on the given date data set. |
newArithmeticMeasure(measuresOrIds, operator, modifications) | Creates a new arithmetic measure with the specified measure identifiers and operator and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newAttribute(displayFormRefOrId, modifications) | Creates a new attribute with the specified display form ref and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newAttributeAreaSort(attributeOrId, sortDirection, aggregation) | Creates a new attribute area sort - sorting the result by aggregated measure values belonging to each attribute value included in the result. |
newAttributeLocator(attributeOrId, element) | Creates a new attribute locator for an attribute element. |
newAttributeSort(attributeOrId, sortDirection) | Creates a new attribute sort - sorting the result by values of the provided attribute's elements. |
newBucket(localId, content) | Creates a new bucket with the provided id and all the specified content. |
newDefForBuckets(workspace, buckets, filters) | Prepares a new execution definition for a list of buckets. |
newDefForInsight(workspace, insight, filters) | Prepares a new execution definition for the provided insight. |
newDefForItems(workspace, items, filters) | Prepares a new execution definition for a list of attributes and measures, filtered using the provided filters. |
newDimension(items, totals) | Creates new single-dimensional specification where the dimension will have the provided set of identifiers. |
newInlineMeasure(maql) | Creates a new inline measure |
newMeasure(measure, modifications) | Creates a new measure with the specified identifier and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newMeasureSort(measureOrId, sortDirection, attributeLocators) | Creates a new measure sort - sorting the result by values of the provided measure. |
newMeasureSortFromLocators(locators, sortDirection) | Creates a new measure sort - sorting the result by values of the provided measure. |
newMeasureValueFilter(measureOrRef, operator, value, treatNullValuesAs) | Creates a new measure value filter. |
newMeasureValueFilter(measureOrRef, operator, from, to, treatNullValuesAs) | Creates a new measure value filter. |
newNegativeAttributeFilter(attributeOrRef, notInValues, localIdentifier) | Creates a new negative attribute filter. |
newPopMeasure(measureOrLocalId, popAttrIdOrRef, modifications) | Creates a new PoP measure with the specified identifier and PoP attribute identifier and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newPositiveAttributeFilter(attributeOrRef, inValues, localIdentifier) | Creates a new positive attribute filter. |
newPreviousPeriodMeasure(measureIdOrLocalId, dateDataSets, modifications) | Creates a new Previous Period measure with the specified measure identifier and date data sets and optional modifications and localIdentifier. |
newRankingFilter(measureOrRef, attributesOrRefs, operator, value) | Creates a new ranking filter. |
newRankingFilter(measureOrRef, operator, value) | Creates a new ranking filter. |
newRelativeDashboardDateFilter(granularity, from, to, dataSet) | (ALPHA) Creates a new relative dashboard date filter. |
newRelativeDateFilter(dateDataSet, granularity, from, to) | Creates a new relative date filter. |
newTotal(type, measureOrId, attributeOrId, alias) | Creates a new total. |
newTwoDimensional(dim1Input, dim2Input) | Creates new two dimensional specification where each dimension will have the provided set of identifiers. |
objRefToString(objRef) | Retrieves string representation of object reference. This is purely for for representation of references in text, debug and tests. |
relativeDateFilterValues(filter, includeDataSet) | Gets effective values of a relative date filter. |
resultHeaderName(header) | Returns item name contained within a result header. |
serializeObjRef(objRef) | Serializes an instance of ObjRef to a string representation. |
sortDirection(sort) | Gets sort item's direction |
sortEntityIds(sort) | Given sort item, returns ids of entities (objects) that are referenced by the sort item. |
sortMeasureLocators(sort) | Given a measure sort item, return the locators which identify the measure (possibly scoped for particular attribute element). |
totalIsNative(total) | Tests whether total instance represents a native total = a roll-up total. |
uriRef(uri) | Creates an UriRef from an URI |
userFullName(user) | Gets the user full name |
visClassId(vc) | For given visualization class, return its identifier. |
visClassUri(vc) | For given visualization class, return its URI. |
visClassUrl(vc) | For given visualization class, return URL where the vis assets are stored. |
widgetId(widget) | (ALPHA) Gets the widget identifier |
widgetRef(widget) | (ALPHA) Gets the widget ref |
widgetTitle(widget) | Gets the widget title |
widgetType(widget) | (ALPHA) Gets the widget type |
widgetUri(widget) | (ALPHA) Gets the widget uri |
Interface | Description |
IAbsoluteDateFilter | Filters results to an absolute date range - from one fixed date to another. |
IAbsoluteDateFilterBody | Object defining the IAbsoluteDateFilter object body. |
IAbsoluteDateFilterForm | (ALPHA) Customized options for the global absolute date filter |
IAbsoluteDateFilterPreset | (ALPHA) Custom absolute date filter preset |
IAbsoluteDateFilterValues | Represents values of an absolute filter. |
IAccessControlAware | (ALPHA) Common properties for objects with controlled access |
IAlertDefault | Alert Default |
IAlertDescription | Alert description. |
IAlertEvaluationRow | Alert evaluation row. |
IAlertEvaluationRowMetric | Metric value. |
IAlertNotification | Notification with details about the alert that triggered it. |
IAlertNotificationDetails | Details of the alert notification. |
IAllTimeDateFilterOption | (ALPHA) Customized options for the global all time date filter |
IAnalyticalWidget | Analytical Widgets are a sub-type of dashboard widgets that display analytics. Be it charts rendering insights (reports) or KPIs rendering measure values optionally with their comparison. |
IArithmeticMeasureDefinition | Arithmetic measures are created by composing two or more other measures and defining arithmetic to apply on their values. |
IAssignedDataSource | (ALPHA) Information about assigned data source. |
IAssignedWorkspace | (ALPHA) Information about assigned workspace. |
IAttribute | Attribute is our nomenclature for 'dimension' as typically used in multi-dimensional BI modeling. |
IAttributeBody | Attribute is our nomenclature for 'dimension' as typically used in multi-dimensional BI modeling. |
IAttributeDescriptor | Describes attribute slicing of a dimension. |
IAttributeDescriptorBody | Attribute descriptor header. |
IAttributeDisplayFormMetadataObject | Attribute display form metadata object |
IAttributeElement | Attribute element represented by concrete display form |
IAttributeElementsByRef | Attribute elements specified by their URI. |
IAttributeElementsByValue | Attribute elements specified by their textual value. |
IAttributeHeaderFormOf | Describes attributes to which the display form belongs. |
IAttributeHierarchyMetadataObject | Attribute hierarchy metadata object. |
IAttributeHierarchyReference | (ALPHA) |
IAttributeLocatorItem | Locator that specifies a concrete attribute element for which the measure values are sliced. |
IAttributeLocatorItemBody | Locator that specifies a concrete attribute element for which the measure values are sliced. |
IAttributeMetadataObject | Attribute metadata object |
IAttributeSortItem | Sort item which specifies that the result should be sorted by attribute element values in either ascending or descending order. |
IAttributeSortTarget | Attribute sort target. |
IAttributeSortType | Attribute sort type specification. |
IAuditableDates | Object that can provide information about the users that created or modified it and when those actions occurred. |
IAuditableUsers | Object that can provide information about the users that created or modified it and when those actions occurred. |
IAutomationAlert | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationAlertComparisonCondition | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationAlertRelativeCondition | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationAlertTrigger | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationDetails | |
IAutomationExternalRecipient | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationMetadataObject | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationMetadataObjectBase | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationMetadataObjectDefinition | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationNotificationDetailsBase | Notification with details about the automation or test that triggered it. |
IAutomationRecipientBase | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationSchedule | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationUnknownRecipient | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationUserGroupRecipient | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationUserRecipient | (ALPHA) |
IAvailableUserAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) User grantee that is available as target for granting of a permission to shared object. |
IAvailableUserGroupAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) User group grantee that is available as target for granting of a permission to shared object. |
IBaseWidget | Base type for dashboard widgets. |
IBucket | Bucket is a logical, user-defined grouping of attributes, measures and totals. |
ICatalogAttribute | Type representing catalog attribute |
ICatalogAttributeHierarchy | Type representing catalog attribute hierarchy. |
ICatalogDateAttribute | Type representing catalog dateDataset date attribute |
ICatalogDateDataset | Type representing catalog date dataset |
ICatalogFact | Type representing catalog fact |
ICatalogGroup | Catalog group can be used to group catalog items |
ICatalogItemBase | Properties contained in each catalog item |
ICatalogMeasure | Type representing catalog measure |
IColorDescriptor | Describes color included in a dimension. |
IColorDescriptorItem | Describes color included in a dimension. |
IColorFromPalette | Color defined by referencing an item in the user-defined color palette. |
IColorMappingItem | An item in color mapping definition for an insight. The color mapping is stored in properties of those insights that can be colored AND have color mapping specified by the user. |
IColorPaletteDefinition | (ALPHA) Color palette definition represents modified or created theme |
IColorPaletteItem | An item in user-defined color palette. Item is essentially mapping of user-assigned color identifier to an RGB Color value. |
IColorPaletteMetadataObject | (ALPHA) Color palette metadata object |
IComparisonCondition | |
IComparisonConditionBody | |
ICrossFiltering | Cross-filtering |
IDashboard | (ALPHA) Analytical dashboard consists of widgets (widgets are kpis or insights with additional settings - drilling and alerting), layout (which defines rendering and ordering of these widgets), and filter context (configured attribute and date filters). It's also possible to setup scheduled emails for the dashboard (user will receive an email with the exported dashboard attached at the specified time interval), and optionally extended date filter config. |
IDashboardAttachment | (ALPHA) Email attachment - dashboard exported as pdf. |
IDashboardAttributeFilter | Attribute filter of the filter context |
IDashboardAttributeFilterByDate | (BETA) Dependent date filter of an attribute filter of the filter context |
IDashboardAttributeFilterConfig | (ALPHA) Extended attribute filter config |
IDashboardAttributeFilterParent | (BETA) Parent filter of an attribute filter of the filter context |
IDashboardAttributeFilterReference | Reference to a particular dashboard attribute filter This is commonly used to define filters to ignore for the particular dashboard widget |
IDashboardBase | (ALPHA) Dashboard common properties |
IDashboardDateFilter | Date filter of the filter context |
IDashboardDateFilterAddedPresets | (ALPHA) Date filter presets to add to the date filter for the current dashboard |
IDashboardDateFilterConfig | (ALPHA) Extended date filter config |
IDashboardDateFilterConfigItem | (ALPHA) Extended date filter config item for date filters fully specified including date data set |
IDashboardDateFilterReference | Reference to a particular dashboard date filter This is commonly used to define filters to ignore for the particular dashboard widget |
IDashboardDefinition | (ALPHA) Dashboard definition represents modified or created dashboard |
IDashboardFilterView | (ALPHA) Interface that represents saved dashboard filter view created for a specific dashboard by a specific user. There should always be just one default filter view for the user and the dashboard at any given time. The consistency must be handled by backend or client. The reason why the flag cannot be on the dashboard is that each user can have a different default filter view per dashboard and also the filter views can be created by users that have only VIEW permission for the workspace and cannot modify the dashboard object. |
IDashboardFilterViewSaveRequest | (ALPHA) Interface that represents an entity provided to SPI function that creates a new dashboard filter view IDashboardFilterView entity. |
IDashboardLayout | Dashboard layout describes the data to be displayed on the dashboard, and their structure for UI rendering. Generic TWidget param is here to support type checking with custom widgets (e.g. in Dashboard component). |
IDashboardLayoutConfiguration | (ALPHA) Layout configuration. |
IDashboardLayoutItem | Dashboard layout item - usually contains kpi widget, insight widget or another nested layout. Generic TWidget param is here to support type checking with custom widgets (e.g. in Dashboard component). |
IDashboardLayoutSection | Dashboard layout section represents a group of widgets on the dashboard with a title and description. |
IDashboardLayoutSectionHeader | Dashboard layout section header definition. |
IDashboardLayoutSectionsConfiguration | (ALPHA) Configuration that affects all sections of the layout. |
IDashboardLayoutSize | Dashboard layout size definition. |
IDashboardLayoutSizeByScreenSize | Dashboard layout size configuration, defined by screen type. |
IDashboardLayoutWidget | Widget representing nested layout |
IDashboardMetadataObject | Dashboard metadata object |
IDashboardObjectIdentity | Object unique identity |
IDashboardPlugin | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardPluginBase | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardPluginDefinition | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardPluginLink | (ALPHA) A link between dashboard and a plugin that it uses. Optionally contains parameters that should be passed to the plugin at load time. |
IDataColumn | Dataset column with name, type and boolean flag whether the column needs to be skipped while data loading or not. |
IDataColumnBody | Data column object interface. |
IDataHeader | Structural information about CSV header and columns. |
IDataset | Dataset describes a particular structure of dataset (CSV file). |
IDatasetBody | Dataset object interface. |
IDatasetLoadInfo | Object wrapping basic information (owner, date created, status) about a CSV Load. |
IDataSetMetadataObject | DataSet metadata object |
IDatasetUser | Object wrapping info about the user that created CSV load. Contains their login and full name. |
IDataSourceIdentifierDescriptor | (ALPHA) |
IDataSourcePermissionAssignment | (ALPHA) Descriptor contains details about data source permission of organization user or user group. |
IDateFilterConfig | (ALPHA) Date filter configs allow to define your own date filter options, that appear in the date filter. |
IDateFilterOption | (ALPHA) Common props for date filter options |
IDateHierarchyReference | (ALPHA) |
IDateHierarchyTemplate | (ALPHA) Hierarchy template for date dataset |
IDimension | Dimensions specify how to organize the results of an execution in a data view. |
IDimensionDescriptor | Dimension descriptor is the output counter-part of the dimension specification that was included in the execution definition. |
IDrill | Drill base type |
IDrillableWidget | Defines properties that are used for drillable widgets. Such widgets allow user clicking on different parts of the widget and through this interaction navigate to other insights or dashboards. |
IDrillDownIntersectionIgnoredAttributes | (ALPHA) Defines mapping between particular drill down hierarchy and attributes to ignore in the intersection during the drill down for this hierarchy. |
IDrillFromAttribute | Drill from attribute |
IDrillFromMeasure | Drill from measure |
IDrillOrigin | Drill origin base type |
IDrillToAttributeUrl | Drill to attribute url |
IDrillToAttributeUrlTarget | Drill to attribute url target |
IDrillToCustomUrl | Drill to custom url |
IDrillToCustomUrlTarget | Drill to custom url target |
IDrillToDashboard | Drill to dashboard |
IDrillToInsight | Drill to insight |
IDrillToLegacyDashboard | Drill to PP dashboard |
IEarlyAccessFeatureConfig | (BETA) |
IEarlyAccessFeaturesConfig | (BETA) |
IEntitlementDescriptor | Entitlement descriptor |
IExecutionConfig | Contains any configiration that should be part of execution |
IExecutionDefinition | Execution definition contains 100% complete description of what will the execution compute and how will the resulting data look like. |
IExistingDashboard | (ALPHA) Object describing minimal properties of existing dashboard. |
IExportDefinitionBase | (ALPHA) Export definition base An object containing the core properties of an export definition |
IExportDefinitionDashboardContent | (ALPHA) Export definition dashboard content configuration. |
IExportDefinitionDashboardSettings | (ALPHA) Export definition dashboard settings |
IExportDefinitionMetadataObject | (ALPHA) Export definition |
IExportDefinitionMetadataObjectDefinition | (ALPHA) Export definition |
IExportDefinitionVisualizationObjectContent | (ALPHA) Export definition visualization content configuration. |
IExportDefinitionVisualizationObjectSettings | (ALPHA) Export definition visualization object settings |
IExportOptions | (ALPHA) Configuration of the exported file |
IExportResult | Export result. |
IFactMetadataObject | Fact metadata object |
IFilterableWidget | Defines properties that are used for filterable widgets. Filterable widgets allow users to specify: - Date data set that should be used for date-filtering the data for the widget - An ignore-list containing references to dashboard attribute filters that should be ignored by the widget. - Whether widget should ignore cross-filtering filters. |
IFilterContext | (ALPHA) Filter context consists of configured attribute and date filters (which could be applied to the dashboard, widget alert, or scheduled email) |
IFilterContextBase | (ALPHA) Common filter context properties |
IFilterContextDefinition | (ALPHA) Filter context definition represents modifier or created filter context |
IGenAIActiveObject | (ALPHA) Active object the user is interacting with. |
IGenAIChatInteraction | (ALPHA) A singe user - assistant chat interaction. |
IGenAIChatRouting | (ALPHA) Routing for the chat interaction. |
IGenAICreatedVisualizations | (ALPHA) A list of created visualizations for a given interaction |
IGenAIFoundObjects | (ALPHA) A list of found objects for a given interaction |
IGenAIUserContext | (ALPHA) User context for GenAI. |
IGenAIVisualization | (ALPHA) Visualization definition created by the assistant. |
IGenAIVisualizationDimension | (ALPHA) Dimension definition for the visualization. |
IGenAIVisualizationMetric | (ALPHA) Metric definition for the visualization. |
IGranteeGranularity | Access grantee specification with granular permissions. |
IGranularRulesAccess | (ALPHA) Rules access specification with granular permissions. |
IGranularRulesAccessGrantee | All workspace user access grantee specification with granular permissions. |
IGranularUserAccess | (ALPHA) User access specification with granular permissions. |
IGranularUserAccessGrantee | User access grantee specification with granular permissions. |
IGranularUserGroupAccess | (ALPHA) User group access specification with granular permissions. |
IGranularUserGroupAccessGrantee | User group access grantee specification with granular permissions. |
IGroupableCatalogItemBase | Properties contained in each groupable catalog item |
IIdentifiableFilter | Filter able to identify itself via local identifier |
IInlineMeasureDefinition | Inline measures are defined as MAQL measures inline string. |
IInPlatformNotificationChannelMetadataObject | (BETA) |
IInsightWidget | |
IInsightWidgetBase | |
IInsightWidgetConfiguration | |
IInsightWidgetDefinition | |
IInsightWidgetDescriptionConfiguration | Configuration of widget's description |
IKpiBase | Common kpi properties |
IKpiWidget | |
IKpiWidgetBase | |
IKpiWidgetConfiguration | |
IKpiWidgetDefinition | |
IKpiWidgetDescriptionConfiguration | Configuration of kpi's description |
IKpiWithoutComparison | Kpi without comparison |
IKpiWithPopComparison | Kpi with period over period comparison |
IKpiWithPreviousPeriodComparison | Kpi with previous period comparison |
IListedDashboard | (ALPHA) Listed dashboard - to display the dashboard in the list Only a subset of dashboard data is available, for the full definition see IDashboard |
ILlmEndpointBase | (ALPHA) Base endpoint interface |
ILlmEndpointOpenAI | (ALPHA) OpenAI endpoint interface |
IMdObject | (BETA) Shared metadata object properties. This type represents metadata object with unique id assigned to it. Typically metadata object, that is already persisted on the backend. |
IMdObjectBase | (BETA) |
IMdObjectDefinition | (BETA) Metadata object definition. This type represents metadata object without unique id assigned to it. Typically metadata object, that is not yet persisted on the backend. |
IMdObjectIdentity | (BETA) |
IMeasure | All types of measures have a set of common properties; those are defined here. |
IMeasureBody | Object defining the IMeasure object structure. |
IMeasureDefinition | Simple measures are defined from existing MAQL measures or logical data model facts. |
IMeasureDefinitionBody | Object defining the IMeasureDefinition object structure. |
IMeasureDescriptor | Describes measure included in a dimension. |
IMeasureDescriptorItem | Measure descriptor object. |
IMeasureDescriptorObject | Descriptor of the measure and its contents. |
IMeasureGroupDescriptor | Describes measure group and its contents. |
IMeasureLocatorItem | Locator that specifies a concrete measure to sort by. |
IMeasureLocatorItemBody | Object defining the IMeasureLocatorItem object structure. |
IMeasureMetadataObjectBase | |
IMeasureSortItem | Sort item which specifies that the result should be sorted by value of a measure. |
IMeasureSortTarget | Measure sort target. |
IMeasureTitle | Subset of IMeasure interface which defines properties that MAY be used to provide human readable description of the measure. |
IMeasureTitleBody | Object defining the IMeasureTitle object body. |
IMeasureValueFilter | |
IMeasureValueFilterBody | Object defining the IMeasureValueFilter object body. |
IMetadataObject | |
IMetadataObjectBase | |
IMetadataObjectDefinition | |
IMetadataObjectIdentity | |
INegativeAttributeFilter | Negative attribute filter essentially adds an NOT IN <set> condition to the execution on the backend. |
INegativeAttributeFilterBody | Object defining the INegativeAttributeFilter object body. |
INotificationBase | Notification with details about the automation or test that triggered it. |
INotificationChannelMetadataObjectBase | (BETA) Shared base interface for all notification channel metadata objects. |
INotificationChannelTestResponse | (BETA) |
IOpenAiConfig | (ALPHA) Configuration of integration of OpenAI. |
IOrganizationAssignee | (ALPHA) |
IOrganizationDescriptor | Organization descriptor contains details about the organization that services analytical workspaces. |
IOrganizationDescriptorUpdate | Organization descriptor properties to update. Optional properties can be set to null to delete the value. |
IOrganizationPermissionAssignment | (ALPHA) |
IOrganizationUser | (ALPHA) User with organization related information. |
IOrganizationUserGroup | (ALPHA) User group with organization related information. |
IPoPMeasureDefinition | Defines Period-Over-Period measure (or Time-over-Time). |
IPoPMeasureDefinitionBody | Object defining the IPoPMeasureDefinition object body. |
IPositiveAttributeFilter | Positive attribute filter essentially adds an IN <set> condition to the execution on the backend. |
IPositiveAttributeFilterBody | Object defining the IPositiveAttributeFilter object body. |
IPostProcessing | Contains any configuration that should be done with the data after they are obtained from the server and before they are passed to the user. |
IPreviousPeriodDateDataSet | This is used to specify previous period. |
IPreviousPeriodDateDataSetSimple | Simplified Previous Period Data DataSet specification |
IPreviousPeriodMeasureDefinition | This is a derived measure that calculates value of a measure referenced by measureIdentifier for previous period. |
IPreviousPeriodMeasureDefinitionBody | Object defining the IPreviousPeriodMeasureDefinition object body. |
IRangeCondition | |
IRangeConditionBody | Object defining the IRangeCondition object body. |
IRankingFilter | |
IRankingFilterBody | Object defining the IRankingFilter object body. |
IRelativeDateFilterAllTimeBody | Object defining the IRelativeDateFilter object body. |
IRelativeDateFilterBody | Object defining the IRelativeDateFilter object body. |
IRelativeDateFilterForm | (ALPHA) Customized options for the global relative date filter |
IRelativeDateFilterPreset | (ALPHA) Custom relative date filter preset |
IRelativeDateFilterPresetOfGranularity | (ALPHA) Generic type to express relative date filter preset of a particular granularity |
IRelativeDateFilterValues | Represents values of a relative filter. |
IResultAttributeHeader | Attribute header specifies name and URI of the attribute element to which the calculated measure values in the particular data view slice belong. |
IResultAttributeHeaderItem | Attribute header item specifies name and URI of the attribute element to which the calculated measure values in the particular data view slice belong. |
IResultMeasureHeader | Measure header specifies name of the measure to which the calculated values in the particular data view slice belong. |
IResultMeasureHeaderItem | Measure header specifies name of the measure to which the calculated values in the particular data view slice belong. |
IResultTotalHeader | Total header specifies name and type of total to which the calculated values in particular data view slice belong. |
IResultTotalHeaderItem | Total header specifies name and type of total to which the calculated values in particular data view slice belong. Also can contain measure index which can be used to lookup the measure which belongs to this total. |
IResultWarning | Represents an execution result warning. (e.g. when execution was executed successfully, but backend didn't take something into the account) |
IRgbColor | Color defined used RGB values. |
IRgbColorValue | RGB Color value specification. |
IRichTextWidget | |
IRichTextWidgetBase | |
IRichTextWidgetDefinition | |
IScheduledMail | (ALPHA) A scheduled email is used to notify a user with an exported dashboard according to a specified time interval |
IScheduledMailBase | (ALPHA) A scheduled email common properties |
IScheduledMailDefinition | (ALPHA) A scheduled email is used to notify a user with an exported dashboard according to a specified time interval |
IScheduleNotification | /** Notification with details about the schedule that triggered it. |
IScheduleNotificationDetails | Details of the schedule notification. |
ISemanticSearchRelationship | (BETA) Reference between two metadata objects. |
ISemanticSearchResultItem | (BETA) A single search result returned by semantic search. |
ISeparators | Settings for regional number formatting |
ISettings | Settings are obtained from backend and are effectively a collection of feature flags or settings with concrete string or numeric value. |
ISmtpNotificationChannelMetadataObject | (BETA) |
ISortDirection | Sorting direction part of sort. |
ITempFilterContext | (ALPHA) Temporary filter context serves to override original dashboard filter context during the dashboard export |
ITestNotification | Notification with details about the test that triggered it. |
ITestNotificationDetails | Notification with details about the automation or test that triggered it. |
ITheme | (BETA) Theme used to customize selected parts of the UI |
IThemeAnalyticalDesigner | (BETA) Analytical designer specific properties. |
IThemeAnalyticalDesignerTitle | (BETA) Analytical designer title specific properties. |
IThemeButton | (BETA) Button customizable UI properties |
IThemeChart | (BETA) Charts customization |
IThemeColorFamily | (BETA) Variants of the palette color |
IThemeComplementaryPalette | (BETA) Used to color various elements across many components by replacing the default complementary palette of gray color shades |
IThemeDashboard | (BETA) KPI dashboards specific properties |
IThemeDashboardContent | (BETA) Dashboard content customizable properties. |
IThemeDashboardContentKpi | (BETA) Dashboard content KPI customizable properties. |
IThemeDashboardContentWidget | (BETA) Dashboard content widget customizable properties. |
IThemeDashboardEditPanel | (BETA) Edit panel specific properties. |
IThemeDashboardFilterBar | (BETA) Dashboard filterBar customizable properties. |
IThemeDashboardFilterBarButton | (BETA) Filter bar button specific properties |
IThemeDashboardNavigation | (BETA) Navigation customizable properties. |
IThemeDashboardNavigationItem | (BETA) Navigation items (dashboards) specific properties. |
IThemeDashboardNavigationTitle | (BETA) Dashboard navigation title specific properties. |
IThemeDashboardSection | (BETA) Dashboard section customizable properties. |
IThemeDashboardSectionDescription | (BETA) Dashboard section description properties. |
IThemeDashboardSectionTitle | (BETA) Dashboard section title properties. |
IThemeDashboardTitle | (BETA) Dashboard title specific properties. |
IThemeDefinition | (ALPHA) Theme definition represents modified or created theme |
IThemeKpi | (BETA) Kpi values customization |
IThemeKpiValue | (BETA) Kpi value specific properties. |
IThemeMetadataObject | (ALPHA) Theme metadata object |
IThemeModal | (BETA) Modal customizable properties. |
IThemeModalTitle | (BETA) Properties of the title of the modal. |
IThemePalette | (BETA) Customizable palette of major colors Inspired by Material UI palette: https://material-ui.com/customization/palette/ |
IThemeTable | (BETA) Table customization |
IThemeTooltip | (BETA) Tooltip customizable UI properties |
IThemeTypography | (BETA) Definition of both normal and bold font URIs |
IThemeWidgetTitle | (BETA) Title of the widget |
ITotal | Describes type and granularity for calculation of Totals. |
ITotalDescriptor | Describes total included in a dimension. |
ITotalDescriptorItem | Describes total included in a dimension. |
ITotalLocatorItem | Locator that specifies a concrete total element for which the measure values are sliced. |
ITotalLocatorItemBody | Locator that specifies a concrete attribute element for which the total is applicable |
IUser | Represents platform user. |
IUserAccess | (ALPHA) User having access to the object. |
IUserAccessGrantee | User access grantee specification. |
IUserGroup | (ALPHA) Represents platform user group. |
IUserGroupAccess | (ALPHA) User group having access to the object. |
IUserGroupAccessGrantee | User group access grantee specification. |
IVariableMetadataObject | Variable metadata object |
IVisualizationClass | Visualization class is essentially a descriptor for particular type of visualization - say bar chart or table. |
IVisualizationClassBody | Object defining the IVisualizationClass object body. |
IVisualizationSwitcherWidget | |
IVisualizationSwitcherWidgetBase | |
IVisualizationSwitcherWidgetDefinition | |
IWebhookAutomationInfo | Automation information. |
IWebhookDestinationConfiguration | (BETA) |
IWebhookMessageDataAlert | Data from the webhook message. |
IWebhookMessageDataBase | Data from the webhook message. |
IWebhookNotificationChannelMetadataObject | (BETA) Metadata object for webhook notification channel. |
IWhiteLabeling | Configuration of WhiteLabeling. |
IWidgetAlert | (ALPHA) See IWidgetAlertDefinition |
IWidgetAlertBase | (ALPHA) Common widget alert properties |
IWidgetAlertDefinition | (ALPHA) With widget alert, user can be notified to his email according to provided rules (e.g. when some measure exceeds/drops below the set value) |
IWidgetAttachment | (ALPHA) Email attachment - widget exported as csv or/and xlsx. |
IWidgetDescription | Defines properties that are used to store widget's descriptive metadata. |
IWorkspaceAccess | (ALPHA) Workspace access specification with granular permissions. |
IWorkspaceDataFilter | (ALPHA) Entity that represents Workspace Data Filter |
IWorkspaceDataFilterDefinition | (ALPHA) Entity that contains data necessary to create a new Workspace Data Filter |
IWorkspaceDataFilterSetting | (ALPHA) Entity that represents Workspace Data Filter setting |
IWorkspacePermissionAssignment | (ALPHA) Descriptor contains details about workspace permission of organization user or user group. |
IWorkspaceUser | Represents platform user in context of the workspace. |
IWorkspaceUserGroup | (ALPHA) User Group |
Variable | Description |
anyAttribute | Predicate that returns true for any attribute. |
anyBucket | This predicate evaluates true for any bucket. |
anyMeasure | Implementation of measure predicate which always returns true. |
AssignedDataSourcePermissionValue | (ALPHA) Possible data source permissions that can be assigned. |
AssignedWorkspacePermissionValue | (ALPHA) Possible workspace permissions that can be assigned either directly or hierarchically. |
BuiltInWidgetTypes | (ALPHA) List of built-in widget types. These type names are reserved and must not be used by custom widgets. |
catalogItemMetadataObject | Get metadata object that catalog item represents |
DateGranularity | Defines shortcuts for commonly used date dataset attribute granularities. |
factoryNotationFor | Returns a code for generating the provided input using convenience factory methods where possible. |
idMatchAttribute | Factory function for attribute predicate which evaluates true for attributes that match particular ID. |
idMatchBucket | Factory function for predicates that will evaluate true if bucket's id is same as the provided id. |
idMatchMeasure | Factory function for measure predicate which evaluates true for measures that match particular ID. |
insightCreatedByComparator | (BETA) |
insightCreatedComparator | (BETA) |
insightTitleComparator | (BETA) |
insightUpdatedByComparator | (BETA) |
insightUpdatedComparator | (BETA) |
isAbsoluteDateFilterForm | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IAbsoluteDateFilterForm. |
isAbsoluteDateFilterPreset | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IAbsoluteDateFilterPreset. |
isAllTimeDateFilterOption | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IAllTimeDateFilterOption. |
isAvailableUserAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IAvailableUserAccessGrantee. |
isAvailableUserGroupAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IAvailableUserGroupAccessGrantee. |
isDashboardWidget | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardWidget. |
isDateFilterGranularity | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of DateFilterGranularity. |
isGranularAccess | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IGranularUserAccess or IGranularUserGroupAccess. |
isGranularAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IGranularAccessGrantee. |
isGranularRulesAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IGranularUserGroupAccessGrantee. |
isGranularUserAccess | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IGranularUserAccess. |
isGranularUserAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IGranularUserAccessGrantee. |
isGranularUserGroupAccess | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IGranularUserAccess. |
isGranularUserGroupAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IGranularUserGroupAccessGrantee. |
isMeasureGroupIdentifier | Determine if a given item is a measure group. |
isRelativeDateFilterForm | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IRelativeDateFilterForm. |
isRelativeDateFilterPreset | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IRelativeDateFilterPreset. |
isUserAccess | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IUserAccess. |
isUserAccessGrantee | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IUserAccessGrantee. |
isUserGroupAccess | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IUserGroupAccess. |
isUserGroupAccessGrantee | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IUserGroupAccessGrantee. |
isUserGroupWorkspaceAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IUserWorkspaceAccessGrantee. |
isUserWorkspaceAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of IUserWorkspaceAccessGrantee. |
MeasureGroupIdentifier | Measure Group is a pseudo-identifier which can be used in an execution dimension and indicates that this dimension MUST contain all the measures. |
metadataObjectId | Get metadata object identifier |
OrganizationPermissionAssignmentValue | (ALPHA) |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
AccessGranteeDetail | (ALPHA) Entity having access to the object. |
AccessGranularPermission | Type of granted granular access. |
AlertDescriptionStatus | Alert description status. |
AllTimeGranularity | Special granularity used to indicate there should be no date filtering for the given dimension. |
AnalyticalWidgetType | Reserved type names used for dashboard's built-in analytical widgets. |
ArithmeticMeasureBuilderInput | Input to the ArithmeticMeasureBuilder. |
ArithmeticMeasureOperator | Simple math operators for arithmetic measure construction. |
AssignedDataSourcePermission | (ALPHA) Data source permission values. |
AssignedWorkspacePermission | (ALPHA) Workspace permission values. |
AttributeBuilderInput | Input to the AttributeBuilder. |
AttributeDisplayFormType | Attribute display form type |
AttributeInBucket | Describes exact location of attribute in a bucket. |
AttributeModifications | Function that will be called to perform modifications of an attribute before it is fully constructed. |
AttributePredicate | Defines function signature for measure predicates. |
AutomationNotificationType | Automation notification type. |
BucketItemModifications | Describes the type of the function used to modify the bucket items. |
BucketItemReducer | Describes the type of the function used to reduce the bucket items. |
BucketPredicate | Signature for bucket predicates; predicates are used by different functions to find/filter buckets according to some criteria. |
CatalogItem | Type representing catalog item - attribute, measure, fact or dateDataset |
CatalogItemType | Type representing catalog item type - attribute, measure, fact, dateDataset or attributeHierarchy |
ComparatorDirection | Direction of the comparator. |
ComparisonConditionOperator | |
DashboardAttributeFilterConfigMode | (ALPHA) Attribute filter configuration mode |
DashboardAttributeFilterSelectionMode | (BETA) Attribute filter selection mode value |
DashboardDateFilterConfigMode | (ALPHA) Date filter configuration mode |
DashboardFiltersApplyMode | Values of Dashboard Filters Apply Mode setting. Used for organization and workspace. INDIVIDUAL mean that each filter has its own apply button. ALL_AT_ONCE mean that there is a single apply button for all dashboard filters. |
DataColumnType | Represents type of LDM field created from the Dataset column. |
DatasetLoadStatus | Represents the current status of CSV source. |
DataSourceType | (ALPHA) |
DataValue | Single calculated data value. |
DateAttributeGranularity | All possible date dataset attribute granularities. |
DateFilterAbsoluteType | (BETA) Date filter type - absolute |
DateFilterGranularity | (BETA) Supported date filter granularity for the relative date filter |
DateFilterOptionAbsoluteFormType | (ALPHA) Type that identifies the absolute date filter form |
DateFilterOptionAbsolutePresetType | (ALPHA) Type that identifies the absolute date filter preset |
DateFilterOptionAllTimeType | (ALPHA) Type that identifies the the all time date filter |
DateFilterOptionRelativeFormType | (ALPHA) Type that identifies the relative date filter form |
DateFilterOptionRelativePresetType | (ALPHA) Type that identifies the relative date filter preset |
DateFilterOptionType | (ALPHA) Type that identifies the date filter option |
DateFilterRelativeType | (BETA) Date filter type - relative |
DateFilterType | (BETA) Date filter type - relative or absolute |
DateString | (BETA) Date string - ISO-8601 calendar date string, eg.: '2018-12-30' |
DimensionGenerator | Function transforming a list of buckets (with attributes and measures) into execution dimension descriptors. |
DimensionItem | Defines union of items that can be placed into a dimension. |
DrillDefinition | Widget drill definition |
DrillOrigin | Drill origin |
DrillOriginType | Drill origin type |
DrillTransition | Drill transition |
DrillType | Drill type |
EarlyAccessFeatureContext | (BETA) |
EarlyAccessFeatureStatus | (BETA) |
FilterContextItem | (ALPHA) Supported filter context items |
ForecastDataValue | (BETA) Forecast single data value |
GenAIAbsoluteDateFilter | (ALPHA) Absolute date filter definition for the visualization. |
GenAIChatInteractionUserFeedback | (ALPHA) User feedback for the chat interaction. |
GenAIChatRole | (ALPHA) Role of the chat interaction. |
GenAIChatRoutingUseCase | (ALPHA) A route that was detected by the assistant based on the user question. |
GenAIDateGranularity | (ALPHA) Date granularity for the relative date filter. |
GenAIFilter | (ALPHA) Filter definition for the visualization. |
GenAIMetricAggregation | (ALPHA) Aggregation function for the metric. |
GenAIMetricType | (ALPHA) Type of the metric. |
GenAINegativeAttributeFilter | (ALPHA) Negative attribute filter definition for the visualization. |
GenAIObjectType | (BETA) Type of the object. |
GenAIPositiveAttributeFilter | (ALPHA) Positive attribute filter definition for the visualization. |
GenAIRelativeDateFilter | (ALPHA) Relative date filter definition for the visualization. |
GenAIVisualizationType | (ALPHA) Type of the visualization. |
GroupableCatalogItem | Type representing groupable catalog item - attribute, measure or fact |
GuidType | |
IAccessGrantee | Access grantee specification. |
IAlertComparisonOperator | (ALPHA) |
IAlertRelativeArithmeticOperator | (ALPHA) |
IAlertRelativeOperator | (ALPHA) |
IAlertTriggerMode | (ALPHA) |
IAlertTriggerState | (ALPHA) |
IAttributeElements | Attribute elements are used in positive and negative attribute filters. They can be specified either using URI (primary key) or using textual values of the attribute elements. |
IAttributeFilter | Attribute filters limit results of execution to data pertaining to attributes that are or are not specified by the filters. |
IAttributeFilterConfig | Attribute filter config |
IAttributeFilterConfigs | Definition of UI specific attribute filters configs. These influence how the filters are displayed in the UI not the execution. |
IAttributeOrMeasure | Type representing bucket items - which can be either measure or an attribute. |
IAuditable | Object that can provide information about the users that created or modified it and when those actions occurred. |
IAutomationAlertCondition | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationAlertExecutionDefinition | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationRecipient | (ALPHA) |
IAutomationRecipientType | (ALPHA) |
IAvailableAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Grantee that is available as target for granting of a permission to shared object. |
IColor | A color. It can be specified by referencing an item from from user-defined color palette or by RGB Value. |
IColorPalette | User-defined color palette. Colors from the palette can be used as input to charts and naturally influence the coloring strategy for the chart. |
IComparator | Function that can be used to sort collections. The semantics are the same as the first argument to Array#sort function. |
ICustomSmtpDestinationConfiguration | (BETA) |
IDashboardFilterReference | Reference to a particular dashboard filter This is commonly used to define filters to ignore for the particular dashboard widget |
IDashboardPermissions | (ALPHA) Dashboard permissions. |
IDashboardWidget | Default dashboard widgets - kpi widget, insight widget, or nested layout. |
IDateFilter | Date filters limit the range of results to data within relative or absolute date range. |
IDefaultSmtpDestinationConfiguration | (BETA) |
Identifier | Type for all identifiers. |
IdentifierRef | Model object reference using object's unique identifier. NOTE: this is preferred way to reference model objects. |
IDimensionItemDescriptor | Headers describing contents of a dimension. |
IDrillDownReference | (ALPHA) |
IDrillTarget | (ALPHA) Drill target |
IEntitlementsName | Entitlement name |
IExportDefinitionDashboardRequestPayload | (ALPHA) Export definition dashboard request payload |
IExportDefinitionRequestPayload | (ALPHA) Export definition request payload |
IExportDefinitionVisualizationObjectRequestPayload | (ALPHA) Export definition visualization object request payload |
IExportResultStatus | Export result status. |
IFilter | All possible filters. |
IGenAISuggestion | (ALPHA) Suggestion for the visualization. |
IGranularAccessGrantee | Access grantee with granular permission. |
IInPlatformNotificationChannelMetadataObjectDefinition | (BETA) Metadata object definition for SMTP notification channel. |
IInsight | Represents an Insight. Insight is typically created using Analytical Designer and can be embedded using UI SDK. |
IInsightDefinition | Insight definition specifies what and how should be visualized by an insight. |
IKpi | Kpi |
IKpiComparisonDirection | Kpi comparison direction |
IKpiComparisonTypeComparison | Kpi comparison type |
IKpiWithComparison | Kpi with comparison |
ILocatorItem | Locators are used to identify slice of measure values to sort by. |
IMeasureDefinitionType | Available measure definitions; this is union of simple measure, arithmetic measure, PoP measure and previous period measure. |
IMeasureFilter | All possible filters that can be specified for a simple measure. |
IMeasureMetadataObject | Measure metadata object |
IMeasureMetadataObjectDefinition | Measure metadata object definition |
InlineMeasureBuilderInput | Input to the InlineMeasureBuilder. |
INotification | Notification. |
INotificationChannelMetadataObject | (BETA) |
INotificationChannelMetadataObjectDefinition | (BETA) |
InsightDisplayFormUsage | Contains breakdown of what display forms are used in an insight. |
InsightDrillDefinition | Insight widget drill definition |
InsightWidgetDescriptionSourceType | |
INullableFilter | Represents a filter specification variant where either the actual filter or a 'null' filter is provided. Null filters will be ignored during processing. |
IRelativeDateFilter | Filters results to a relative date range. |
IResultHeader | Result headers provide metadata about data included in the data view. |
ISmtpDestinationConfiguration | (BETA) Configuration of the SMTP, where the notifications are to be sent. Custom SMTP - custom SMTP server. Default SMTP - default SMTP server (users in organization). |
ISmtpNotificationChannelMetadataObjectDefinition | (BETA) Metadata object definition for SMTP notification channel. |
ISortItem | Sort items can be used to specify how the result of an execution should be sorted. |
ItemInDimension | Result of search of item among list of dimensions. |
IUserGroupWorkspaceAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Workspace access for group with granular permissions. |
IUserWorkspaceAccessGrantee | (ALPHA) Workspace access for user with granular permissions. |
IWebhookMessageDataSchedule | Data from the webhook message. |
IWebhookNotificationChannelMetadataObjectDefinition | (BETA) Metadata object definition for webhook notification channel. |
IWidget | |
IWidgetDefinition | See IWidget] |
IWorkspacePermissions | Dictionary of workspace permissions |
KpiDrillDefinition | Kpi widget drill definition |
KpiWidgetDescriptionSourceType | |
ListedDashboardAvailability | (ALPHA) Availability of IListedDashboard. Either full (the listed dashboard is also available as a fully accessible metadata object) or only via link (full metadata object is not accessible, only the listed dashboard record). |
LlmEndpointOpenAIPatch | (ALPHA) Patched OpenAI endpoint interface. All fields except the id are optional. |
LocalIdRef | Model object reference using object's local identifier. |
MeasureAggregation | Simple measures created from facts can use these types of aggregations. |
MeasureEnvelope | Measure without the definition. |
MeasureInBucket | Describes exact location of measure in a bucket. |
MeasureModifications | Function that will be called to perform modifications of measure before it is fully constructed. |
MeasureOrLocalId | Specification of measure either by value or by local id reference. |
MeasurePredicate | Defines function signature for measure predicates. |
MeasureValueFilterCondition | |
MetadataObject | Type that represents any metadata object |
NotificationChannelAllowedRecipients | (BETA) Allowed recipients of notifications from this channel. Creator - only the creator of the report. Internal - all users within the organization. |
NotificationChannelDashboardLinkVisibility | (BETA) Visibility of the dashboard link in the email notification. Hidden - the link is not visible Visible - the link is visible for all InternalOnly - the link is visible only for internal users |
NotificationChannelDestinationType | (BETA) Type of the destination of the notification channel, where the notifications are to be sent. |
NotificationType | Type of the notification. |
ObjectType | Metadata object types |
ObjRef | Model object reference. |
ObjRefInScope | Model object reference with support of referencing objects living in the same scope using their local identifier. |
OrganizationPermissionAssignment | (ALPHA) |
PlatformEdition | Indicates current platform edition. |
PoPMeasureBuilderInput | Input to the PoPMeasureBuilder. |
PreviousPeriodMeasureBuilderInput | Import to the PreviousPeriodMeasureBuilder. |
RangeConditionOperator | |
RankingFilterOperator | |
RelativeDateFilterGranularityOffset | (ALPHA) Relative granularity offset (e.g. "GDC.time.year" granularity with offset -2 means "the previous 2 years") |
RgbType | |
ScheduledMailAttachment | (ALPHA) Supported email attachments |
ScreenSize | (ALPHA) Classification of the screen size according to its size with respect to the set breakpoints. |
ShareStatus | (ALPHA) Object share status |
SortDirection | Sorting direction. |
SortEntityIds | Categorized collection of entity (object) identifiers referenced by a sort item. |
ThemeColor | (BETA) Color string in hex format, e.g. #14b2e2 |
ThemeFontUri | (BETA) Custom font URI which is used to override the default font |
ToMdObjectDefinition | (BETA) Utility type to get IMdObjectDefinition from IMdObject. |
ToNotificationChannelMetadataObject | (BETA) Utility type to transform INotificationChannelMetadataObjectDefinition to relevant INotificationChannelMetadataObject. |
TotalType | Supported types of totals. |
Uri | Type for all URI's. |
UriRef | Model object reference using object's URI. |
VisualizationProperties | Visualization-specific properties. |
WebhookRecipient | Webhook recipient. |
WeekStart | Week start day |
WorkspaceAccessPermission | Type of granted workspace granular access. |
WorkspacePermission | Workspace permission types |