Overview of sdk-backend-tiger
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sdk-backend-tiger package
This package provides the Analytical Backend implementation for GoodData Cloud and GoodData.CN.
You can use this package to communicate with GoodData Cloud and GoodData.CN in a convenient way without concerning yourself with low-level details. The functionality includes but is not limited to: getting and creating metadata objects, running executions, getting settings, getting available workspaces, and more.
Class | Description |
ContextDeferredAuthProvider | This implementation of authentication provider defers the responsibility for performing authentication to the context in which it exists. |
TigerJwtAuthProvider | (ALPHA) The implementation of authentication provider uses an JWT (JSON Web Token) as bearer of authentication. |
TigerTokenAuthProvider | This implementation of authentication provider uses an API Token as bearer of authentication. |
Abstract Classes
Abstract Class | Description |
TigerAuthProviderBase | Base for other IAuthenticationProvider implementations. |
Function | Description |
createRedirectToTigerAuthenticationWithParams(params) | Factory to create a redirectToTigerAuthentication function with a specific params, eg. externalProviderId. |
createTigerAuthenticationUrl(backend, authenticationFlow, location, additionalParams) | Given tiger backend, authentication flow details and current location, this function creates URL where the browser should redirect to start authentication flow with correct return address. |
redirectToTigerAuthentication(context, error) | Given authentication context and the authentication error, this implementation of NotAuthenticatedHandler will redirect current window to location where Tiger authentication flow will start. |
tigerFactory(config, implConfig) | Returns function which creates instances of Analytical Backend implementation which works with the 'tiger' backend. |
toAfmExecution(def) | Converts execution definition to AFM Execution |
Interface | Description |
IRedirectToTigerAuthenticationParams | Additional params for redirect API call, eg. the external provider ID to be used for authentication |
Variable | Description |
isTigerCompatibleType | (ALPHA) |
isTigerType | (ALPHA) |
objectTypeToTigerIdType | (ALPHA) |
tigerIdTypeToObjectType | (ALPHA) |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
JwtIsAboutToExpireHandler | (ALPHA) Handler that will be called by a JWT authentication provider before the JWT is about to expire. The handler will receive a method that can be used to set a new JWT value. The method throws an exception when the provided JWT is not for the same subject as the previously set JWT (if such token was already set). |
RedirectToTigerAuthenticationHandler | Type of handler that will redirect the browser to the location where Tiger authentication flow will start. |
SetJwtCallback | (ALPHA) Callback that is used to set the new JWT value before original token expires. Optionally, the callback accepts the number of seconds before the token expiration in which JwtIsAboutToExpireHandler will be called the next time. Expiration reminder will not be called when value is not provided or it is not greater than zero. |
TigerAfmType | Tiger AFM types |
TigerCompatibleObjectType | (ALPHA) |
TigerMetadataType | Tiger metadata types |
TigerObjectType | Tiger entity types |