Home > @gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard > DashboardConfig
DashboardConfig interface
Dashboard configuration can influence the available features, look and feel and behavior of the dashboard.
export interface DashboardConfig
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
allowUnfinishedFeatures? | boolean | (Optional) When turned on the features still under development will be turned on based on corresponding settings | |
colorPalette? | IColorPalette | (Optional) Color palette to pass down to charts. | |
dateFilterConfig? | IDateFilterConfig | (Optional) Date filter configuration. | |
disableCrossFiltering? | boolean | (Optional) Disable cross filtering | |
disableDefaultDrills? | boolean | (Optional) Disables default dashboard drills. | |
disableUserFilterReset? | boolean | (Optional) Disable user filter reset | |
enableFilterValuesResolutionInDrillEvents? | boolean | (Optional) If set to true, filter values will resolve in drill events. | |
entitlements? | IEntitlementDescriptor[] | (ALPHA) (Optional) Entitlements for the user who is rendering the dashboard | |
focusObject? | DashboardFocusObject | (BETA) (Optional) Specify the focus object in which context the dashboard should be opened. | |
initialContent? | DashboardItem[] | (Optional) Initial content of the dashboard. In case of empty dashboard, this content will be filled into created section. If the dashboard is loaded from backend, this content will be ignored. | |
initialRenderMode? | RenderMode | (Optional) Specify which render mode will be use d for initial rendering. | |
isEmbedded? | boolean | (Optional) Sets dashboard to the embedded mode. | |
isExport? | boolean | (Optional) When dashboard is executed in export mode, this property must be set to true. | |
isReadOnly? | boolean | (Optional) Sets dashboard to the read-only mode. | |
locale? | ILocale | (Optional) Locale to use for the dashboard. | |
mapboxToken? | string | (Optional) Token for Mapbox API. You need this to use GeoCharts in your dashboards. | |
menuButtonItemsVisibility? | IMenuButtonItemsVisibility | (BETA) (Optional) Configure which of the default menu button buttons are visible. | |
objectAvailability? | ObjectAvailabilityConfig | (Optional) Specifies exclusion and inclusion criteria for objects that should be available during the different object selections (e.g. selecting metric for KPI, attributes to filter by, date data sets to use for filtering). | |
references? | IDashboardReferences | (ALPHA) (Optional) Dashboard referenced objects. If provided, initialization of the dashboard avoid additional requests to resolve them. | |
separators? | ISeparators | (Optional) Number separators to use for charts and KPIs on the dashboard. | |
settings? | ISettings | (Optional) Settings may influence how the dashboard behaves or what features it exposes. | |
slideConfig? | DashboardExportSlideConfig | (ALPHA) (Optional) Specify the slide configuration for the dashboard. This sizes will be used in export mode as size of the slide where visualization will be fit and rendered. |