Home > @gooddata/sdk-backend-spi > IWorkspaceDashboardsService
IWorkspaceDashboardsService interface
This API is provided as an alpha preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
Service to list, create and update analytical dashboards
export interface IWorkspaceDashboardsService
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
workspace | readonly | string | (ALPHA) |
Method | Description |
createDashboard(dashboard) | (ALPHA) Create and save dashboard for the provided dashboard definition |
createDashboardPlugin(plugin) | (ALPHA) Creates a record about a dashboard plugin. Creating a new dashboard plugin does not impact any existing dashboards in the workspace. In order to use a plugin on a dashboard, you need to create a link between the dashboard and the plugin. Multiple dashboards may link to a single plugin; each dashboard may link to the plugin with different plugin-specific parameters. |
createFilterView(filterView) | (ALPHA) Create a new filter view. |
createScheduledMail(scheduledMail, exportFilterContext) | (ALPHA) Create scheduled mail for the dashboard |
createWidgetAlert(alert) | (ALPHA) Create widget alert for the provided widget alert definition |
deleteDashboard(ref) | (ALPHA) Delete dashboard |
deleteDashboardPlugin(ref) | (ALPHA) Deletes a record about a dashboard plugin from the backend. |
deleteFilterView(ref) | (ALPHA) Delete a filter view identified by the provided ref. |
deleteScheduledMail(ref) | (ALPHA) Delete scheduled mail |
deleteWidgetAlert(ref) | (ALPHA) Delete widget alert with the given reference |
deleteWidgetAlerts(refs) | (ALPHA) Widget alerts bulk delete |
exportDashboardToCSVRaw(definition, fileName) | (ALPHA) Export dashboard to CSV raw. CSV raw file is downloaded and attached as Blob data to the current window instance. |
exportDashboardToPdf(ref, filters) | (ALPHA) Export dashboard to pdf. You can override dashboard filters with custom filters. When no custom filters are set, the persisted dashboard filters will be used. PDF file is downloaded and attached as Blob data to the current window instance. |
exportDashboardToPresentation(ref, format, filters, options) | (ALPHA) Export dashboard to pdf. You can override dashboard filters with custom filters. When no custom filters are set, the persisted dashboard filters will be used. PDF file is downloaded and attached as Blob data to the current window instance. |
exportDashboardToTabular(ref) | (ALPHA) Export dashboard to tabular. Tabular file is downloaded and attached as Blob data to the current window instance. |
getAllWidgetAlertsForCurrentUser() | (ALPHA) Get all widget alerts for the current user |
getDashboard(ref, filterContextRef, options) | (ALPHA) Load dashboard by its reference, and override filter context with the given custom filter context (custom filter context is used mainly for exporting) |
getDashboardPermissions(ref) | (ALPHA) Get current user's permissions to the dashboard. |
getDashboardPlugin(ref, options) | (ALPHA) Load dashboard plugin by it's reference. |
getDashboardPlugins(options) | (ALPHA) Gets all dashboard plugins registered in the current workspace. |
getDashboardReferencedObjects(dashboard, types) | (ALPHA) Get objects referenced by a given dashboard. |
getDashboards(options) | (ALPHA) Gets all dashboards available in current workspace. |
getDashboardsQuery() | (ALPHA) List dashboards |
getDashboardWidgetAlertsForCurrentUser(ref) | (ALPHA) Get all widget alerts for the current user for the given dashboard |
getDashboardWithReferences(ref, filterContextRef, options, types) | (ALPHA) Loads a dashboard and objects that the dashboard references. |
getFilterViewsForCurrentUser(dashboardRef) | (ALPHA) Get a list of filter views for the current user. |
getResolvedFiltersForWidget(widget, filters, attributeFilterConfigs) | (ALPHA) Takes a widget and a list of filters and returns filters that can be used for the widget. - for attribute filters, these are filters that should NOT be ignored according to the ignoreDashboardFilters property. - for date filters it is the last filter with the same date dimension as specified in dateDataSet property. DOES NOT SUPPORT MULTIPLE DATE FILTERS. If you want to provide multiple date filters, pls refer to getResolvedFiltersForWidgetWithMultipleDateFilters The implementation MUST take different ObjRef types into account, for example if an incoming filter uses idRef and an ignoreDashboardFilters item uses uriRef but they point to the same metadata object, the filter MUST NOT be included in the result. |
getResolvedFiltersForWidgetWithMultipleDateFilters(widget, commonDateFilters, otherFilters, attributeFilterConfigs) | (ALPHA) Takes a widget, commonDateFilters and a list of other filters and returns filters that can be used for the widget. - common date filters are used only when match widget's date data set. If multiple of them match the last one is used - other date filters - these are filters that should NOT be ignored according to the ignoreDashboardFilters property. May have date data sets different from one in widget's definition - for attribute filters - these are filters that should NOT be ignored according to the ignoreDashboardFilters property. The implementation MUST take different ObjRef types into account, for example if an incoming filter uses idRef and an ignoreDashboardFilters item uses uriRef but they point to the same metadata object, the filter MUST NOT be included in the result. |
getScheduledMailsCountForDashboard(ref) | (ALPHA) Get the number of scheduled emails for particular dashboard |
getScheduledMailsForDashboard(ref, options) | (ALPHA) Get scheduled emails for particular dashboard |
getWidgetAlertsCountForWidgets(refs) | (ALPHA) Get the number of widget alerts (created by any user) for particular widgets |
getWidgetReferencedObjects(widget, types) | (ALPHA) Get all metadata objects referenced by a given widget. |
setFilterViewAsDefault(ref, isDefault) | (ALPHA) Set a filter view identified by the provided ref as the default one. The other filter views for the same dashboard that are marked as default ones will be unmarked. |
updateDashboard(dashboard, updatedDashboard) | (ALPHA) Update dashboard |
updateScheduledMail(ref, scheduledMail, filterContextRef) | (ALPHA) Update existing scheduled mail for the dashboard |
updateWidgetAlert(alert) | (ALPHA) Update widget alert |
validateDashboardsExistence(dashboardRefs) | (ALPHA) Checks whether dashboards exist for current user. Returns sanitized array of existing dashboards according to user's permissions to access or drill to them. |