Home > @gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard > IDashboardEventing
IDashboardEventing interface
Dashboard eventing configuration
export interface IDashboardEventing
Dashboard Component eventing is divided into two major groups:
- Domain events describing what is happening on the dashboard or with the dashboard 2. Infrastructural events required hook into different technical aspects of the dashboard component implementation.
Dashboard Component treats the domain events using the typical pub-sub semantics. It is possible to register any number of subscribers for the different types of events. Types of events are enumerated and each event comes with its own type describing the contents. Please see DashboardEventType and DashboardEvents to learn more.
The infrastructural events are handled using callbacks. There are only few of these infr
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
eventHandlers? | DashboardEventHandler[] | (Optional) Specify event handlers to register at the dashboard creation time. | |
onEventingInitialized? | (registerEventHandler: (handler: DashboardEventHandler) => void, unregisterEventHandler: (handler: DashboardEventHandler) => void) => void | (Optional) Specify callback that will be called when the dashboard eventing subsystem initializes and it is possible to register new or unregister existing event handlers. | |
onStateChange? | (state: DashboardState, dispatch: DashboardDispatch) => void | (Optional) Specify callback that will be called each time the state changes. |