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IInsightBodyProps interface
Insight body props.
export interface IInsightBodyProps extends Partial<IVisualizationCallbacks>
Extends: Partial<IVisualizationCallbacks>
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
backend | IAnalyticalBackend | Backend to work with. | |
colorPalette | IColorPalette | undefined | Configure color palette to use for the chart. If you do not specify this, then the palette will be obtained from style settings stored on the backend. | |
config | { mapboxToken?: string; separators?: ISeparators; forceDisableDrillOnAxes?: boolean; isExportMode?: boolean; selectedPoints?: IDrillEventIntersectionElement[][]; } | Additional config that should be passed to the underlying visualization. | |
drillableItems | ExplicitDrill[] | undefined | Configure chart drillability; e.g. which parts of the charts can be clicked. | |
ErrorComponent | React.ComponentType<IErrorProps> | Component to render if embedding fails. | |
execConfig? | IExecutionConfig | (Optional) Contains configuration that should be part of insight execution | |
insight | IInsight | The insight to render. | |
LoadingComponent | React.ComponentType<ILoadingProps> | Component to render while the insight is loading. | |
locale | ILocale | Locale to use for localization of texts appearing in the chart. Note: text values coming from the data itself are not localized. | |
settings | IUserWorkspaceSettings | undefined | The current user settings. | |
widget | IInsightWidget | Definition of insight widget to render. | |
workspace | string | Workspace where the insight exists. |