Overview of sdk-ui-dashboard
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sdk-ui-dashboard package
This package provides a Dashboard component that enables you to embed dashboards into your application as React components.
The component also allows for customization of the embedded dashboard using plugins. See also @gooddata/sdk-ui-loaders
Class | Description |
DashboardStoreAccessor | This class serves the selector and the dispatcher properties of the dashboard component state. |
DashboardStoreAccessorRepository | This singleton class serves the selector and the dispatcher properties for given dashboard. |
ObjRefMap | (ALPHA) Utility class that assists with type-agnostic mapping of metadata objects by ObjRef. Problem ======= The challenges with ObjRef's start in context of backend that supports both uri and id ref (e.g. bear) and the client. Backend according to contract creates one type of ref - uri ref - so that is fine. However when instances of For clients it is often more convenient to use ID refs.. because they are transferable across workspaces and because they appear in the catalog export. Doing strict ref-to-ref matching between user input and the data stored in state will result in no matches because the types of ref's do not match. --- This class addresses the problem by having the |
SingleDashboardStoreAccessor | This singleton class uses DashboardStoreAccessorRepository to create a store accessor for a single dashboard. |
Abstract Classes
Abstract Class | Description |
DashboardPluginV1 | Abstract base class for the Dashboard Plugin. |
Function | Description |
addAttributeFilter(displayForm, index, correlationId, selectionMode, mode, initialSelection, initialIsNegativeSelection, localIdentifier, primaryDisplayForm, title) | (BETA) Creates the AddAttributeFilter command. Dispatching this command will result in the addition of another attribute filter to the dashboard's filter bar, at desired position, or error in case of invalid update (e.g. wrong or duplicated displayForm) The filter will be set for the display form provided by reference. When created, the filter will be no-op - all the elements will be selected. |
addDateFilter(dateDataset, index, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the AddDateFilter command. Dispatching this command will result in the addition of another date filter with defined dimension to the dashboard's filter bar, at desired position, or error in case of invalid update (e.g. wrong or duplicated date dimension/data set) The filter will be set for the date dimension provided by reference. When created, the filter will be no-op - all time filter. |
addDrillDownForInsightWidget(ref, attributeIdentifier, drillDownIdentifier, drillDownAttributeHierarchyRef, intersectionIgnoredAttributes, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the AddDrillDownForInsightWidget command. Dispatching the created command will create insight widget's drill definition for the provided measure. |
addDrillTargets(ref, availableDrillTargets, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Create AddDrillTargets AddDrillTargets command. |
addLayoutSection(index, initialHeader, initialItems, autoResolveDateFilterDataset, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the AddLayoutSection command. |
addNestedLayoutSection(index, initialHeader, initialItems, autoResolveDateFilterDataset, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the AddLayoutSection command. |
addNestedLayoutSectionItem(itemPath, item, autoResolveDateFilterDataset, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the AddSectionItems command. |
addSectionItem(sectionIndex, itemIndex, item, autoResolveDateFilterDataset, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the AddSectionItems command. |
addVisualizationToSwitcherWidgetContent(ref, visualization, insight, sizeInfo, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the AddVisualizationToSwitcherWidgetContent command. Dispatching this command will result in addition of visualization to switcher widget. |
anyDashboardEventHandler(handler) | Creates a DashboardEventHandler instance that will be invoked for any dashboard event (i.e. not for custom events). |
anyEventHandler(handler) | Creates a DashboardEventHandler instance that will be invoked for any event (event for custom events). |
applyAttributeFilter(filterLocalId, filter, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeAttributeFilterSelection command. |
applyDateFilter(filter, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeDateFilterSelection command. |
applyFilterContextWorkingSelection(correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ApplyFilterContextWorkingSelection command. |
applyFilterView(ref, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ApplyFilterView command. |
attributeHierarchyModified(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the AttributeHierarchyModified command , dispatching this command will result on reset of catalog. |
cancelEditRenderMode(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeRenderMode command for cancel edit mode. |
changeAttributeFilterSelection(filterLocalId, elements, selectionType, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeAttributeFilterSelection command for applied filters. |
changeDateFilterSelection(type, granularity, from, to, dateFilterOptionLocalId, correlationId, dataSet, isWorkingSelectionChange) | Creates the ChangeDateFilterSelection command. |
changeDrillableItems(drillableItems, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ChangeDrillableItems command. Dispatching this command will result into enabling drilling of the widgets, if they match some of the drillable item definition/predicate. |
changeFilterContextSelection(filters, resetOthers, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeFilterContextSelection command. |
changeInsightWidgetDescription(ref, description, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetDescription command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the Insight widget's description. |
changeInsightWidgetHeader(ref, header, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetHeader command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the Insight widget's header which (now) includes title. |
changeInsightWidgetIgnoreCrossFiltering(ref, ignoreCrossFiltering, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetCrossFiltering command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the Insight widget's cross-filtering setting. |
changeInsightWidgetInsight(ref, insightRef, visualizationProperties, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetInsight command. Dispatching this command will result in change of what insight is rendered inside particular insight widget - while keeping all the other setup the same (filtering, drilling). |
changeInsightWidgetVisConfiguration(ref, config, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetVisConfiguration command. Dispatching this command will result is modification of the visualization configuration that are effective for the particular insight widget. Through visualization configuration, you can modify how particular visualization behaves If you want to clear any widget-level configuration, set config to |
changeInsightWidgetVisProperties(ref, properties, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetVisProperties command. Dispatching this command will result is modification of the visualization properties that are effective for the particular insight widget. Through visualization properties, you can modify how particular visualization looks and behaves (enable/disable tooltips, legend, change axes, enable zooming). If you want to clear any widget-level properties, set properties to |
changeKpiWidgetComparison(ref, comparison, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetComparison command. Dispatching this command will result in change of what comparison method - if any - is used for the KPI's Measure. The KPI may compare measure value from current period (as selected by the date filter) to previous period and then depending on whether the current value grows can visualize that as a good or bad thing. |
changeKpiWidgetConfiguration(ref, config, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetConfiguration command. Dispatching this command will result is modification of the configuration that are effective for the particular kpi widget. Through configuration, you can modify how is particular kpi rendered If you want to clear any widget-level configuration, set config to |
changeKpiWidgetDescription(ref, description, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetDescription command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the Kpi widget's description. |
changeKpiWidgetHeader(ref, header, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetHeader command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the KPI widget's header which (now) includes title. |
changeKpiWidgetMeasure(ref, measureRef, header, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetMeasure command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the measure used by the KPI. |
changeLayoutSectionHeader(index, header, merge, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeLayoutSectionHeader command. |
changeNestedLayoutSectionHeader(index, header, merge, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ChangeLayoutSectionHeader command. |
changeRenderMode(renderMode, renderModeChangeOptions, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeRenderMode command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the render mode of dashboard component |
changeRichTextWidgetContent(ref, content, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeRichTextWidgetContent command. Dispatching this command will result in change of the rich text widget's markdown content. |
changeSharing(newSharingProperties, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeSharing command. Dispatching this command will result in change of sharing status of dashboard. The changes will be done in-memory and also propagated to the backend. |
changeWorkingAttributeFilterSelection(filterLocalId, elements, selectionType, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeAttributeFilterSelection command for working filter. |
clearDateFilterSelection(correlationId, dataSet, isWorkingSelectionChange) | This convenience function will create ChangeDateFilterSelection configured so that the date filter will be unbounded - showing data for 'All Time'. |
commandFailedEventHandler(type, handler) | (ALPHA) Creates a DashboardEventHandler instance that will be invoked for a DashboardCommandFailed of a particular command. |
commandStartedEventHandler(type, handler) | (ALPHA) Creates a DashboardEventHandler instance that will be invoked for a DashboardCommandStarted of a particular command. |
createAlert(alert, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SaveAlert command. Dispatching this command will result in the creating alert on the backend. |
createScheduledEmail(scheduledEmail, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the CreateScheduledEmail command. Dispatching this command will result in the creating scheduled email on the backend. |
crossFiltering(insight, drillDefinition, drillEvent, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the CrossFiltering command. Dispatching this command will result into applying intersection attribute filters to the dashboard and insight will ignore these filters further Eventually a DashboardCrossFilteringResolved event will be dispatched at the end. |
dashboardAttributeFilterToAttributeFilter(filter) | Converts to IAttributeFilter instance. |
dashboardDateFilterToDateFilterByDateDataSet(filter, dateDataSet) | Converts to IDateFilter instance. |
dashboardDateFilterToDateFilterByWidget(filter, widget) | Converts to IDateFilter instance. |
DefaultDashboardExportVariables({ renderMode }) | (ALPHA) |
DefaultFilterBar(props) | (ALPHA) |
DefaultTopBar(props) | (ALPHA) |
deleteDashboard(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the DeleteDashboard command. Dispatching this command will result in removal of the currently rendered dashboard from analytical backend and reverting the dashboard component to an 'empty' state where it is initialized to create a new dashboard. |
deleteFilterView(ref, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the DeleteFilterView command. |
disableInsightWidgetDateFilter(ref, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpDisableDateFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in change of Insight widget's date filter setting. The date filtering will be disabled. |
disableKpiWidgetDateFilter(ref, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpDisableDateFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in change of KPI widget's date filter setting. The date filtering will be disabled. |
dispatchAndWaitFor(dispatch, command) | (ALPHA) Dispatches a command and returns a promise to wait for it to get resolved. |
drill(drillEvent, drillContext, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the Drill command. Dispatching this command will result into dispatching DashboardDrillResolved event. This is general dashboard drill command with details about all possible more granular drill interactions that can follow. Reason for this general drill command is that it may happen that multiple drill interactions are possible for one drill event. Example: some attribute on the insight has drill down set and also widget has drill to insight set. Then this command must be dispatched with both and definitions. - This must be always the first command that occurs after the drill interaction and must be dispatched before more granular drill commands. - Specific drill commands that can follow this general drill command are: DrillDown, DrillToInsight, DrillToDashboard, DrillToCustomUrl, DrillToAttributeUrl, DrillToLegacyDashboard |
drillDown(insight, drillDefinition, drillEvent, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the DrillDown command. Dispatching this command will result into applying drill down definition to the provided insight (result of the drill down application depends on the particular visualization type) and dispatching DashboardDrillDownResolved event that will contain it. In the default dashboard implementation dispatching this command will also result into opening drill dialog with the insight that has this particular drill down definition applied. |
drillTargetsAdded(ctx, ref, availableDrillTargets, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Create DrillTargetsAdded DrillTargetsAdded event. |
drillToAttributeUrl(drillDefinition, drillEvent, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the DrillToAttributeUrl command. Dispatching this command will result into resolving the target attribute url and dispatching DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlResolved event that will contain it. For more details, see: https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86794855 |
drillToCustomUrl(drillDefinition, drillEvent, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the DrillToCustomUrl command. Dispatching this command will result into resolving the target url and dispatching DashboardDrillToCustomUrlResolved event that will contain it. Custom url can contain various identifier or attribute title placeholders, see: https://help.gooddata.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=86794855 |
drillToDashboard(drillDefinition, drillEvent, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the DrillToDashboard command. Dispatching this command will result into getting the drill intersection filters that can be applied to the target dashboard and dispatching DashboardDrillToDashboardResolved event that will contain them. |
drillToInsight(drillDefinition, drillEvent, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the DrillToInsight command. Dispatching this command will result into applying the drill intersection filters to the target insight and dispatching DashboardDrillToInsightResolved event that will contain it. In the default dashboard implementation this command will also result into opening the drill dialog with the target insight that has the drill intersection filters applied. |
drillToLegacyDashboard(drillDefinition, drillEvent, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the DrillToLegacyDashboard command. Dispatching this command will result into dispatching DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardResolved event. Drill to legacy dashboard can be configured for Kpi widgets only. |
eagerRemoveNestedLayoutSectionItem(itemPath, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the RemoveSectionItem configured to do eager remove of item. |
eagerRemoveSectionItem(sectionIndex, itemIndex, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveSectionItem configured to do eager remove of item. |
eagerRemoveSectionItemByWidgetRef(widgetRef, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveSectionItemByWidgetRef configured to do eager remove of item. |
enableInsightWidgetDateFilter(ref, dateDataset, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpEnableDateFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in change of Insight widget's date filter setting. The date filtering will be enabled and the provided date data set will be used for date-filtering widget's insight. |
enableKpiWidgetDateFilter(ref, dateDataset, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpEnableDateFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in change of KPI widget's date filter setting. The date filtering will be enabled and the provided date data set will be used for date-filtering widget's KPI. |
enableRichTextWidgetDateFilter(ref, dateDataset, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeRichTextWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpEnableDateFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in change of RichText widget's date filter setting. The date filtering will be enabled and the provided date data set will be used for date-filtering widget's RichText. |
exportDashboardToExcel(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ExportDashboardToExcel command. Dispatching this command will result in a request to export the dashboard to a EXCEL file. If successful, an instance of DashboardExportToExcelResolved will be emitted with the URL of the resulting file. |
exportDashboardToPdf(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ExportDashboardToPdf command. Dispatching this command will result in a request to export the dashboard to a PDF file. If successful, an instance of DashboardExportToPdfResolved will be emitted with the URL of the resulting file. |
exportDashboardToPdfPresentation(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ExportDashboardToPdfPresentation command. Dispatching this command will result in a request to export the dashboard to a Pdf presentation file. If successful, an instance of DashboardExportToPdfPresentationResolved will be emitted with the URL of the resulting file. |
exportDashboardToPptPresentation(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ExportDashboardToPptPresentation command. Dispatching this command will result in a request to export the dashboard to a Ppt presentation file. If successful, an instance of DashboardExportToPptPresentationResolved will be emitted with the URL of the resulting file. |
exportInsightWidget(ref, config, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ExportInsightWidget command. Dispatching this command will result in exporting of the widget to a CSV of XLSX file. |
exportRawInsightWidget(ref, widget, insight, filename, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ExportRawInsightWidget command. Dispatching this command will result in exporting of the widget to a CSV. |
exportSlidesInsightWidget(ref, filename, exportType, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ExportSlidesInsightWidget command. Dispatching this command will result in exporting of the widget to a slides type (pdf, pptx). |
filterContextItemsToDashboardFiltersByDateDataSet(filterContextItems, dateDataSet) | Gets IDashboardFilter items for filters specified as instances. |
filterContextItemsToDashboardFiltersByRichTextWidget(filterContextItems, widget) | Gets IDashboardFilter items for filters specified as instances. |
filterContextItemsToDashboardFiltersByWidget(filterContextItems, widget) | Gets IDashboardFilter items for filters specified as instances. |
filterContextToDashboardFiltersByDateDataSet(filterContext, dateDataSet) | Gets IDashboardFilter items for filters specified in given filterContext in relation to the given dateDataSet. |
filterContextToDashboardFiltersByWidget(filterContext, widget) | Gets IDashboardFilter items for filters specified in given filterContext in relation to the given widget. |
ignoreDateFilterOnInsightWidget(ref, oneOrMoreDataSets, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpIgnoreDateFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in addition of one or more filters into Insight widget's date filter ignore-list. Those date filters that use the provided date data sets for filtering will be ignored by the widget on top of any other filters that are already ignored. Ignored date filters are not passed down to the insight and will not be used to filter that insight. The operation is idempotent - trying to ignore an date filter multiple times will have no effect. |
ignoreFilterOnInsightWidget(ref, oneOrMoreDisplayForms, correlationId) | Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpIgnoreAttributeFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in addition of one or more filters into Insight widget's attribute filter ignore-list. Those attribute filters that use the provided displayForms for filtering will be ignored by the widget on top of any other filters that are already ignored. Ignored attribute filters are not passed down to the insight and will not be used to filter that insight. The operation is idempotent - trying to ignore an attribute filter multiple times will have no effect. |
ignoreFilterOnKpiWidget(ref, oneOrMoreDisplayForms, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpIgnoreAttributeFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in addition of one or more filters into KPI widget's attribute filter ignore-list. Those attribute filters that use the provided displayForms for filtering will be ignored by the widget on top of any other filters that are already ignored. Ignored attribute filters are not passed down to the KPI and will not be used to filter that KPI. The operation is idempotent - trying to ignore an attribute filter multiple times will have no effect. |
initializeAutomations(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the InitializeAutomations command. Dispatching this command will result in the initializing dashboard automations. This initialization is necessary for working with alerts and scheduled exports. |
initializeDashboard(config, permissions, correlationId) | Creates the InitializeDashboard command. |
insightSelectDateDataset(queryResult) | (ALPHA) Given results of a query of date datasets available to use for filtering an insight, this function will pick a single date dataset to use. |
isAnyPlaceholderWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whether an object is any type of placeholder widgets. |
isBrokenAlertAttributeFilterInfo(item) | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of BrokenAlertAttributeFilterInfo |
isBrokenAlertDateFilterInfo(item) | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of BrokenAlertDateFilterInfo |
isCustomDashboardEvent(obj) | Tests whether object is an instance of ICustomDashboardEvent. |
isCustomWidget(obj) | Type-guard that tests whether an object is an instance of ICustomWidget. |
isCustomWidgetBase(obj) | Type-guard that tests whether an object is an instance of ICustomWidgetBase. |
isCustomWidgetDefinition(obj) | Type-guard that tests whether an object is an instance of ICustomWidgetDefinition. |
isDashboardEvent(obj) | Tests whether object is an instance of IDashboardEvent. |
isDashboardEventOrCustomDashboardEvent(obj) | Tests whether object is an instance of IDashboardEvent or ICustomDashboardEvent. |
isDashboardFilter(obj) | (ALPHA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDashboardFilter. |
isDashboardItemVisualization(item) | Tests whether the provided item is a dashboard item with visualization. |
isDashboardItemVisualizationContent(item) | Tests whether the provided item is a dashboard item with visualization content. |
isDrillDownDefinition(obj) | (BETA) Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of IDrillDownDefinition. |
isExtendedDashboardLayoutWidget(obj) | Type-guard testing whether the provided object is an instance of ExtendedDashboardLayoutWidget. |
isInsightPlaceholderWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whether an object is a InsightPlaceholderWidget. |
isKpiPlaceholderWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whether an object is a KpiPlaceholderWidget. |
isLayoutCoordinates(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whenever the provided object is layout coordinates object. |
isLayoutItemPath(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whenever the provided object is section path. |
isLayoutSectionPath(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whenever the provided object is section path. |
isPlaceholderWidget(obj) | (ALPHA) Tests whether an object is a PlaceholderWidget. |
modifyDrillDownForInsightWidget(ref, attributeIdentifier, attributeHierarchyRef, blacklistHierarchies, intersectionIgnoredAttributes, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ModifyDrillDownForInsightWidget command. Dispatching the created command will update insight widget's drill definition for the provided measure. |
modifyDrillsForInsightWidget(ref, drills, blacklistHierarchiesToUpdate, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ModifyDrillsForInsightWidget command. Dispatching the created command will add or modify a new drill for the insight widget. Drill can be setup for particular measure - meaning elements in the insight will be clickable. Exactly one drill can be specified for a measure. What happens on click depends on the context in which the dashboard lives: - When in KPI Dashboard (embedded or not) the defined action is actually triggered and done - it may open a new tab, open overlay with insight, navigate to a new dashboard and carry over the filters. - When the dashboard is embedded using Dashboard component, an event will be emitted describing the defined drill action. |
moveAttributeFilter(filterLocalId, index, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the MoveAttributeFilter command. Dispatching this command will result in move of the dashboard attribute filter with the provided local id to a new spot. The new spot is defined by index. For convenience the index of -1 means move to the end of the attribute filter list. |
moveDateFilter(dataSet, index, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the MoveDateFilter command. Dispatching this command will result in move of the dashboard date filter with the provided dataSet to a new spot. The new spot is defined by index. For convenience the index of -1 means move to the end of the filter list. |
moveLayoutSection(sectionIndex, toIndex, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the MoveLayoutSection command. Dispatching this command will result in move of the section located at sectionIndex to a new place indicated by toIndex . |
moveNestedLayoutSection(sectionIndex, toIndex, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the MoveLayoutSection command. Dispatching this command will result in move of the section located at sectionIndex to a new place indicated by toIndex . |
moveNestedLayoutSectionItem(fromPath, toPath, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the MoveSectionItem command. |
moveNestedLayoutSectionItemAndRemoveOriginalSectionIfEmpty(fromPath, toPath, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the MoveSectionItem command. |
moveNestedLayoutSectionItemToNewSection(itemPath, toSection, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the MoveSectionItemToNewSection command. |
moveNestedLayoutSectionItemToNewSectionAndRemoveOriginalSectionIfEmpty(itemPath, toSection, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the MoveSectionItemToNewSection command. |
moveSectionItem(sectionIndex, itemIndex, toSectionIndex, toItemIndex, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the MoveSectionItem command. |
moveSectionItemAndRemoveOriginalSectionIfEmpty(sectionIndex, itemIndex, toSectionIndex, toItemIndex, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the MoveSectionItem command. |
moveSectionItemToNewSection(sectionIndex, itemIndex, toSectionIndex, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the MoveSectionItemToNewSection command. |
moveSectionItemToNewSectionAndRemoveOriginalSectionIfEmpty(sectionIndex, itemIndex, toSectionIndex, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the MoveSectionItemToNewSection command. |
newCustomWidget(identifier, customType, extras) | Creates a new custom widget. |
newDashboardEngine() | A factory function to obtain an instance of IDashboardEngine. |
newDashboardEventPredicate(eventType, pred) | (ALPHA) Creates DashboardEvent predicate that test whether the provided event matches it. |
newDashboardItem(widget, sizeOrColSize) | Creates a new dashboard item containing the provided custom widget. |
newDashboardSection(titleOrHeader, items) | Creates a new dashboard section. |
newDisplayFormMap(items, strictTypeCheck) | (ALPHA) Creates ObjRefMap for attribute display form metadata objects. |
newInsightPlaceholderWidget() | (ALPHA) |
newKpiPlaceholderWidget() | (ALPHA) |
newPlaceholderWidget() | (ALPHA) |
queryAndWaitFor(dispatch, query) | (ALPHA) Dispatches a query and returns a promise to its result. |
queryAttributeByDisplayForm(displayForms, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action through which you can query attributes for given display forms |
queryConnectedAttributes(ref, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action through which you can query connected attributes for the information about possibility of parent-child attribute filter relationship as only connected attributes may be dependent on each other. |
queryConnectingAttributes(refs, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action through which you can query connecting attributes for the information about possibility of parent-child attribute filter relationship. |
queryDateDatasetsForInsight(insightOrRef, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action through which you can query dashboard component for information about the date data sets that are applicable for the provided insight. |
queryDateDatasetsForMeasure(measureRef, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action through which you can query dashboard component for information about the date data sets that are applicable for filtering of the provided measure. measures are typically used to obtain value to render on KPIs. |
queryInsightAttributesMeta(insightOrRef, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action thought which you can query dashboard component for information about display forms and attributes used by an insight. |
queryMetricsAndFacts(correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action through which you can query metrics and facts |
queryWidgetAlertCount(widgetRef, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action through which you can query dashboard component for information about the total number of alerts all the users have set on a given KPI widget. |
queryWidgetBrokenAlerts(widgetRef, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action thought which you can query dashboard component for broken alert filters. |
queryWidgetFilters(widgetRef, insight, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates action thought which you can query dashboard component for filters that should be used by a given widget. |
refreshAutomations(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RefreshAutomations command. Dispatching this command will result in refreshing the current dashboard's automation data. This is particularly useful after creating, updating, or removing alerts or scheduled exports, ensuring that the local data remains synchronized with the backend. |
refreshInsightWidget(ref, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RefreshInsightWidget command. Dispatching this command will result in re-calculation of the widget's insight and re-render. |
refreshKpiWidget(ref, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RefreshKpiWidget command. Dispatching this command will result in re-calculation of the KPI's value. |
reloadFilterViews(correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ReloadFilterViews command. |
removeAttributeFilter(filterLocalId, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveAttributeFilters command. Dispatching this command will result in the removal of dashboard's attribute filter with the provided local identifier. |
removeAttributeFilters(filterLocalIds, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveAttributeFilters command. Dispatching this command will result in the removal of dashboard's attribute filters with the provided local identifiers. |
removeDateFilter(dataSet, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveDateFilters command. Dispatching this command will result in the removal of dashboard's date filter with the provided date data set. |
removeDrillDownForInsightWidget(ref, blacklistHierarchies, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the RemoveDrillDownForInsightWidget command. Dispatching the created command will remove insight widget's drill definition for the provided measure. |
removeDrillForKpiWidget(ref, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveDrillForKpiWidget command. Dispatching this command will result in KPI having its drill removed. |
removeDrillsForInsightWidget(ref, localIdentifiers, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveDrillsForInsightWidget command. Dispatching the created command will remove insight widget's drill definition for the provided measure. |
removeLayoutSection(index, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveLayoutSection command. |
removeNestedLayoutSection(index, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the RemoveLayoutSection command. |
removeNestedLayoutSectionItem(itemPath, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the RemoveSectionItem command. |
removeSectionItem(sectionIndex, itemIndex, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveSectionItem command. |
removeSectionItemByWidgetRef(widgetRef, stashIdentifier, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RemoveSectionItemByWidgetRef command. |
renameDashboard(newTitle, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the RenameDashboard command. Dispatching this command will result in rename of the dashboard. The changes will be done only in-memory and have to be flushed to backend using the SaveDashboard command. |
replaceInsightWidgetFilterSettings(ref, settings, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpReplaceAll operation. Dispatching this command will result in replacement of Insight widget's filter settings; this includes change of data set used for common date filter, disabling common date filtering, ignoring attribute/date filters that are defined on the dashboard for the widget. |
replaceInsightWidgetIgnoredFilters(ref, displayForms, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpReplaceAttributeIgnores operation. Dispatching this command will result in replacement of Insight widget's attribute filter ignore-list. Those attribute filters that use the provided displayForms for filtering will be ignored by the widget. |
replaceKpiWidgetFilterSettings(ref, settings, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings command. Dispatching this command will result in change of KPI widget's filter settings; this includes change of data set used for date filter, disabling date filtering, ignoring attribute filters that are defined on the dashboard for the widget. |
replaceKpiWidgetIgnoredFilters(ref, displayForms, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpReplaceAttributeIgnores operation. Dispatching this command will result in replacement of KPI widget's attribute filter ignore-list. Those attribute filters that use the provided displayForms for filtering will be ignored by the widget. |
replaceNestedLayoutSectionItem(itemPath, item, stashIdentifier, autoResolveDateFilterDataset, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ReplaceSectionItem command. Dispatching this command will result in replacement of particular dashboard item with a new item. By default, the old item will be discarded, however you may specify to stash it for later use. |
replaceSectionItem(sectionIndex, itemIndex, item, stashIdentifier, autoResolveDateFilterDataset, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ReplaceSectionItem command. Dispatching this command will result in replacement of particular dashboard item with a new item. By default, the old item will be discarded, however you may specify to stash it for later use. |
requestAsyncRender(id, correlationId) | Notify the dashboard about asynchronous rendering (eg when the component needs to load some asynchronous data to be rendered) of the component. |
resetAttributeFilterSelection(filterLocalId, correlationId) | A convenience function that will create ChangeAttributeFilterSelection command that will select all elements of the dashboard attribute filter with the provided local id. |
resetDashboard(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ResetDashboard command. Dispatching this command will result in dropping all in-memory modifications of the dashboard and reverting to a state that is persisted on the backend. In other words reset will get dashboard to a state after the last save. Note: if a dashboard is not saved on a backend, then reset will clear the dashboard to an empty state. Limitation: reset command will have no impact on alerts or scheduled emails. These entites are persisted outside of the dashboard and have their own lifecycle. |
resetFilterContextWorkingSelection(correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ResetFilterContextWorkingSelection command. |
resizeHeight(sectionIndex, itemIndexes, height, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ResizeHeight command. |
resizeNestedLayoutItemsHeight(sectionIndex, itemIndexes, height, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ResizeHeight command. |
resizeNestedLayoutItemWidth(itemPath, width, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ResizeWidth command. |
resizeWidth(sectionIndex, itemIndex, width, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ResizeWidth command. |
resolveAsyncRender(id, correlationId) | Notify the dashboard about resolved asynchronous rendering of the component. |
resolveFilterValues(filters, backend, workspace) | (ALPHA) Resolves filter values |
revertLastLayoutChange(correlationId) | (ALPHA) A convenience function to create UndoLayoutChanges command that will revert the very last command and toss it out of history. |
saveAlert(alert, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SaveAlert command. Dispatching this command will result in the saving alert on the backend. |
saveDashboard(title, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SaveDashboard command. Dispatching this command will result in persisting all the accumulated dashboard modification to backend. The command will not have any effect if dashboard is not initialized or is empty. |
saveDashboardAs(title, switchToCopy, useOriginalFilterContext, correlationId) | Creates the SaveDashboardAs command. |
saveFilterView(name, isDefault, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the SaveFilterView command. |
saveScheduledEmail(scheduledEmail, correlationId) | (BETA) Saves existing SaveScheduledEmail command. Dispatching this command will result in saving scheduled email on the backend. |
setAttributeFilterDependentDateFilters(filterLocalId, dependentDateFilters, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SetAttributeFilterDependentDateFilters command. Dispatching this command will result in setting a relationship between one dashboard attribute filters and one or more date filters. When an attribute filter has a dependent date filter set up, the attribute elements that will be available in the attribute filter will be influenced by the selection in the date filter. The attribute filter will show only those elements for which a link exists to the selected elements in the dependent date filter. |
setAttributeFilterDisplayForm(filterLocalId, displayForm, isWorkingSelectionChange, isResultOfMigration) | (BETA) Creates the SetAttributeFilterDisplayForm command. |
setAttributeFilterLimitingItems(localIdentifier, limitingItems, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the SetAttributeFilterLimitingItems command. |
setAttributeFilterParents(filterLocalId, parentFilters, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SetAttributeFilterParents command. Dispatching this command will result in setting a parent-child relationship between two or more dashboard attribute filters. When an attribute filter has a parent set up, the attribute elements that will be available in the child filter will be influenced by the selection in the parent. The child filter will show only those elements for which a link exists to the selected elements in the parent. Take for example a model where there are continent and country attributes. You add continent and country as filters onto a dashboard and establish parent-child relationship between them. When users select some continents in the filter, the country filter will only show elements for countries on the selected contents. |
setAttributeFilterSelectionMode(filterLocalId, selectionMode) | (BETA) Creates the SetAttributeFilterSelectionMode command. |
setAttributeFilterTitle(filterLocalId, title, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SetAttributeFilterTitle command. |
setDashboardAttributeFilterConfigDisplayAsLabel(localIdentifier, displayAsLabel) | (ALPHA) Creates the SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigDisplayAsLabel command. |
setDashboardAttributeFilterConfigMode(localIdentifier, mode) | (ALPHA) Creates the SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigMode command. |
setDashboardDateFilterConfigMode(mode) | (ALPHA) Creates the SetDashboardDateFilterConfigMode command. |
setDashboardDateFilterWithDimensionConfigMode(dataSet, mode) | (ALPHA) Creates the SetDashboardDateFilterWithDimensionConfigMode command. |
setDateFilterConfigTitle(dataSet, title, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SetDateFilterConfigTitle command. |
setDrillForKpiWidget(ref, legacyDashboardRef, legacyDashboardTabIdentifier, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the SetDrillForKpiWidget command. Dispatching this command will result in KPI having its drill set to the given value. |
setExecutionResultData(id, executionResult, executionWarnings, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates an UpsertExecutionResult command that makes the relevant execution result set new result data and stop loading. |
setExecutionResultError(id, error, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates an UpsertExecutionResult command that makes the relevant execution result indicate an error and stop loading. |
setExecutionResultLoading(id, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates an UpsertExecutionResult command that makes the relevant execution result indicate it is loading. |
setFilterViewAsDefault(ref, isDefault, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the SetFilterViewAsDefault command. |
singleEventTypeHandler(type, handler) | Creates a DashboardEventHandler instance that will be invoked for one specified event type. |
switchToEditRenderMode(correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeRenderMode command for switch to edit mode. |
toggleLayoutSectionHeaders(layoutPath, enableSectionHeaders, correlationId) | (ALPHA) Creates the ToggleLayoutSectionHeaders command. |
triggerEvent(eventBody, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates an TriggerEvent command. |
undoLayoutChanges(undoPointSelector, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the UndoLayoutChanges command. |
unignoreDateFilterOnInsightWidget(ref, oneOrMoreDataSets, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpUnignoreDateFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in removal of one or more filters from Insight widget's date filter ignore-list. Ignored date filters are not passed down to the insight and will not be used to filter that insight. The operation is idempotent - trying to unignore an date filter multiple times will have no effect. |
unignoreFilterOnInsightWidget(ref, oneOrMoreDisplayForms, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpUnignoreAttributeFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in removal of one or more filters from Insight widget's attribute filter ignore-list. Ignored attribute filters are not passed down to the insight and will not be used to filter that insight. The operation is idempotent - trying to unignore an attribute filter multiple times will have no effect. |
unignoreFilterOnKpiWidget(ref, oneOrMoreDisplayForms, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings command for FilterOpUnignoreAttributeFilter operation. Dispatching this command will result in removal of one or more filters from KPI widget's attribute filter ignore-list. Ignored attribute filters are not passed down to the KPI and will not be used to filter that KPI. The operation is idempotent - trying to unignore an attribute filter multiple times will have no effect. |
updateVisualizationsFromSwitcherWidgetContent(ref, visualizations, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the ChangeVisualizationsFromVisualizationSwitcherWidgetContent command. Dispatching this command will result in the update of visualization which form part of the visualization switcher widget. |
useCustomWidgetExecutionDataView({ enableExecutionCancelling, widget, execution, onCancel, onError, onLoading, onPending, onSuccess, }) | This hook provides an easy way to read a data view from a custom widget. It resolves the appropriate filters for the widget based on the filters currently set on the whole dashboard. |
useCustomWidgetInsightDataView({ widget, insight, enableExecutionCancelling, onCancel, onError, onLoading, onPending, onSuccess, }) | This hook provides an easy way to read a data view for an insight from a custom widget. It resolves the appropriate filters for the widget based on the filters currently set on the whole dashboard. |
useFiltersForWidgetScheduledExport({ scheduledExportToEdit, widget, insight, }) | (ALPHA) Hook for getting filters for widget scheduled export. Note: - The resulting filters are a combination of insight and dashboard filters, following these rules: - Cross-filtering filters are excluded as they are typically not desired in the scheduled export. - The widget's ignored filters configuration is honored (ignored filters are not overridden by dashboard filters and remain as is). - If the resulting filters include all-time date filter, it is excluded as it has no effect on the scheduled export execution. - If we are editing an existing scheduled export, this function will return its filters, as changing saved filters is currently not allowed. |
useInsightWidgetDataView(config) | This hook provides an easy way to read a data view from insight widget. |
userInteractionTriggered(interactionPayloadOrType, correlationId) | (BETA) Creates the DashboardUserInteractionTriggered event body. |
useWidgetFilters(widget, insight) | Hook for obtaining the effective filters for a widget. |
Interface | Description |
AccessibleDashboardsState | (ALPHA) |
AddAttributeFilter | (BETA) |
AddAttributeFilterPayload | (BETA) Payload of the AddAttributeFilter command. |
AddDateFilter | (ALPHA) |
AddDateFilterPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the AddDateFilter command. |
AddDrillDownForInsightWidget | (ALPHA) |
AddDrillDownForInsightWidgetPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the AddDrillDownForInsightWidget command. |
AddDrillTargets | (ALPHA) Add widget drill targets |
AddDrillTargetsPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the AddDrillTargets command. |
AddLayoutSection | (BETA) |
AddLayoutSectionPayload | (BETA) Payload of the AddLayoutSection command. |
AddSectionItems | (BETA) |
AddSectionItemsPayload | (BETA) Payload of the AddSectionItems command. |
AddVisualizationToVisualizationSwitcherWidgetContent | (BETA) |
AddVisualizationToVisualizationSwitcherWidgetContentPayload | (BETA) Payload of the AddVisualizationToVisualizationSwitcherWidgetContent command. |
ApplyFilterContextWorkingSelection | (ALPHA) Command for applying all working filters staged for application. Usually used with setting dashboardApplyFiltersMode: ALL_AT_ONCE |
ApplyFilterView | (ALPHA) Command for application of a saved filter view. |
ApplyFilterViewPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the ApplyFilterView command. |
AttributeFilterConfigsState | (ALPHA) |
AttributeHierarchyModified | (BETA) |
AutomationsState | (ALPHA) |
BackendCapabilitiesState | |
BareUserInteractionPayload | (BETA) |
CatalogState | |
ChangeAttributeFilterSelection | Command for attribute filter selection change. |
ChangeAttributeFilterSelectionPayload | Payload type for ChangeAttributeFilterSelection command. |
ChangeDateFilterSelection | Command for date filter selection change. |
ChangeDrillableItems | (ALPHA) |
ChangeDrillableItemsPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the ChangeDrillableItems command. |
ChangeFilterContextSelection | Command for changing multiple filters at once. |
ChangeFilterContextSelectionParams | Params for command. |
ChangeFilterContextSelectionPayload | Payload of the ChangeFilterContextSelection command. |
ChangeInsightWidgetDescription | (BETA) |
ChangeInsightWidgetDescriptionPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeInsightWidgetDescription command. |
ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings | (BETA) |
ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettingsPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeInsightWidgetFilterSettings command. |
ChangeInsightWidgetHeader | (BETA) |
ChangeInsightWidgetHeaderPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeInsightWidgetHeader command. |
ChangeInsightWidgetIgnoreCrossFiltering | (ALPHA) |
ChangeInsightWidgetIgnoreCrossFilteringPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the ChangeInsightWidgetIgnoreCrossFiltering command. |
ChangeInsightWidgetInsight | (BETA) XXX: don't think this is needed right away. should definitely allow such flexibility though. Would allow to switch between insights that are of different vis type but show same data. |
ChangeInsightWidgetInsightPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeInsightWidgetInsight command. |
ChangeInsightWidgetVisConfiguration | |
ChangeInsightWidgetVisConfigurationPayload | Payload of the ChangeInsightWidgetVisConfiguration command. |
ChangeInsightWidgetVisProperties | (BETA) |
ChangeInsightWidgetVisPropertiesPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeInsightWidgetVisProperties command. |
ChangeKpiWidgetComparison | (BETA) |
ChangeKpiWidgetComparisonPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeKpiWidgetComparison command. |
ChangeKpiWidgetConfiguration | (BETA) |
ChangeKpiWidgetConfigurationPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeKpiWidgetConfiguration command. |
ChangeKpiWidgetDescription | (BETA) |
ChangeKpiWidgetDescriptionPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeKpiWidgetDescription command. |
ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings | (BETA) |
ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettingsPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeKpiWidgetFilterSettings command. |
ChangeKpiWidgetHeader | (BETA) |
ChangeKpiWidgetHeaderPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeKpiWidgetHeader command. |
ChangeKpiWidgetMeasure | (BETA) |
ChangeKpiWidgetMeasurePayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeKpiWidgetMeasure command. |
ChangeLayoutSectionHeader | |
ChangeLayoutSectionHeaderPayload | Payload of the ChangeLayoutSectionHeader command. |
ChangeRenderMode | (BETA) |
ChangeRenderModePayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeRenderMode command. |
ChangeRichTextWidgetContent | (BETA) |
ChangeRichTextWidgetContentPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeRichTextWidgetContent command. |
ChangeRichTextWidgetFilterSettings | (BETA) |
ChangeRichTextWidgetFilterSettingsPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeRichTextWidgetFilterSettings command. |
ChangeSharing | (BETA) |
ChangeSharingPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ChangeSharing command. |
CommandProcessingMeta | |
ConfigState | |
CreateAlert | (BETA) Creates alert. |
CreateAlertPayload | (BETA) Payload of the CreateAlert command. |
CreateScheduledEmail | (BETA) Creates scheduled email. |
CreateScheduledEmailPayload | (BETA) Payload of the CreateScheduledEmail command. |
CrossFiltering | (BETA) |
CrossFilteringPayload | (BETA) Payload of the CrossFiltering command. |
DashboardAlertCreated | (BETA) This event is emitted after the alert is successfully saved. |
DashboardAlertCreatedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardAlertCreated event. |
DashboardAlertSaved | (BETA) This event is emitted after the alert is saved. |
DashboardAsyncRenderRequested | This event is emitted when a component on the dashboard requests async rendering. |
DashboardAsyncRenderRequestedPayload | Payload of the DashboardAsyncRenderRequested event. |
DashboardAsyncRenderResolved | This event is emitted when a component on the dashboard resolves async rendering. |
DashboardAsyncRenderResolvedPayload | Payload of the DashboardAsyncRenderResolved event. |
DashboardAttributeFilterAdded | (BETA) This event is emitted after a new dashboard attribute filter is successfully added into dashboard's filters. |
DashboardAttributeFilterAddedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardAttributeFilterAdded event. |
DashboardAttributeFilterConfigLimitingItemsChanged | (ALPHA) This event is emitted when the attribute filter limiting items are changed. |
DashboardAttributeFilterConfigLimitingItemsChangedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the isDashboardAttributeFilterConfigLimitingItemsChanged event. |
DashboardAttributeFilterConfigModeChanged | (ALPHA) This event is emitted when the attribute filter mode is change. |
DashboardAttributeFilterConfigModeChangedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the isDashboardAttributeFilterConfigModeChanged event. |
DashboardAttributeFilterMoved | (BETA) This event is emitted after a dashboard attribute filter is moved from one position in the filter bar to a new position |
DashboardAttributeFilterMovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardAttributeFilterMoved event. |
DashboardAttributeFilterParentChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted after the parent relationships of a filter change. |
DashboardAttributeFilterParentChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardAttributeFilterParentChanged event. |
DashboardAttributeFilterRemoved | (BETA) This event is emitted after a dashboard attribute filter is successfully removed. If the removed filter figured as a parent to one or more child filters, then the removal also cleaned up the parent relationship. |
DashboardAttributeFilterRemovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardAttributeFilterRemoved event. |
DashboardAttributeFilterSelectionChanged | This event is emitted after new elements are selected and applied in an attribute filter. |
DashboardAttributeFilterSelectionChangedPayload | Payload of the DashboardAttributeFilterSelectionChanged event. |
DashboardAttributeSelectionModeChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the attribute filter selection mode is change. |
DashboardAttributeSelectionModeChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardAttributeSelectionModeChanged event. |
DashboardAttributeTitleChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the attribute filter title change. |
DashboardAttributeTitleChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardAttributeTitleChanged event. |
DashboardAutomationsRefreshed | (BETA) This event is emitted after the automations are refreshed (after creating, updating, or removing alerts or scheduled exports). |
DashboardCommandFailed | (BETA) This event is emitted if a particular command processing fails. The failure may be for two general reasons: - A user error was made; dispatched command is found to have bad payload or the dispatched command is not applicable in the current state of the dashboard - An internal error has occurred in the dashboard component - highly likely due to a bug. |
DashboardCommandFailedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardCommandFailed event. |
DashboardCommandRejected | (BETA) This event is emitted when the submitted command has been rejected by the dashboard component because it does not know how to handle the command. This typically indicates user error, perhaps a typo in the command type name. |
DashboardCommandStarted | (BETA) This event is emitted when a particular command processing starts. |
DashboardCommandStartedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardCommandStarted event. |
DashboardConfig | Dashboard configuration can influence the available features, look and feel and behavior of the dashboard. |
DashboardContext | |
DashboardCopySaved | This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard save as' command processing. |
DashboardCopySavedPayload | Payload of the DashboardCopySaved event. |
DashboardCrossFilteringRequested | (BETA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the CrossFiltering command. |
DashboardCrossFilteringRequestedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardCrossFilteringRequested event. |
DashboardCrossFilteringResolved | (BETA) This event is emitted as a result of the CrossFiltering command. |
DashboardCrossFilteringResolvedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardCrossFilteringResolved event. |
DashboardDateFilterSelectionChanged | This event is emitted after the dashboard's date filter selection is changed. |
DashboardDateFilterSelectionChangedPayload | Payload of the DashboardDateFilterSelectionChanged event. |
DashboardDeinitialized | This event is emitted when a dashboard is deinitialized. The event contains contextual information such as the ref of dashboard being deinitialized if the dashboard being deinitialized contained a persisted dashboard object. |
DashboardDeinitializedPayload | Payload of the DashboardDeinitialized event. |
DashboardDeleted | (BETA) This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard delete' command processing. At this point, the dashboard no longer exist on the backend and the component is reset to a state when it shows an empty dashboard. |
DashboardDeletedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardDeleted event. |
DashboardDrillableItemsChanged | (ALPHA) This event is emitted as a result of the ChangeDrillableItems command, if drillable items was successfully changed. |
DashboardDrillableItemsChangedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillableItemsChanged event. |
DashboardDrillContext | (ALPHA) |
DashboardDrillDownRequested | (ALPHA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the DrillDown command. It contains the target insight to apply the drill down on (result of the drill down application depends on the particular visualization type). |
DashboardDrillDownRequestedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillDownRequested event. |
DashboardDrillDownResolved | (ALPHA) This event is emitted as a result of the DrillDown command. It contains the target insight with the drill down definition applied (result of the drill down application depends on the particular visualization type). In the default dashboard implementation this event also opens drill dialog with the insight that has this particular drill down definition applied. |
DashboardDrillDownResolvedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillDownResolved event. |
DashboardDrillRequested | (ALPHA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the Drill command. It contains details about all possible drill definitions that are available for this particular drill interaction |
DashboardDrillRequestedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillRequested event. |
DashboardDrillResolved | (ALPHA) A general drill event that is emitted each time any dashboard drill is resolved. It contains only valid drillDefinitions for this particular drill interaction, so you can select and dispatch relevant more granular drill command(s). This is general dashboard drill event with details about all possible more granular drill interactions that can follow. Reason for this general drill event is that it may happen that multiple drill interactions are possible for one drill event. Example: some attribute on the insight has drill down set and also widget has drill to insight set. Then this event will be dispatched with both and definitions. - This must be always the first event that occurs after the drill interaction, and must be dispatched before more granular drill events. - Specific drill commands that can follow this general drill event are: DrillDown, DrillToInsight, DrillToDashboard, DrillToCustomUrl, DrillToAttributeUrl, DrillToLegacyDashboard |
DashboardDrillResolvedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillResolved event. |
DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlRequested | (ALPHA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the DrillToAttributeUrl command. |
DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlRequestedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlRequested event. |
DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlResolved | (ALPHA) This event is emitted as a result of the DrillToAttributeUrl command. It contains resolved attribute url from the drill definition. |
DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlResolvedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlResolved event. |
DashboardDrillToCustomUrlRequested | (ALPHA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the DrillToCustomUrl command. |
DashboardDrillToCustomUrlRequestedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToCustomUrlRequested event. |
DashboardDrillToCustomUrlResolved | (ALPHA) This event is emitted as a result of the DrillToCustomUrl command. It contains resolved custom url from the drill definition. |
DashboardDrillToCustomUrlResolvedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToCustomUrlResolved event. |
DashboardDrillToDashboardRequested | (ALPHA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the DrillToDashboard command. |
DashboardDrillToDashboardRequestedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToDashboardRequested event. |
DashboardDrillToDashboardResolved | (ALPHA) This event is emitted as a result of the DrillToDashboard command. It contains the drill intersection filters that can be applied to the target dashboard. There is a factory function to create default event handler for drill to same dashboard - see newDrillToSameDashboardHandler. |
DashboardDrillToDashboardResolvedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToDashboardResolved event. |
DashboardDrillToInsightRequested | (ALPHA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the DrillToInsight command. It contains the target insight to apply drill intersection filters on. |
DashboardDrillToInsightRequestedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToInsightRequested event. |
DashboardDrillToInsightResolved | (ALPHA) This event is emitted as a result of the DrillToInsight command. It contains the target insight with the drill intersection filters applied. In the default dashboard implementation this event also opens drill dialog with the insight that has the drill intersection filters applied. |
DashboardDrillToInsightResolvedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToInsightResolved event. |
DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardRequested | (ALPHA) This event is emitted on start of the resolution of the DrillToLegacyDashboard command. |
DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardRequestedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardRequested event. |
DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardResolved | (ALPHA) This event is emitted as a result of the DrillToLegacyDashboard command. Drill to legacy dashboard can be configured for Kpi widgets only. |
DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardResolvedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardResolved event. |
DashboardEventHandler | Event handlers can be registered for a dashboard. |
DashboardExportSlideConfig | (ALPHA) Specifies the size of the slide where visualization will be fit and rendered. |
DashboardExportToExcelRequested | (BETA) This event is emitted at the start of the 'dashboard export to Excel' command processing. |
DashboardExportToExcelResolved | (BETA) This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard export to Excel' command processing. In its payload, there is an uri of the resulting XLS file. |
DashboardExportToExcelResolvedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardExportToExcelResolved event. |
DashboardExportToPdfPresentationRequested | (BETA) This event is emitted at the start of the 'dashboard export to PDF presentation' command processing. |
DashboardExportToPdfPresentationResolved | (BETA) This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard export to PDF presentation' command processing. In its payload, there is an uri of the resulting PDF file. |
DashboardExportToPdfPresentationResolvedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardExportToPdfPresentationResolved event. |
DashboardExportToPdfRequested | (BETA) This event is emitted at the start of the 'dashboard export to PDF' command processing. |
DashboardExportToPdfResolved | (BETA) This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard export to PDF' command processing. In its payload, there is an uri of the resulting PDF file. |
DashboardExportToPdfResolvedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardExportToPdfResolved event. |
DashboardExportToPptPresentationRequested | (BETA) This event is emitted at the start of the 'dashboard export to PPT presentation' command processing. |
DashboardExportToPptPresentationResolved | (BETA) This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard export to PPT presentation' command processing. In its payload, there is an uri of the resulting PDF file. |
DashboardExportToPptPresentationResolvedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardExportToPptPresentationResolved event. |
DashboardFilterContextChanged | This event is emitted after _any_ change to dashboard filters (be it date or attribute filter). The event describes the new state of the entire filter context. |
DashboardFilterContextChangedPayload | Payload of the DashboardFilterContextChanged event. |
DashboardFilterViewApplicationFailed | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a dashboard filter view application failed. |
DashboardFilterViewApplicationSucceeded | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a dashboard filter view is successfully applied. |
DashboardFilterViewApplicationSucceededPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardFilterViewApplicationSucceeded event. |
DashboardFilterViewCreationFailed | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a new dashboard filter view creation failed. |
DashboardFilterViewCreationSucceeded | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a new dashboard filter view is successfully created. |
DashboardFilterViewCreationSucceededPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardFilterViewCreationSucceeded event. |
DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeFailed | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a dashboard filter view default status change failed. |
DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeFailedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeFailed event. |
DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeSucceeded | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a dashboard filter view default status is successfully changed. See the enclosed filterView object in the payload to check its new status. |
DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeSucceededPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeSucceeded event. |
DashboardFilterViewDeletionFailed | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a dashboard filter view deletion failed. |
DashboardFilterViewDeletionSucceeded | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after a dashboard filter view is successfully deleted. |
DashboardFilterViewDeletionSucceededPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DashboardFilterViewDeletionSucceeded event. |
DashboardFocusObject | (BETA) Specifies the focus object for the dashboard. |
DashboardInitialized | This event is emitted when a dashboard is successfully initialized. |
DashboardInitializedPayload | Payload of the DashboardInitialized event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted after any change to Insight Widget configuration. It contains the entire new state of the Insight Widget. |
DashboardInsightWidgetChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetChanged event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetDescriptionChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the description of an insight widget changed. The new value of the description (summary) is included in the event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetDescriptionChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetDescriptionChanged event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsModified | (BETA) This event is emitted when the insight widget's drill definitions change. The change may include addition or change of drill definition for one or more drillable measures. |
DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsModifiedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsModified event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsRemoved | (BETA) This event is emitted when the insight widget's drill definitions are removed. The measures for which the drill definitions were set up will no longer be clickable. |
DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsRemovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsRemoved event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetExportRequested | (BETA) This event is emitted after export of an insight widget is requested. |
DashboardInsightWidgetExportRequestedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetExportRequested event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetExportResolved | (BETA) This event is emitted after export of an insight widget is resolved. |
DashboardInsightWidgetExportResolvedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetExportResolved event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetFilterSettingsChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the insight widget's filter settings change. Filter settings influence what date dataset to use for filter or which of the dashboard's attribute filters should be used for the widget. A change of filter settings means the insight rendered in the widget will be re-rendered. |
DashboardInsightWidgetFilterSettingsChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetFilterSettingsChanged event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetHeaderChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the header of an insight widget changed. The new value of the header (title) is included in the event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetHeaderChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetHeaderChanged event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetInsightSwitched | (BETA) This event is emitted when the insight rendered inside an insight widget gets switched for another one. That essentially means the insight widget now renders a different visualization |
DashboardInsightWidgetInsightSwitchedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetInsightSwitched event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetRefreshed | (BETA) This event is emitted after an insight widget is refreshed. |
DashboardInsightWidgetRefreshedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetRefreshed event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetVisConfigurationChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the insight widget's visualization configuration change. The configuration specified influence how the insight rendered in the widget appears visually |
DashboardInsightWidgetVisConfigurationChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetVisPropertiesChanged event. |
DashboardInsightWidgetVisPropertiesChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the insight widget's visualization properties change. The properties specified influence how the insight rendered in the widget appears visually (legend, tooltips, axes, etc) |
DashboardInsightWidgetVisPropertiesChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardInsightWidgetVisPropertiesChanged event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted after any change to KPI Widget configuration. It contains the entire new state of the KPI Widget. |
DashboardKpiWidgetChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetChanged event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetComparisonChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when dashboard's KPI Widget has its comparison type changed. The event includes the new definition of the KPI that has uses same measure as before however has new setup of the over-time comparison. |
DashboardKpiWidgetComparisonChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetComparisonChanged event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetConfigurationChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the dashboard's KPI Widget configuration is modified. |
DashboardKpiWidgetConfigurationChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetConfigurationChanged event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetDescriptionChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the dashboard's KPI Widget description is modified. |
DashboardKpiWidgetDescriptionChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetDescriptionChanged event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetDrillRemoved | (BETA) This event is emitted when dashboard's KPI Widget has its drills removed. |
DashboardKpiWidgetDrillRemovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetDrillRemoved event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetDrillSet | (BETA) This event is emitted when dashboard's KPI Widget has its drill set. |
DashboardKpiWidgetDrillSetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetDrillSet event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetFilterSettingsChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when dashboard's KPI Widget filter settings are modified. |
DashboardKpiWidgetFilterSettingsChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetFilterSettingsChanged event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetHeaderChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the dashboard's KPI Widget header is modified. |
DashboardKpiWidgetHeaderChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetHeaderChanged event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetMeasureChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the dashboard's KPI Widget measure is modified - the KPI now shows value for different measure. The change of measure to use may be accompanied with a change of the KPI header (change of title). In that case new value of header is also included in the event. |
DashboardKpiWidgetMeasureChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardKpiWidgetMeasureChanged event. |
DashboardLayoutChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted after any change to the dashboard layout and will include the entire new layout. |
DashboardLayoutChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutChanged event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionAdded | (BETA) This event is emitted when a new dashboard layout section is added. |
DashboardLayoutSectionAddedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionAdded event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionHeaderChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when dashboard layout section changes. |
DashboardLayoutSectionHeaderChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionHeaderChanged event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemMoved | (BETA) This event is emitted when a dashboard item is moved between sections or within a section. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemMovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionItemMoved event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemMovedToNewSection | (BETA) This event is emitted when a dashboard item is moved to new section. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemMovedToNewSectionPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionItemMovedToNewSection event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemRemoved | (BETA) This event is emitted when an item is removed from dashboard layout section. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemRemovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionItemRemoved event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemReplaced | (BETA) This event is emitted when an item in a dashboard section is replaced. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemReplacedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionItemReplaced event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemsAdded | (BETA) This event is emitted when items are added to a dashboard section. |
DashboardLayoutSectionItemsAddedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionItemsAdded event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionMoved | (BETA) This event is emitted when a dashboard layout section is moved from one place to another. |
DashboardLayoutSectionMovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionMoved event. |
DashboardLayoutSectionRemoved | (BETA) This event is emitted when a dashboard layout section is removed from the layout. Note: this event will be emitted also when the section is removed as part of eager removal of its items. E.g. item is removed, it is last item in the section, and the whole section is removed as well. |
DashboardLayoutSectionRemovedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardLayoutSectionRemoved event. |
DashboardMetaState | (BETA) |
DashboardModelCustomizationFns | |
DashboardPermissionsState | |
DashboardPluginDescriptor | Basic set of information about a Dashboard plugin. |
DashboardQueryCompleted | (BETA) This event is emitted when query processing completes with success. Both the query payload and the result are included. |
DashboardQueryCompletedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardQueryCompleted event. |
DashboardQueryFailed | (BETA) This event is emitted if a particular query processing fails. The failure may be for two general reasons: - A user error was made; dispatched query is found to have bad payload or the dispatched query is not applicable in the current state of the dashboard - An internal error has occurred in the dashboard component - highly likely due to a bug. |
DashboardQueryFailedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardQueryFailed event. |
DashboardQueryRejected | (BETA) This event is emitted when the submitted query has been rejected by the dashboard component because it does not know how to handle the query. |
DashboardQueryStarted | (BETA) This event is emitted when query processing starts. |
DashboardQueryStartedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardQueryStarted event. |
DashboardRenamed | (BETA) This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard rename' command processing. At this point, only the in-memory title is changed and the changes are not saved on the backend. |
DashboardRenamedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardRenamed event. |
DashboardRenderModeChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted after render mode change. |
DashboardRenderModeChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardRenderModeChanged event. |
DashboardRenderRequested | This event is emitted as soon as the dashboard component is mounted, and rendering of its content started. |
DashboardRenderResolved | |
DashboardRichTextWidgetContentChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the dashboard's rich text widget content is changed. |
DashboardRichTextWidgetContentChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardRichTextWidgetContentChanged event. |
DashboardRichTextWidgetFilterSettingsChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted when the RichText widget's filter settings change. Filter settings influence what date dataset to use for filter or which of the dashboard's attribute filters should be used for the widget. A change of filter settings means the RichText rendered in the widget will be re-rendered. |
DashboardRichTextWidgetFilterSettingsChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardRichTextWidgetFilterSettingsChanged event. |
DashboardSaved | This event is emitted at the end of successful dashboard save command processing. At this point, the dashboard state is persisted on the backend. |
DashboardSavedPayload | Payload of the DashboardSaved event. |
DashboardScheduledEmailCreated | (BETA) This event is emitted after the scheduled email is successfully created. |
DashboardScheduledEmailCreatedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardScheduledEmailCreated event. |
DashboardScheduledEmailSaved | (BETA) This event is emitted after the scheduled email is successfully saved. |
DashboardSharingChanged | This event is emitted at the end of successful 'change sharing status of dashboard' command processing. |
DashboardSharingChangedPayload | Payload of the DashboardSharingChanged event. |
DashboardState | Layout of the dashboard component's state. State modifications are always done using Command API. Reading from state must always be done using the Selectors API. Accessing state props directly is dangerous practice. We reserve the rights to refactor and otherwise break the shape of the state at any time while keeping the Selectors and Command APIs stable. |
DashboardUserInteractionTriggered | (BETA) This event is emitted after the user interaction that cannot be tracked by other existing events is triggered. |
DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationAdded | (BETA) This event is emitted when the new visualization is added to the dashboard's visualization switcher widget. |
DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationAddedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationAdded event. |
DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationsUpdated | (BETA) This event is emitted when the dashboard's visualization switcher visualizations is updated. |
DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationsUpdatedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationsUpdated event. |
DashboardWasReset | (BETA) This event is emitted at the end of successful 'dashboard reset' command processing. At this point, the dashboard is reset to the state it was after initial load. |
DashboardWasResetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardWasReset event. |
DashboardWidgetExecutionFailed | (BETA) This event is emitted after execution of an insight widget fails. |
DashboardWidgetExecutionFailedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardWidgetExecutionFailed event. |
DashboardWidgetExecutionStarted | (BETA) This event is emitted after execution of an insight widget starts. |
DashboardWidgetExecutionStartedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardWidgetExecutionStarted event. |
DashboardWidgetExecutionSucceeded | (BETA) This event is emitted after execution of an insight widget succeeds. |
DashboardWidgetExecutionSucceededPayload | (BETA) Payload of the DashboardWidgetExecutionSucceeded event. |
DateFilterConfigsState | (ALPHA) |
DateFilterConfigState | (BETA) |
DateFilterSelection | Payload type for ChangeDateFilterSelection command. |
DateFilterValidationFailed | This event may occur while the dashboard is handling the Load Dashboard command and is loading and validating dashboard configuration from the backend. |
DateFilterValidationFailedPayload | Payload of the DateFilterValidationFailed event. |
DefaultDashboardExportVariablesProps | (ALPHA) |
DeleteDashboard | (BETA) |
DeleteFilterView | (ALPHA) Command for deletion of a saved filter view. |
DeleteFilterViewPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DeleteFilterView command. |
Drill | (ALPHA) |
DrillDown | (ALPHA) |
DrillDownPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DrillDown command. |
DrillPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the Drill command. |
DrillState | (BETA) |
DrillTargetsAdded | (ALPHA) Widget drill targets added event |
DrillTargetsAddedPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DrillTargetsAdded event. |
DrillToAttributeUrl | (ALPHA) |
DrillToAttributeUrlPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DrillToAttributeUrl command. |
DrillToCustomUrl | (ALPHA) |
DrillToCustomUrlPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DrillToCustomUrl command. |
DrillToDashboard | (ALPHA) |
DrillToDashboardPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DrillToDashboard command. |
DrillToInsight | (ALPHA) |
DrillToInsightPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DrillToInsight command. |
DrillToLegacyDashboard | (ALPHA) |
DrillToLegacyDashboardPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the DrillToLegacyDashboard command. |
EntitlementsState | (BETA) |
ExecutedState | (BETA) |
ExportDashboardToExcel | (BETA) |
ExportDashboardToPdf | (BETA) |
ExportDashboardToPdfPresentation | (BETA) |
ExportDashboardToPptPresentation | (BETA) |
ExportInsightWidget | (BETA) |
ExportInsightWidgetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ExportInsightWidget command. |
ExportRawInsightWidget | (ALPHA) |
ExportRawInsightWidgetPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the ExportRawInsightWidget command. |
ExportSlidesInsightWidget | (ALPHA) |
ExportSlidesInsightWidgetPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the ExportRawInsightWidget command. |
ExtendedDashboardLayoutWidget | Extension of the default type to also include view-only custom widget types. |
FilterContextState | |
FilterOp | (BETA) |
FilterOpDisableDateFilter | (BETA) This filter operation disabled date filtering for the widget. |
FilterOpEnableDateFilter | (BETA) This filter operation enables date filtering for the widget. A ref to date data set must be specified as it is passed down to widget content. Insights or KPIs can be typically date-filtered using different date data sets and so this selection is essential. |
FilterOpIgnoreAttributeFilter | (BETA) This filter operation appends one or more attribute filters into the widget's filter ignore-list. |
FilterOpIgnoreDateFilter | (BETA) This filter operation appends one or more date filters into the widget's filter ignore-list. |
FilterOpReplaceAll | (BETA) This filter operation completely replaces widget's filter settings. Both date data set (and thus date filter) setting and the attribute filter ignore list will be replaced using the parameters in the operation body. |
FilterOpReplaceAttributeIgnores | (BETA) This filter operation replaces the setting which determines which of the dashboard's attribute filters should be ignored for the widget. |
FilterOpUnignoreAttributeFilter | (BETA) This filter operation removes one or more attribute filters from the widget's filter ignore-list. |
FilterOpUnignoreDateFilter | (BETA) This filter operation removes one or more date filters from the widget's filter ignore-list. |
FilterViewsState | (ALPHA) |
IAlertingDialogProps | (ALPHA) |
IAlertingManagementDialogProps | (ALPHA) |
IAttributeFiltersCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize how attribute filters are rendered. |
IBrokenAlertFilterBasicInfo | (ALPHA) Information about the broken alert filters. These are filters that are set up on the alert, but the currently applied filters either do not contain them, or the KPI has started ignoring them since the alert was first set up. |
IButtonBarProps | (BETA) |
ICancelButtonProps | (BETA) |
ICrossFilteringItem | (BETA) |
ICsvExportConfig | (BETA) |
ICustomDashboardEvent | Base type for all custom events. |
ICustomWidget | Custom widget with assigned identity. |
ICustomWidgetBase | Base type for custom widgets. Custom widgets may extend this and add extra properties to hold widget-specific configuration. |
ICustomWidgetDefinition | Definition of custom widget. The definition may not specify identity. In that case a temporary identity will be assigned to the widget as it is added onto a dashboard. |
IDashboardAttributeFilterProps | |
IDashboardBaseProps | |
IDashboardCommand | Base type for all commands. |
IDashboardContentCustomizer | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardCustomComponentProps | These props allow you to specify custom components or custom component providers that the Dashboard component will use for rendering different parts of the dashboard. |
IDashboardCustomizationProps | Properties for Dashboard customization. |
IDashboardCustomizer | |
IDashboardDateFilterConfig | Defines the configuration of the DateFilter component. |
IDashboardDateFilterProps | |
IDashboardDrillEvent | (BETA) A IDrillEvent with added information about the drill event specific to the Dashboard context. |
IDashboardEngine | Dashboard Engine encapsulates a particular build of the Dashboard component and provides factory methods to create the Dashboard component's customization-related props using one or more plugins. |
IDashboardEvent | Base type for all dashboard events. |
IDashboardEventHandling | Defines a facade that you can use to register or unregister dashboard event handlers. |
IDashboardEventing | Dashboard eventing configuration |
IDashboardEventsContext | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardExtensionProps | Cumulative properties for Dashboard customization. |
IDashboardInsightCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize how insights are rendered. |
IDashboardInsightMenuButtonProps | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardInsightMenuProps | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardInsightProps | Insight widget props. |
IDashboardLayoutCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize the layout of the dashboard rendered. |
IDashboardLayoutProps | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardNestedLayoutProps | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardPluginContract_V1 | Raw, low-level interface that the dashboard plugins need to implement. |
IDashboardProps | |
IDashboardQuery | (BETA) Base type for all dashboard queries. A dashboard query encapsulates how complex, read-only dashboard-specific logic can be can be executed. |
IDashboardRichTextMenuButtonProps | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardRichTextMenuProps | (ALPHA) |
IDashboardRichTextProps | Rich text widget props. |
IDashboardThemingProps | |
IDashboardVisualizationSwitcherProps | Visualization switcher widget props. |
IDashboardWidgetCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize custom widgets. |
IDashboardWidgetOverlay | (BETA) |
IDashboardWidgetProps | Dashboard widget props. |
IDashboardWidgetsOverlayProps | Properties for Dashboard widgets overlay. |
IDateFiltersCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize how date filters are rendered. |
IDrillDownContext | (ALPHA) Implicit drill down context |
IDrillDownDefinition | (BETA) Information about the DrillDown interaction - the attribute that is next in the drill down hierarchy. |
IDrillTargets | (ALPHA) Represent state item of widget reported available drill targets. |
IEditButtonProps | (BETA) |
IExecutionResultEnvelope | (BETA) |
IExportLayoutCustomizer | (ALPHA) Set of functions you can use to customize the export layout of the dashboard rendered. |
IFilterBarCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize some aspects of the FilterBar. |
IFilterBarProps | (ALPHA) |
IFiltersCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize rendering of the filters. |
IFilterViews | (ALPHA) |
IFluidLayoutCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize the fluid layout of the dashboard rendered. |
IInaccessibleDashboard | (ALPHA) Dashboard which is inaccessible by current user. |
IInsightBodyProps | Insight body props. |
IInsightMenuItemButton | (BETA) |
IInsightMenuItemSeparator | (BETA) |
IInsightMenuSubmenu | (BETA) |
IInsightMenuSubmenuComponentProps | (ALPHA) |
IIRichTextMenuItemSeparator | (ALPHA) |
ILayoutCoordinates | (BETA) Coordinates of an item in a layout. |
ILayoutSectionPath | (ALPHA) Coordinates of a section in a nested layout. |
ILegacyDashboard | (ALPHA) Legacy Dashboard (a.k.a. PP Dashboard). |
ILegacyDashboardTab | (ALPHA) Legacy Dashboard (a.k.a. PP Dashboard) tab. |
ILoadingCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize some aspects of the Loading. |
ILockedStatusProps | (ALPHA) |
IMenuButtonConfiguration | (ALPHA) |
IMenuButtonItemButton | (ALPHA) |
IMenuButtonItemHeader | (ALPHA) |
IMenuButtonItemMenu | (ALPHA) |
IMenuButtonItemSeparator | (ALPHA) |
IMenuButtonItemsVisibility | (BETA) |
IMenuButtonProps | (ALPHA) |
IMenuItemCommonProps | (ALPHA) |
IMetricsAndFacts | (ALPHA) |
INestedLayoutProps | (ALPHA) |
InitializeAutomations | (BETA) Initialize dashboard automations by loading essential data such as notification channels. This initialization is necessary for working with alerts and scheduled exports. |
InitializeDashboard | Loads dashboard from analytical backend. |
InitializeDashboardPayload | Payload of the InitializeDashboard command. |
InsightAttributesMeta | (ALPHA) |
InsightDateDatasets | (ALPHA) The insight date datasets is a digest of information related to what date datasets are used by the insight and what date datasets are also relevant to the insight. |
InsightPlaceholderWidget | (ALPHA) |
InvalidCustomUrlDrillParameterInfo | (ALPHA) |
IResolvedAttributeFilterValues | (ALPHA) |
IResolvedDateFilterValue | (ALPHA) |
IResolvedFilterValues | (ALPHA) Resolved values types for all resolvable filters. |
IRichTextCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize some aspects of the RichText. |
IRichTextMenuItemButton | (ALPHA) |
IRichTextMenuSubmenu | (ALPHA) |
IRichTextMenuSubmenuComponentProps | (ALPHA) |
ISaveAsDialogProps | (ALPHA) |
ISaveAsNewButtonProps | (BETA) |
ISaveButtonProps | (BETA) |
IScheduledEmailDialogProps | (ALPHA) |
IScheduledEmailManagementDialogProps | (ALPHA) |
IShareButtonProps | (BETA) |
IShareDialogProps | (ALPHA) |
IShareStatusProps | (ALPHA) |
ISharingApplyPayload | (ALPHA) |
ISharingProperties | All sharing properties describing sharing changes |
ISidebarProps | (ALPHA) |
ITitleCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize some aspects of the Title. |
ITitleProps | (ALPHA) |
ITopBarCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize some aspects of the TopBar. |
ITopBarProps | (ALPHA) |
IUseCustomWidgetExecutionDataViewConfig | Configuration options for the useCustomWidgetExecutionDataView() hook. |
IUseCustomWidgetInsightDataViewConfig | Configuration options for the useCustomWidgetInsightDataView() hook. |
IUseDashboardScheduledEmailsFiltersProps | (ALPHA) |
IUseFiltersForDashboardScheduledExportProps | (ALPHA) |
IUseFiltersForWidgetScheduledExportProps | (ALPHA) |
IUseInsightWidgetDataView | Configuration for the useInsightWidgetDataView hook. |
IVisualizationSwitcherCustomizer | Set of functions you can use to customize some aspects of the VisualizationSwitcher. |
IVisualizationSwitcherToolbarProps | (ALPHA) |
IWorkingFilterContextDefinition | (ALPHA) Working filter context. |
IXlsxExportConfig | (BETA) |
KpiPlaceholderWidget | (ALPHA) |
KpiWidgetComparison | (BETA) |
LayoutSectionHeadersToggled | (ALPHA) This event is emitted after layout section headers were toggled. |
LayoutSectionHeadersToggledPayload | (BETA) Payload of the LayoutSectionHeadersToggled event. |
LayoutState | (ALPHA) |
LoadingState | (BETA) |
MeasureDateDatasets | (ALPHA) The measure date datasets holds information about available date datasets that can be used for date-filtering a particular measure. The data included herein can be used to select an appropriate date dataset to filter a KPI widget that renders value of particular measure. |
ModifyDrillDownForInsightWidget | (ALPHA) |
ModifyDrillDownForInsightWidgetPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the ModifyDrillDownForInsightWidget command. |
ModifyDrillsForInsightWidget | (BETA) |
ModifyDrillsForInsightWidgetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ModifyDrillsForInsightWidget command. |
MoveAttributeFilter | (BETA) |
MoveAttributeFilterPayload | (BETA) Payload of the MoveAttributeFilter command. |
MoveDateFilter | (BETA) |
MoveDateFilterPayload | (BETA) Payload of the MoveDateFilter command. |
MoveLayoutSection | (BETA) |
MoveLayoutSectionPayload | (BETA) Payload of the MoveLayoutSection command. |
MoveSectionItem | (BETA) |
MoveSectionItemPayload | (BETA) Payload of the MoveSectionItem command. |
MoveSectionItemToNewSection | (BETA) |
MoveSectionItemToNewSectionPayload | (BETA) Payload of the MoveSectionItemToNewSection command. |
NotificationChannelsState | (ALPHA) |
ObjectAvailabilityConfig | Dashboard component may offer users to pick objects to use on the dashboard. |
ObjRefMapConfig | (ALPHA) Configuration for the ObjRefMap. |
PermissionsState | |
PlaceholderWidget | (ALPHA) |
QueryAttributeByDisplayForm | (ALPHA) |
QueryConnectedAttributes | (ALPHA) |
QueryConnectingAttributes | (ALPHA) |
QueryInsightAttributesMeta | (ALPHA) Given a reference to an insight, this query will obtain metadata about the display forms used in the insight. For each display form, the result will also contain attribute to which the display form belongs. |
QueryInsightDateDatasets | (ALPHA) Given a reference to an insight, this query will obtain list of all date datasets that may be used to filter it. |
QueryMeasureDateDatasets | (ALPHA) Given a reference to a measure, this query will obtain list of all date datasets that may be used to filter it. |
QueryMetricsAndFacts | (ALPHA) |
QueryProcessingErrorState | |
QueryProcessingPendingState | |
QueryProcessingRejectedState | |
QueryProcessingRunningState | |
QueryProcessingSuccessState | |
QueryWidgetAlertCount | (ALPHA) Given a reference to a KPI widget, this query will obtain the total number of alerts all the users have set on it. |
QueryWidgetBrokenAlerts | (ALPHA) This query base on given kpi widgetRef calculate BrokenAlertFilterBasicInfo IBrokenAlertFilterBasicInfo In case any broken alert filters query return empty array. |
QueryWidgetFilters | (ALPHA) Given a reference to a widget, this query will obtain the filters that should be used when executing it. These will respect the ignored filters on widget level as well as the filters specified in the insight itself. Filters returned by this query should be used with insightSetFilters() to obtain insight that is ready for execution or used to execute a KPI. |
RefreshAutomations | (BETA) Refresh the current dashboard's automation data. This is particularly useful after creating, updating, or removing alerts or scheduled exports, ensuring that the local data remains synchronized with the backend. |
RefreshInsightWidget | (BETA) |
RefreshInsightWidgetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RefreshInsightWidget command. |
RefreshKpiWidget | (BETA) |
RefreshKpiWidgetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RefreshKpiWidget command. |
ReloadFilterViews | (ALPHA) Command for refreshing of the cache with saved filter views from persistent storage. |
RemoveAttributeFilters | (BETA) |
RemoveAttributeFiltersPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RemoveAttributeFilters command. |
RemoveDateFilters | (BETA) |
RemoveDateFiltersPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RemoveDateFilters command. |
RemoveDrillDownForInsightWidget | (ALPHA) |
RemoveDrillDownForInsightWidgetPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the RemoveDrillDownForInsightWidget command. |
RemoveDrillForKpiWidget | (BETA) |
RemoveDrillForKpiWidgetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RemoveDrillForKpiWidget command. |
RemoveDrillsForInsightWidget | (BETA) |
RemoveDrillsForInsightWidgetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RemoveDrillsForInsightWidget command. |
RemoveLayoutSection | (BETA) |
RemoveLayoutSectionPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RemoveLayoutSection command. |
RemoveSectionItem | (BETA) |
RemoveSectionItemByWidgetRef | (BETA) |
RemoveSectionItemByWidgetRefPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RemoveSectionItemByWidgetRef command. |
RemoveSectionItemPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RemoveSectionItem command. |
RenameDashboard | (BETA) |
RenameDashboardPayload | (BETA) Payload of the RenameDashboard command. |
RenderModeChangeOptions | (BETA) |
RenderModeState | (BETA) |
ReplaceSectionItem | (BETA) |
ReplaceSectionItemPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ReplaceSectionItem command. |
RequestAsyncRender | |
RequestAsyncRenderPayload | Payload of the RequestAsyncRender command. |
ResetDashboard | (BETA) |
ResetFilterContextWorkingSelection | (ALPHA) Command for reseting all working filters. It resets the working filters in to same state as applied filters. |
ResizeHeight | (BETA) |
ResizeHeightPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ResizeHeight command. |
ResizeWidth | (BETA) |
ResizeWidthPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ResizeWidth command. |
ResolveAsyncRender | |
ResolveAsyncRenderPayload | Payload of the ResolveAsyncRender command. |
SaveAlert | (BETA) Saves alert. |
SaveAlertPayload | (BETA) Payload of the SaveAlert command. |
SaveDashboard | (BETA) |
SaveDashboardAs | |
SaveDashboardAsPayload | Payload of the SaveDashboardAs command. |
SaveDashboardPayload | (BETA) Payload of the SaveDashboard command. |
SavedFilterViewInteractionData | (ALPHA) |
SaveFilterView | (ALPHA) Command for snapshotting current filter context and saving it as a filter view. |
SaveFilterViewPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the SaveFilterView command. |
SaveScheduledEmail | (BETA) Saves scheduled email. |
SaveScheduledEmailPayload | (BETA) Payload of the SaveScheduledEmail command. |
SavingState | |
ScreenSizeChanged | (BETA) This event is emitted after change of the dashboard layout screen size. |
ScreenSizeChangedPayload | (BETA) Payload of the ScreenSizeChanged event. |
SectionSlidesTransformerFunction | (ALPHA) |
SetAttributeFilterDependentDateFilters | (BETA) |
SetAttributeFilterDependentDateFiltersPayload | (BETA) Payload of the SetAttributeFilterDependentDateFilters command. |
SetAttributeFilterDisplayForm | (BETA) |
SetAttributeFilterDisplayFormPayload | (BETA) |
SetAttributeFilterLimitingItems | (ALPHA) Command for changing of attribute filter limiting items. |
SetAttributeFilterLimitingItemsPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the SetAttributeFilterLimitingItems command. |
SetAttributeFilterParents | (BETA) |
SetAttributeFilterParentsPayload | (BETA) Payload of the SetAttributeFilterParents command. |
SetAttributeFilterSelectionMode | (BETA) |
SetAttributeFilterSelectionModePayload | (BETA) |
SetAttributeFilterTitle | (BETA) Command for changing attribute filter title. |
SetAttributeFilterTitlePayload | (BETA) Payload of the SetAttributeFilterTitle command. |
SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigDisplayAsLabel | (ALPHA) Command for changing attribute filter mode. |
SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigDisplayAsLabelPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigDisplayAsLabel command. |
SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigMode | (ALPHA) Command for changing attribute filter mode. |
SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigModePayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the SetDashboardAttributeFilterConfigMode command. |
SetDashboardDateFilterConfigMode | (ALPHA) A command that set the mode of a date filter configuration in a dashboard. |
SetDashboardDateFilterConfigModePayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the SetDashboardDateFilterConfigMode command. |
SetDashboardDateFilterWithDimensionConfigMode | (ALPHA) Command for changing date filter mode. |
SetDashboardDateFilterWithDimensionConfigModePayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the SetDashboardDateFilterConfigMode command. |
SetDateFilterConfigTitle | (BETA) Command for changing date filter title. |
SetDateFilterConfigTitlePayload | (BETA) Payload of the SetDateFilterConfigTitle command. |
SetDrillForKpiWidget | (BETA) |
SetDrillForKpiWidgetPayload | (BETA) Payload of the SetDrillForKpiWidget command. |
SetFilterViewAsDefault | (ALPHA) Command for setting a saved filter view as a default one or removing the default status from it. |
SetFilterViewAsDefaultPayload | (ALPHA) Payload of the SetFilterViewAsDefault command. |
TriggerEvent | (BETA) Triggers an event. |
TriggerEventPayload | (BETA) Payload of the TriggerEvent command. |
UiState | (BETA) |
UndoEnhancedState | (ALPHA) Slice that can be undo-enabled needs to include the undo section which will contain the essential undo metadata. |
UndoEntry | (ALPHA) An entry on undo stack contains patches required |
UndoLayoutChanges | (BETA) |
UndoLayoutChangesPayload | (BETA) Payload of the UndoLayoutChanges command. |
UpdateVisualizationsFromVisualizationSwitcherWidgetContent | (BETA) |
UpdateVisualizationsFromVisualizationSwitcherWidgetontentPayload | (BETA) Payload of the UpdateVisualizationsFromVisualizationSwitcherWidgetContent command. |
UpsertExecutionResult | (BETA) Triggers an event. |
UseDashboardAsyncRender | Callbacks returned from useDashboardAsyncRender hook. |
UserInteractionPayloadWithDataBase | (BETA) |
UsersState | (ALPHA) |
UserState | |
WidgetDescription | (BETA) |
WidgetHeader | (BETA) |
Variable | Description |
Dashboard | |
DEFAULT_MAX_AUTOMATIONS | (ALPHA) Default maximum number of automations. |
DefaultAlertingDialog | (ALPHA) |
DefaultAlertingManagementDialog | (ALPHA) |
DefaultButtonBar | (ALPHA) |
DefaultDashboardAttributeFilter | (ALPHA) Default implementation of the attribute filter to use on the dashboard's filter bar. This will use the SDK's AttributeFilter with the button styled same as we have it today on KD. |
DefaultDashboardDateFilter | (ALPHA) Default implementation of the attribute filter to use on the dashboard's filter bar. This will use the SDK's DateFilter with the button styled same as we have it today on KD. |
DefaultDashboardInsight | Default implementation of the Dashboard Insight widget. |
DefaultDashboardInsightMenu | (ALPHA) |
DefaultDashboardLayout | (ALPHA) |
DefaultDashboardNestedLayout | Default implementation of the dashboard layout widget. |
DefaultDashboardRichText | Default implementation of the dashboard rich text widget. |
DefaultDashboardRichTextMenu | (ALPHA) |
defaultDashboardThemeModifier | (BETA) Default modifier applied to any theme passed to Dashboard component |
DefaultDashboardVisualizationSwitcher | Default implementation of the dashboard visualization switcher widget. |
DefaultInsightBody | (ALPHA) Default implementation of the InsightBody. |
DefaultLockedStatus | (ALPHA) |
DefaultMenuButton | (ALPHA) |
DefaultSaveAsDialog | (ALPHA) |
DefaultScheduledEmailDialog | (ALPHA) |
DefaultScheduledEmailManagementDialog | (ALPHA) |
DefaultShareButton | (ALPHA) |
DefaultShareDialog | (ALPHA) |
DefaultShareStatus | (ALPHA) |
DefaultTitle | (ALPHA) |
DefaultVisualizationSwitcherToolbar | (ALPHA) |
EditableTitle | (ALPHA) |
HiddenButtonBar | (ALPHA) This implementation of button bar keeps it out of sight and effectively disables it. |
HiddenDashboardAttributeFilter | (ALPHA) This implementation of dashboard attribute filter keeps the filter hidden out of sight. The attribute filter itself will still be in effect. |
HiddenDashboardDateFilter | (ALPHA) This implementation of dashboard date filter keeps the filter hidden out of sight. The attribute filter itself will still be in effect. |
HiddenFilterBar | (ALPHA) This implementation of Filter Bar will ensure that all the filter controls are out of sight. All the dashboard filtering is still in place however user cannot see or interact with the filters. |
HiddenMenuButton | (ALPHA) This implementation of menu button keeps it out of sight and effectively disables it. |
HiddenShareButton | (ALPHA) This implementation of share button keeps it out of sight and effectively disables it. |
HiddenTitle | (ALPHA) This implementation of title keeps it out of sight and effectively disables it. |
HiddenTopBar | (ALPHA) This implementation of top bar keeps it out of sight. |
InitialLoadCorrelationId | (BETA) The initial load of the dashboard will use this correlation id. |
isDashboardAlertCreated | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAlertCreated. |
isDashboardAlertSaved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAlertSaved. |
isDashboardAsyncRenderRequested | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAsyncRenderRequested. |
isDashboardAsyncRenderResolved | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAsyncRenderResolved. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterAdded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeFilterAdded. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterConfigLimitingItemsChanged | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeFilterConfigLimitingItemsChanged. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterConfigModeChanged | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeFilterConfigModeChanged. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterMoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeFilterMoved. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterParentChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeFilterParentChanged. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterRemoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeFilterRemoved. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterSelectionChanged | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeFilterSelectionChanged. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterSelectionModeChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeSelectionModeChanged. |
isDashboardAttributeFilterTitleChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAttributeTitleChanged. |
isDashboardAutomationsRefreshed | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardAutomationsRefreshed. |
isDashboardCommandFailed | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardCommandFailed. |
isDashboardCommandRejected | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardCommandRejected. |
isDashboardCommandStarted | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardCommandStarted. |
isDashboardCopySaved | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardCopySaved. |
isDashboardCrossFilteringRequested | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardCrossFilteringRequested. |
isDashboardCrossFilteringResolved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardCrossFilteringResolved. |
isDashboardDateFilterSelectionChanged | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDateFilterSelectionChanged. |
isDashboardDeinitialized | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDeinitialized. |
isDashboardDeleted | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDeleted |
isDashboardDrillableItemsChanged | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillableItemsChanged. |
isDashboardDrillDownRequested | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillDownRequested. |
isDashboardDrillDownResolved | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillDownResolved. |
isDashboardDrillRequested | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillRequested. |
isDashboardDrillResolved | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillResolved. |
isDashboardDrillToAttributeUrlRequested | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlRequested. |
isDashboardDrillToAttributeUrlResolved | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToAttributeUrlResolved. |
isDashboardDrillToCustomUrlRequested | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToCustomUrlRequested. |
isDashboardDrillToCustomUrlResolved | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToCustomUrlResolved. |
isDashboardDrillToDashboardRequested | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToDashboardRequested. |
isDashboardDrillToDashboardResolved | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToDashboardResolved. |
isDashboardDrillToInsightRequested | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToInsightRequested. |
isDashboardDrillToInsightResolved | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToInsightResolved. |
isDashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardRequested | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardRequested. |
isDashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardResolved | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardDrillToLegacyDashboardResolved. |
isDashboardExportToExcelRequested | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToExcelRequested. |
isDashboardExportToExcelResolved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToExcelResolved. |
isDashboardExportToPdfPresentationRequested | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToPdfPresentationRequested. |
isDashboardExportToPdfPresentationResolved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToPdfPresentationResolved. |
isDashboardExportToPdfRequested | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToPdfRequested. |
isDashboardExportToPdfResolved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToPdfResolved. |
isDashboardExportToPptPresentationRequested | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToPptPresentationRequested. |
isDashboardExportToPptPresentationResolved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardExportToPptPresentationResolved. |
isDashboardFilterContextChanged | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterContextChanged. |
isDashboardFilterViewApplicationFailed | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewApplicationFailed. |
isDashboardFilterViewApplicationSucceeded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewApplicationSucceeded. |
isDashboardFilterViewCreationFailed | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewCreationFailed. |
isDashboardFilterViewCreationSucceeded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewCreationSucceeded. |
isDashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeFailed | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeFailed. |
isDashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeSucceeded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewDefaultStatusChangeSucceeded. |
isDashboardFilterViewDeletionFailed | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewDeletionFailed. |
isDashboardFilterViewDeletionSucceeded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardFilterViewDeletionSucceeded. |
isDashboardInitialized | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInitialized. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetChanged. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetDescriptionChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetDescriptionChanged. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetDrillsModified | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsModified. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetDrillsRemoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetDrillsRemoved. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetExportRequested | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetExportRequested. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetExportResolved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetExportResolved. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetFilterSettingsChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetFilterSettingsChanged. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetHeaderChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetHeaderChanged. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetInsightSwitched | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetInsightSwitched. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetRefreshed | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetRefreshed. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetVisConfigurationChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetVisConfigurationChanged. |
isDashboardInsightWidgetVisPropertiesChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetVisPropertiesChanged. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetChanged. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetComparisonChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetComparisonChanged. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetConfigurationChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetConfigurationChanged. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetDescriptionChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetDescriptionChanged. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetDrillRemoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetDrillRemoved. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetDrillSet | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetDrillSet. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetFilterSettingsChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetFilterSettingsChanged. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetHeaderChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetHeaderChanged. |
isDashboardKpiWidgetMeasureChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardKpiWidgetMeasureChanged. |
isDashboardLayoutChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutChanged. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionAdded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionAdded. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionHeaderChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionHeaderChanged. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionItemMoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionItemMoved. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionItemMovedToNewSection | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionItemMovedToNewSection. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionItemRemoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionItemRemoved. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionItemReplaced | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionItemReplaced. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionItemsAdded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionItemsAdded. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionMoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionMoved. |
isDashboardLayoutSectionRemoved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardLayoutSectionRemoved. |
isDashboardQueryCompleted | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardQueryCompleted. |
isDashboardQueryFailed | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardCommandFailed. |
isDashboardQueryRejected | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardQueryRejected. |
isDashboardQueryStarted | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardQueryStarted. |
isDashboardRenamed | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardRenamed. |
isDashboardRenderModeChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardRenderModeChanged. |
isDashboardRenderRequested | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardRenderRequested. |
isDashboardRenderResolved | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardRenderResolved. |
isDashboardRichTextWidgetContentChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardRichTextWidgetContentChanged. |
isDashboardRichTextWidgetFilterSettingsChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardInsightWidgetFilterSettingsChanged. |
isDashboardSaved | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardSaved. |
isDashboardScheduledEmailCreated | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardScheduledEmailCreated. |
isDashboardScheduledEmailSaved | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardScheduledEmailSaved. |
isDashboardSharingChanged | Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardSharingChanged. |
isDashboardUserInteractionTriggered | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardUserInteractionTriggered. |
isDashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationAdded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationAdded. |
isDashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationsUpdated | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardVisualizationSwitcherWidgetVisualizationsUpdated. |
isDashboardWasReset | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardWasReset. |
isDashboardWidgetExecutionFailed | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardWidgetExecutionFailed. |
isDashboardWidgetExecutionStarted | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardWidgetExecutionStarted. |
isDashboardWidgetExecutionSucceeded | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DashboardWidgetExecutionSucceeded. |
isDateFilterValidationFailed | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DateFilterValidationFailed. |
isDrillTargetsAdded | (ALPHA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of DrillTargetsAdded. |
isLayoutSectionHeadersToggled | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of LayoutSectionHeadersToggled. |
isScreenSizeChanged | (BETA) Tests whether the provided object is an instance of ScreenSizeChanged. |
LockedStatusIndicator | (ALPHA) |
newDrillToSameDashboardHandler | (ALPHA) Event handler with the default implementation for drill to the same dashboard. When DashboardDrillToDashboardResolved event is fired and contains dashboard ref that matches the provided dashboard ref, or dashboard ref in the event is missing, it sets relevant drill intersection filters to the current dashboard. Note that only filters that are already stored in the dashboard filter context will be applied (attribute filters that are not visible in the filter bar will not be applied). |
ReactDashboardContext | (ALPHA) |
selectAccessibleDashboards | (ALPHA) Select all accessible dashboard in project. |
selectAccessibleDashboardsLoaded | (ALPHA) Select if accessible dashboards were loaded |
selectAccessibleDashboardsMap | (ALPHA) Select all accessible dashboard in project and returns them in a mapping of obj ref to the insight object. |
selectAdhocDateHierarchies | (ALPHA) |
selectAllAnalyticalWidgets | (ALPHA) Selects all non-custom widgets in the layout. |
selectAllAutomationsCount | (ALPHA) Returns workspace automations count. |
selectAllCatalogAttributeHierarchies | (ALPHA) |
selectAllCatalogAttributesMap | (ALPHA) Selects all attributes in the catalog as a mapping of ref to catalog's attribute object. The mapping will include both 'normal' attributes and attributes from date datasets. |
selectAllCatalogDateDatasetsMap | (ALPHA) Selects all date datasets in the catalog as a mapping of obj ref to date dataset. |
selectAllCatalogDisplayFormsMap | (ALPHA) Selects all display forms in the catalog as a mapping of obj ref to display form |
selectAllCatalogMeasuresMap | (ALPHA) Selects all measures in the catalog as a mapping of ref to catalog's measure object. |
selectAllCustomWidgets | (ALPHA) Selects all custom widgets in the layout. |
selectAllInsightWidgets | (ALPHA) Selects all insight widgets in the layout. |
selectAllKpiWidgets | (ALPHA) Selects all KPI widgets in the layout. |
selectAnalyticalWidgetByRef | (ALPHA) Selects analytical widget by its ref. This selector will return undefined if the provided widget ref is not analytical widget, eg. custom widget or nested layout. |
selectAttributeFilterConfigsDisplayAsLabelMap | (ALPHA) Get a map of attribute filter displayAsLabels |
selectAttributeFilterConfigsModeMap | (ALPHA) Get a map of attribute filter modes directly from dashboard attribute filter configurations. |
selectAttributeFilterConfigsOverrides | (ALPHA) Returns attribute filter configs that is specified on the loaded dashboard. The dashboard-level attribute filter configuration MAY contain overrides and additional configuration to apply on top of the workspace-level attribute filter config. If the dashboard-level overrides are not specified, then the workspace-level config should be taken as-is. |
selectAttributeFilterDescendants | Creates a selector for selecting all descendants of the attribute filter with given localId. |
selectAttributeFilterDisplayForms | Selects list of display form metadata objects referenced by attribute filters. |
selectAttributesWithDrillDown | (ALPHA) |
selectAutomationsError | (ALPHA) Returns organization automations error |
selectAutomationsIsInitialized | (ALPHA) Returns workspace automations loading |
selectAutomationsIsLoading | (ALPHA) Returns workspace automations loading |
selectBackendCapabilities | This selector returns capabilities of the backend with which the dashboard works. |
selectCanAddMoreAttributeFilters | This selector returns whether any more attribute filters can be added. |
selectCanAddMoreFilters | This selector returns whether any more attribute filters can be added. |
selectCanCreateAnalyticalDashboard | Returns whether the current user has permissions to create a KPI dashboard object via API. |
selectCanCreateFilterView | Returns whether the current user has permissions necessary to create a filter view |
selectCanCreateScheduledMail | Returns whether the current user has permissions to create a scheduled email object and a KPI alert object. |
selectCanCreateVisualization | Returns whether the current user has permissions to create a KPI object, KPI widget object, and an insight object via API. |
selectCanEditDashboardPermission | Returns whether the current user has permissions to edit dashboard. |
selectCanEditLockedDashboardPermission | Returns whether the current user has permissions to edit locked dashboard. |
selectCanExecuteRaw | Returns whether the current user has permissions necessary to export insights to CSV.. |
selectCanExportPdf | Returns whether the current user has permissions necessary to export insights to PDF |
selectCanExportReport | Returns whether the current user has permissions necessary to export insights. |
selectCanExportTabular | Returns whether the current user has permissions necessary to export insights to CSV, XLSX |
selectCanInitData | Returns whether the current user has permissions to run MAQL DDL and DML, access a workspace staging directory. |
selectCanInviteUserToWorkspace | Returns whether the current user has permissions to invite a user to a workspace or delete an invitation. |
selectCanListUsersInWorkspace | Returns whether the current user has permissions to list users, roles, and permissions. |
selectCanManageACL | Returns whether the current user has permissions to add, remove, and list ACLs (Access Control Lists) on an object. |
selectCanManageAnalyticalDashboard | Returns whether the current user has permissions to modify and delete a KPI dashboard object. |
selectCanManageDomain | Returns whether the current user has permissions to modify and delete a domain, run MAQL DDL. |
selectCanManageMetric | Returns whether the current user has permissions to modify and delete a metric, run MAQL DDL, run the MAQL validator, change metric visibility via the unlisted flag. |
selectCanManageScheduledMail | Returns whether the current user has permissions to manage scheduled email objects. |
selectCanManageWorkspace | Returns whether the current user has permissions to modify workspace metadata, see the workspace token, lock and unlock objects, delete locked objects, set and unset the restricted flag on objects, clear cache, delete a workspace. |
selectCanRefreshData | Returns whether the current user has permissions to run uploads, load date dimensions, access a workspace staging directory. |
selectCanShareDashboardPermission | Returns whether the current user has permissions to share dashboard. |
selectCanShareLockedDashboardPermission | Returns whether the current user has permissions to share a locked dashboard. |
selectCanUploadNonProductionCSV | Returns whether the current user has permissions to upload CSV files via CSV Uploader. |
selectCanViewDashboardPermission | Returns whether the current user has permissions to view dashboard. |
selectCatalogAttributeDisplayForms | |
selectCatalogAttributeDisplayFormsById | |
selectCatalogAttributeHierarchies | (BETA) |
selectCatalogAttributes | |
selectCatalogDateAttributes | |
selectCatalogDateDatasets | |
selectCatalogFacts | |
selectCatalogIsLoaded | (ALPHA) |
selectCatalogMeasures | |
selectColorPalette | Returns the color palette for dashboard charts. |
selectConfig | Returns dashboard's config. |
selectCrossFilteringFiltersLocalIdentifiers | (BETA) |
selectCrossFilteringFiltersLocalIdentifiersByWidgetRef | (BETA) |
selectCrossFilteringItemByWidgetRef | (BETA) |
selectCrossFilteringItems | (BETA) |
selectCrossFilteringSelectedPointsByWidgetRef | (BETA) |
selectCurrentUser | This selector returns current logged in user. |
selectCurrentUserRef | This selector returns current logged in user ref. |
selectDashboardDescription | Selects current dashboard description. |
selectDashboardFiltersApplyMode | (ALPHA) Setting of dashboard filters apply mode. The value is resolved in the following order: If set on workspace level, workspace setting is used. If not set on workspace level, organization setting is used. If none of them are set, INDIVIDIAL mode is default. |
selectDashboardId | Selects identifier of the persisted dashboard object that backs and is rendered-by the dashboard component. |
selectDashboardIdRef | Selects idRef of the persisted dashboard object that backs and is rendered-by the dashboard component. |
selectDashboardLockStatus | (ALPHA) Selects dashboard lock status. |
selectDashboardPermissions | This selector returns user's dashboard permissions. |
selectDashboardRef | Selects ref of the persisted dashboard object that backs and is rendered-by the dashboard component. |
selectDashboardShareInfo | (ALPHA) Selects complete dashboard share info. |
selectDashboardShareStatus | (ALPHA) Selects dashboard share status. |
selectDashboardTags | Selects dashboard tags. |
selectDashboardTitle | Selects current dashboard title. |
selectDashboardUri | Selects URI of the persisted dashboard object that backs and is rendered-by the dashboard component. |
selectDashboardUriRef | Selects uriRef of the persisted dashboard object that backs and is rendered-by the dashboard component. |
selectDashboardUserAutomationAlerts | (ALPHA) Returns workspace alerts. |
selectDashboardUserAutomationAlertsInContext | (ALPHA) Returns workspace alerts for current dashboard, widget and user context. |
selectDashboardUserAutomations | (ALPHA) Returns workspace automations. |
selectDashboardUserAutomationSchedules | (ALPHA) Returns workspace schedules. |
selectDashboardUserAutomationSchedulesInContext | (ALPHA) Returns workspace schedules for current dashboard, widget and user context. |
selectDateFilterConfig | Returns workspace-level configuration for the of the date filter options and presets. |
selectDateFilterConfigOverrides | (ALPHA) Returns date filter config that is specified on the loaded dashboard. The dashboard-level date filter configuration MAY contain overrides and additional configuration to apply on top of the workspace-level date filter config. If the dashboard-level overrides are not specified, then the workspace-level config should be taken as-is. |
selectDateFilterConfigsModeMap | (ALPHA) Get a map of date filter modes directly from dashboard date filter configurations. |
selectDateFilterConfigsOverrides | (ALPHA) Returns date filter configs that is specified on the loaded dashboard. The dashboard-level date filter configuration MAY contain overrides and additional configuration to apply on top of the workspace-level date filter config. If the dashboard-level overrides are not specified, then the workspace-level config should be taken as-is. |
selectDateFilterConfigValidationWarnings | (ALPHA) Returns the date filter config validation result warnings indicating any problems encountered during the date filter config resolution. |
selectDateFormat | Returns date format. |
selectDateHierarchyTemplates | (ALPHA) |
selectDisableDashboardCrossFiltering | Selects whether dashboard cross filtering is disabled. |
selectDisableDashboardUserFilterReset | Selects whether user filter reset is disabled. |
selectDisableDashboardUserFilterSave | Selects whether user filter save is disabled. |
selectDisableDefaultDrills | Returns whether the default drills configured on the widgets or implicit drills (eg. drill down) are disabled. This option does not affect drilling enabled by drillableItems. |
selectDisableFilterViews | Selects whether filter views are disabled. |
selectDrillableItems | (ALPHA) Returns drillable items that are currently set. |
selectDrillTargets | (ALPHA) Return all widgets drill targets |
selectDrillTargetsByWidgetRef | (ALPHA) Selects drill targets by widget ref. |
selectEffectiveAttributeFiltersModeMap | (ALPHA) Get a map of attribute filter modes based on the current screen mode (edit or view). |
selectEffectiveDateFilterAvailableGranularities | (ALPHA) Returns effective date filter options from. This is created by merging the workspace-level date filter config and the dashboard-level date filter config. These are the date filter options that the DateFilter SHOULD use when rendering filtering presets. |
selectEffectiveDateFilterConfig | (ALPHA) Returns effective date filter config. The effective date filter config is created by merging the workspace-level date filter config and the dashboard-level date filter config. This is the configuration that the DateFilter SHOULD use when rendering filtering presets. |
selectEffectiveDateFilterMode | (ALPHA) Returns display mode for the effective date filter. This always comes from the dashboard-level date filter config overrides - regardless whether the rest of the overrides are actually used. |
selectEffectiveDateFilterOptions | (ALPHA) Returns effective date filter options. This is created by merging the workspace-level date filter config and the dashboard-level date filter config. These are the date filter options that the DateFilter SHOULD use when rendering filtering presets. |
selectEffectiveDateFiltersModeMap | (ALPHA) Get a map of date filter modes based on the current screen mode (edit or view). |
selectEffectiveDateFilterTitle | (ALPHA) Returns custom title to use for the date filter. Custom title comes from the dashboard-level date filter config overrides. If no overrides were defined OR the effective date filter config is not using them (because applying them means the final date filter config is invalid), then no custom filter should be used. |
selectEnableAlertAttributes | (ALPHA) |
selectEnableAlerting | (ALPHA) |
selectEnableAutomations | (ALPHA) |
selectEnableClickableAttributeURL | Returns whether implicit drill to attributes url enabled |
selectEnableCompanyLogoInEmbeddedUI | Returns whether company logo should be visible in embedded dashboard. |
selectEnableComparisonInAlerting | (ALPHA) |
selectEnableFilterValuesResolutionInDrillEvents | Returns whether filter values in drill events should be resolved. |
selectEnableInsightExportScheduling | Returns whether insight export scheduling is enabled. |
selectEnableKPIDashboardDrillFromAttribute | Returns whether drill fromAttribute is enabled |
selectEnableKPIDashboardDrillToDashboard | Returns whether the drill to dashboard is enabled. |
selectEnableKPIDashboardDrillToInsight | Returns whether drill to insight is enabled |
selectEnableKPIDashboardDrillToURL | Returns whether drill to url is enabled |
selectEnableKPIDashboardExportPDF | Returns whether the export to pdf is enabled. |
selectEnableKPIDashboardImplicitDrillDown | Returns whether implicit drill to attributes url enabled |
selectEnableKPIDashboardSaveAsNew | Returns whether the save as new dashboard functionality is enabled. |
selectEnableKPIDashboardSchedule | Returns whether the current user can schedule emails. |
selectEnableKPIDashboardScheduleRecipients | Returns whether the current user can share scheduled email to other recipients. |
selectEnableScheduling | (ALPHA) |
selectEntitlementExportPdf | (ALPHA) |
selectEntitlementMaxAutomationRecipients | (ALPHA) |
selectEntitlementMaxAutomations | (ALPHA) |
selectEntitlementMinimumRecurrenceMinutes | (ALPHA) |
selectEntitlementUnlimitedAutomations | (ALPHA) |
selectErrorUsers | (ALPHA) Returns error if users loading failed. |
selectExecutionResult | (ALPHA) |
selectExecutionResultByRef | (ALPHA) |
selectFilterableWidgetByRef | (ALPHA) Selects filterable widget by its ref (including custom widgets). This selector will return undefined if the provided ref to non-filterable widget. |
selectFilterBarExpanded | (ALPHA) |
selectFilterContextAttributeFilterByDisplayForm | Creates a selector for selecting attribute filter by its displayForm ObjRef. |
selectFilterContextAttributeFilterByLocalId | Creates a selector for selecting attribute filter by its localId. |
selectFilterContextAttributeFilters | This selector returns dashboard's applied filter context attribute filters. |
selectFilterContextDateFilter | This selector returns dashboard's applied filter context date filter. |
selectFilterContextDateFilterByDataSet | Creates a selector for selecting date filter by its dataset ObjRef. |
selectFilterContextDateFiltersWithDimension | This selector returns dashboard's applied filter context date filter with dimension specified. |
selectFilterContextDefinition | This selector returns current applied dashboard's filter context definition. |
selectFilterContextFilters | This selector returns dashboard's applied filter context filters. |
selectFilterViews | (ALPHA) |
selectFilterViewsAreLoading | (ALPHA) |
selectFocusObject | (BETA) Returns dashboard focus object. |
selectHasCatalogAttributes | (ALPHA) |
selectHasCatalogDateDatasets | (ALPHA) |
selectHasCatalogFacts | (ALPHA) |
selectHasCatalogMeasures | (ALPHA) |
selectHasSomeExecutionResult | (ALPHA) |
selectHideKpiDrillInEmbedded | Returns whether Kpi drills in embedded mode are disabled. |
selectIgnoredDrillDownHierarchiesByWidgetRef | (ALPHA) |
selectInaccessibleDashboards | (ALPHA) Select all inaccessible dashboard in project. |
selectInaccessibleDashboardsMap | (ALPHA) Select all inaccessible dashboard in project and returns them in a mapping of obj ref to the insight object. |
selectInsightByRef | (ALPHA) Selects insight used on a dashboard by its ref. |
selectInsightByWidgetRef | (ALPHA) Selects insight used on a dashboard by widget ref. |
selectInsightRefs | (ALPHA) Selects refs of all insights used on the dashboard. |
selectInsights | Selects all insights used on the dashboard. |
selectInsightsMap | (ALPHA) Selects all insights and returns them in a mapping of obj ref to the insight object. |
selectIsAlertingDialogOpen | (ALPHA) |
selectIsAlertsManagementDialogOpen | (ALPHA) |
selectIsCrossFiltering | (BETA) |
selectIsDashboardPrivate | (ALPHA) Returns whether dashboard is private. |
selectIsDashboardSaving | |
selectIsEmbedded | Returns whether the Dashboard is executed in embedded context. |
selectIsExecutionResultExportableToCsvByRef | (ALPHA) |
selectIsExecutionResultExportableToCsvRawByRef | (ALPHA) |
selectIsExecutionResultExportableToXlsxByRef | (ALPHA) |
selectIsExecutionResultReadyForExportByRef | (ALPHA) |
selectIsExport | Returns whether the Dashboard is rendered in the export mode. In export mode, some components can be hidden, or rendered differently. |
selectIsFilterAttributeSelectionOpen | (ALPHA) |
selectIsFilterFromCrossFilteringByLocalIdentifier | (BETA) |
selectIsInEditMode | Returns whether the current Dashboard is on edit mode. |
selectIsKpiAlertHighlightedByWidgetRef | (ALPHA) |
selectIsKpiAlertOpenedByWidgetRef | (ALPHA) |
selectIsLayoutEmpty | (ALPHA) Selects a boolean indicating if the dashboard is empty. |
selectIsReadOnly | Returns whether the Dashboard is executed in read-only mode. |
selectIsSaveAsDialogOpen | (ALPHA) |
selectIsScheduleEmailDialogContext | (ALPHA) |
selectIsScheduleEmailDialogOpen | (ALPHA) |
selectIsScheduleEmailManagementDialogContext | (ALPHA) |
selectIsScheduleEmailManagementDialogOpen | (ALPHA) |
selectIsShareDialogOpen | (ALPHA) |
selectIsWorkingFilterContextChanged | (ALPHA) Returns true if working filters and applied filters are same. Attribute filters are considered equal if - they have same localIdentifier - they have same elements (order does not matter) - all other fields are deep equal EXCEPT displayForm We exclude diplayForm becuase of primary display form migration code. Which changes display forms after update. |
selectLayout | This selector returns dashboard's layout. It is expected that the selector is called only after the layout state is correctly initialized. Invocations before initialization lead to invariant errors. |
selectLayoutHasAnalyticalWidgets | (ALPHA) Selects a boolean indicating if the dashboard contains at least one non-custom widget. |
selectListedDashboards | (ALPHA) Select all listed dashboard in project. |
selectListedDashboardsMap | (ALPHA) Select all listed dashboard in project and returns them in a mapping of obj ref to the insight object. |
selectLocale | Returns locale to use for internationalization of the dashboard. |
selectMenuButtonItemsVisibility | (ALPHA) |
selectNotificationChannels | (ALPHA) Returns organization notification channels. |
selectNotificationChannelsCount | (ALPHA) Returns organization notification channels count. |
selectNotificationChannelsCountForScheduledExports | (ALPHA) Returns notification channels suitable for scheduled exports. |
selectNotificationChannelsForScheduledExports | (ALPHA) Returns notification channels suitable for scheduled exports. |
selectObjectAvailabilityConfig | Returns the object availability configuration for this dashboard. |
selectOriginalFilterContextDefinition | This selector returns original (stored) dashboard's filter context definition. |
selectOriginalFilterContextFilters | This selector returns original (stored) dashboard's filters. |
selectPermissions | This selector returns user's permissions in the workspace where the dashboard is stored. |
selectPlatformEdition | Returns current platform edition. |
selectRawExportOverridesForInsightByRef | (ALPHA) Selects raw export custom overrides for insight by ref. |
selectScheduleEmailDialogDefaultAttachment | (ALPHA) |
selectScreen | This selector returns dashboard's current layout screen size. Valid screen size is provided after first render. |
selectSelectedFilterIndex | (ALPHA) |
selectSeparators | Returns number separators to use when rendering numeric values on charts or KPIs. |
selectSettings | Returns settings that are in effect for the current dashboard. |
selectSupportsElementsQueryParentFiltering | This selector returns capability if parent child filtering is enabled. |
selectTimezone | Returns timezone |
selectUsers | (ALPHA) Returns workspace users. |
selectUsersLoadingStatus | (ALPHA) Returns true if users are loading. |
selectWidgetByRef | (ALPHA) Selects widget by its ref (including custom widgets). |
selectWidgetCoordinatesByRef | (ALPHA) Selects layout coordinates for a given widget. |
selectWidgetDrills | (ALPHA) Selects widget drills by the widget ref. |
selectWidgetPathByRef | (ALPHA) Selects layout path for a given widget. |
selectWorkingFilterContextAttributeFilters | This selector returns dashboard's working filter context attribute filters. |
selectWorkingFilterContextDateFilter | This selector returns dashboard's working filter context date filter. |
selectWorkingFilterContextDateFiltersWithDimension | This selector returns dashboard's working filter context date filter with dimension specified. |
selectWorkingFilterContextDefinition | (ALPHA) This selector returns current working dashboard's filter context definition. |
selectWorkingFilterContextFilters | This selector returns dashboard's working filter context filters. |
ShareStatusIndicator | (ALPHA) |
useDashboardAlerts | (ALPHA) Hook that handles alerts dialog |
useDashboardAsyncRender | A React hook that allows you to request and inform the dashboard about the rendering of a component that loads asynchronous data (eg Insight, Kpi, but it can be also any custom widget). By registering and resolving asynchronous data retrieval of the each widget, the dashboard is able to recognize and notify that it is fully rendered. This mechanism is necessary for dashboard exports to PDF to work properly. Mechanism is following: - You must request async rendering for at least 1 component within 5 seconds of the DashboardInitialized event. (If you do not register any asynchronous rendering, after 5 seconds the dashboard will announce that it is rendered by dispatching DashboardRenderResolved event.) - You can request async rendering for any number of components. Requests are valid if the first rule is met and not all asynchronous renderings have been resolved and the maximum timeout (20min by default) has not elapsed. - The component may again request asynchronous rendering within 5 seconds of resolution. Maximum 3x. (this is necessary to cover possible re-renders caused by data received from the components themselves, after they are rendered) - Maximum rendering time of the dashboard is 20min - if some asynchronous renderings are not yet resolved at this time, DashboardRenderResolved event is dispatched anyway. Request async rendering of the component by calling onRequestAsyncRender() callback. Resolve async rendering of the component by calling onResolveAsyncRender() callback. |
useDashboardAutomations | (ALPHA) |
useDashboardDispatch | (ALPHA) |
useDashboardEventDispatch | (ALPHA) Convenience hook for dispatching Dashboard events. |
useDashboardEventsContext | (ALPHA) |
useDashboardScheduledEmails | (ALPHA) Hook that handles schedule emailing dialogs. |
useDashboardScheduledEmailsFilters | (ALPHA) |
useDashboardSelector | Hook for retrieving data from the dashboard state. |
useDispatchDashboardCommand | Hook that takes command creator and returns function that will result into dispatching this command. |
useFilterBarProps | (ALPHA) |
useFiltersForDashboardScheduledExport | (ALPHA) Hook for getting filters for dashboard scheduled export. Note: - This function excludes cross-filtering filters, as these are typically not desired in exported reports. - If the current dashboard filters (excluding cross-filtering) match the saved dashboard filters, this hook returns undefined. In such cases, the scheduled export will use the most recent saved dashboard filters, guaranteeing that the export reflects the latest intended filter configuration. - If we are editing an existing scheduled export, this function will return its filters, as changing saved filters is currently not allowed. |
useMetaExportData | (ALPHA) |
useMetaExportImageData | (ALPHA) |
useMetaPaletteData | (ALPHA) |
useParentFilters | Returns parent filtering input props for AttributeFilter for particular dashboard attribute filter. |
useRichTextExportData | (ALPHA) |
useSectionExportData | (ALPHA) |
useTopBarProps | (ALPHA) |
useVisualizationExportData | (ALPHA) |
useWidgetExportData | (ALPHA) |
Type Aliases
Type Alias | Description |
ActionFailedErrorReason | (BETA) |
AttributeFilterComponentProvider | |
AttributeFilterInteractionType | (BETA) |
AttributeFilterSelectionType | Attribute filter selection type for ChangeAttributeFilterSelectionPayload. |
AttributeHierarchiesInteractionType | (BETA) |
AutomationInteractionData | (ALPHA) |
AutomationInteractionPayload | (ALPHA) |
AutomationInteractionType | (ALPHA) |
BareUserInteractionType | (BETA) |
BrokenAlertAttributeFilterInfo | (ALPHA) Broken alert attribute filter basic info . |
BrokenAlertDateFilterInfo | (ALPHA) Broken alert date filter basic info . |
BrokenAlertType | (ALPHA) Type of broken alert filter basic info |
CommonExportDataAttributes | (ALPHA) Data attributes with export specification for components. |
CustomAlertingDialogComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomAlertingManagementDialogComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomButtonBarComponent | (BETA) |
CustomCancelButtonComponent | (BETA) |
CustomDashboardAttributeFilterComponent | |
CustomDashboardContentComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomDashboardDateFilterComponent | |
CustomDashboardInsightComponent | |
CustomDashboardInsightMenuButtonComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomDashboardInsightMenuComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomDashboardLayoutComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomDashboardNestedLayoutComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomDashboardRichTextComponent | |
CustomDashboardRichTextMenuButtonComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomDashboardRichTextMenuComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomDashboardVisualizationSwitcherComponent | |
CustomDashboardWidgetComponent | |
CustomEditModeButtonComponent | (BETA) |
CustomFilterBarComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomInsightBodyComponent | |
CustomMenuButtonComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomSaveAsDialogComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomSaveAsNewButtonComponent | (BETA) |
CustomSaveButtonComponent | (BETA) |
CustomScheduledEmailDialogComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomScheduledEmailManagementDialogComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomShareButtonComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomShareDialogComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomSidebarComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomTitleComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomTopBarComponent | (ALPHA) |
CustomVisualizationSwitcherToolbarComponent | (ALPHA) |
DashboardAccessibilityLimitation | (ALPHA) Represents different kinds of accessibility limitation for dashboard. Dashboard is forbidden when strict access control is supported and user does not have permission to see it or drill to it. Dashboard is not shared when user is able to drill to it but not see it directly. |
DashboardCommands | Union type that contains all available built-in dashboard commands. |
DashboardCommandType | All available command types. |
DashboardContentComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
DashboardDescriptor | |
DashboardDispatch | |
DashboardDrillCommand | (ALPHA) |
DashboardDrillDefinition | (BETA) Supported dashboard drill definitions. |
DashboardEventBody | |
DashboardEventEvalFn | |
DashboardEventHandlerFn | |
DashboardEvents | Union type that contains all available built-in dashboard events. |
DashboardEventType | A union of all available built-in dashboard event type names. |
DashboardItem | Dashboard item |
DashboardItemDefinition | (BETA) Definition of items that may be placed into the dashboard sections. |
DashboardItemVisualization | Dashboard item with visualization |
DashboardItemVisualizationContent | Dashboard item with visualization content |
DashboardLayoutCommands | (BETA) |
DashboardLayoutComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
DashboardLayoutExportTransformFn | |
DashboardQueries | (ALPHA) |
DashboardQueryType | (BETA) |
DashboardRelatedFilter | (ALPHA) |
DashboardSelector | Function that selects part of the Dashboard state. |
DashboardSelectorEvaluator | Type of a callback that evaluates a selector function against the Dashboard state |
DashboardStateChangeCallback | Callback called whenever the Dashboard's internal state changes. |
DashboardTransformFn | |
DateFilterComponentProvider | |
DateFilterConfigValidationResult | Validation result. |
DateFilterInteractionType | (BETA) |
DateFilterValidationResult | |
DescriptionExportData | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the description. |
DescriptionTooltipOpenedData | (BETA) |
DescriptionTooltipOpenedFrom | (BETA) |
DescriptionTooltipOpenedPayload | (BETA) |
DescriptionTooltipOpenedType | (BETA) |
ExportElementType | (ALPHA) Export element type. |
ExportLayoutCustomizationFn | (ALPHA) |
ExportMetaType | (ALPHA) Export meta type. |
ExtendedDashboardItem | Specialization of the IDashboardLayoutItem which also includes the extended dashboard widgets - KPI and Insight placeholders. |
ExtendedDashboardItemType | Utility type to get the widget type from a given ExtendedDashboardItem type. |
ExtendedDashboardItemTypes | Utility type to get the widget type from a given ExtendedDashboardItem array. |
ExtendedDashboardLayoutSection | Dashboard layout section that can contain extended set of items - including KPI and Insight placeholders. |
ExtendedDashboardWidget | Extension of the default type to also include view-only custom widget types. |
FilterableDashboardWidget | Subset of widget types which support filtering. |
FilterBarComponentProvider | |
FilterBarRenderingMode | Mode of rendering of the FilterBar. |
FilterOperations | (BETA) |
FiltersInfo | (ALPHA) Contains information about dashboard filters. |
FilterViewDialogMode | (BETA) |
FluidLayoutCustomizationFn | |
HeaderExportData | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the header. |
IDashboardFilter | Supported dashboard filter type. |
IExportConfig | (BETA) |
IInsightMenuItem | (BETA) |
ILayoutItemPath | (ALPHA) Coordinates of an item in a nested layout. |
IMenuButtonItem | (ALPHA) |
InsightBodyComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
InsightComponentProvider | |
InsightMenuButtonComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
InsightMenuComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
InsightMenuItemsProvider | (BETA) |
IRichTextMenuItem | (ALPHA) |
KpiAlertDialogOpenedPayload | (BETA) |
LayoutComponentProvider | |
LayoutStash | (BETA) |
LoadingComponentProvider | |
MetaExportData | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the header. |
MetaExportDataAttributes | (ALPHA) Data attributes with export specification for meta. |
NestedLayoutInteractionType | (BETA) |
OnDrillDownSuccess | (ALPHA) |
OnDrillToAttributeUrlSuccess | (ALPHA) |
OnDrillToCustomUrlSuccess | (ALPHA) |
OnDrillToDashboardSuccess | (ALPHA) |
OnDrillToInsightSuccess | (ALPHA) |
OnFiredDashboardDrillEvent | (BETA) Callback called when a drill event occurs. |
OnWidgetDrill | (ALPHA) |
OptionalAttributeFilterComponentProvider | |
OptionalDashboardContentComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalDashboardLayoutComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalDateFilterComponentProvider | |
OptionalFilterBarComponentProvider | |
OptionalInsightBodyComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalInsightComponentProvider | |
OptionalInsightMenuButtonComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalInsightMenuComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalLayoutComponentProvider | |
OptionalLoadingComponentProvider | |
OptionalProvider | |
OptionalRichTextComponentProvider | |
OptionalRichTextMenuComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalTitleComponentProvider | |
OptionalTopBarComponentProvider | |
OptionalVisualizationSwitcherComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalVisualizationSwitcherToolbarComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
OptionalWidgetComponentProvider | |
QueryProcessingState | |
RelativeIndex | (BETA) This is a mark-up type that is used for properties and arguments that can contain relative index: a zero-based index with added convenience of referencing last spot using index of -1 . |
RemoveDrillsSelector | (BETA) |
RenderMode | (BETA) |
ResolvableFilter | (ALPHA) Supported dashboard filter types for values resolution. |
ResolvedDashboardConfig | Dashboard configuration resolved using the config passed in via props and any essential data retrieved from backend. |
ResolvedDateFilterValues | (ALPHA) |
ResolvedEntitlements | (BETA) |
RichTextComponentProvider | |
RichTextDataAttributes | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the rich text widget. |
RichTextExportData | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the rich text widget and its components. When customizing a rich text widget component, spread these properties in the element intended for export. |
RichTextMenuComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
RichTextMenuItemsProvider | (ALPHA) |
SavedFilterViewInteractionPayload | (ALPHA) |
SavedFilterViewInteractionType | (ALPHA) |
SectionExportData | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the layout section header and its components. |
SectionSlidesTransformer | (ALPHA) |
ShareDialogInteractionData | (BETA) |
ShareDialogInteractionPayload | (BETA) |
ShareDialogInteractionType | (BETA) |
StashedDashboardItemsId | (BETA) Identifier of a stashed dashboard items. When removing one or more item, the caller may decide to 'stash' these items under some identifier. This stashed items can then be used in subsequent command that places items on the layout by providing the stash identifier. |
TitleComponentProvider | |
TopBarComponentProvider | |
UndoPointSelector | (BETA) The undo point selector function will be called during layout undo processing to determine up to (and including) which command should the undo be done. Commands are sorted in the list in reversed chronological order - last command processed command is at index 0, command before that at index 1 etc. The function must return index of command up to (and including) which the undo should be done. It is not possible to undo just some command randomly. |
UseCustomWidgetExecutionDataViewCallbacks | Callbacks for useCustomWidgetExecutionDataView() hook. |
UseCustomWidgetInsightDataViewCallbacks | Callbacks for useCustomWidgetInsightDataView() hook. |
UseInsightWidgetInsightDataViewCallbacks | Callbacks for useInsightWidgetDataView() hook. |
UseParentFiltersResult | Result of the useParentFilters hook, that can be used as parent filtering input props for AttributeFilter. |
UserInteractionPayload | (BETA) |
UserInteractionPayloadWithData | (BETA) |
UserInteractionType | (BETA) |
VisualizationSwitcherComponentProvider | |
VisualizationSwitcherInteractionType | (BETA) |
VisualizationSwitcherToolbarComponentProvider | (ALPHA) |
WidgetComponentProvider | |
WidgetExportData | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the widget and its components. When customizing a widget component, spread these properties in the element intended for export. |
WidgetExportDataAttributes | (ALPHA) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the widget. |
WidgetFilterOperation | (BETA) Widget's filter settings can be manipulated using multiple different granular operations. This is the union type containing all the available operations. |
WidgetsOverlayFn | (ALPHA) |
WorkingDashboardAttributeFilter | (ALPHA) Partial working attribute filter used in working filter context. |
WorkingFilterContextItem | (ALPHA) Partial working filter context item. |