Home > @gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard > IDashboardWidgetProps
IDashboardWidgetProps interface
Dashboard widget props.
export interface IDashboardWidgetProps
IMPORTANT: this interface is marked as public but not all properties in it are suitable for public consumption yet. Please heed the per-property API maturity annotations; the alpha level APIs may change in a breaking way in the next release.
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
backend? | IAnalyticalBackend | (ALPHA) (Optional) Backend to work with. | |
dateDataset? | ObjRef | (Optional) Specify date data set to use when passing dashboard date filter to rendered visualization. | |
ErrorComponent | ComponentType<IErrorProps> | (ALPHA) Error component to use when insight rendering fails for any reason. | |
exportData? | WidgetExportData | (ALPHA) (Optional) Data attributes for export mode to be added to the widget. | |
ignoredAttributeFilters? | ObjRefInScope[] | (Optional) Specify what attribute filters to ignore for this widget. | |
LoadingComponent | ComponentType<ILoadingProps> | (ALPHA) Loading component to use while loading and preparing data to render. | |
onDrill? | OnFiredDashboardDrillEvent | (ALPHA) (Optional) | |
onError? | OnError | (ALPHA) (Optional) | |
onFiltersChange? | (filters: (IDashboardFilter | FilterContextItem)[], resetOthers?: boolean) => void | (ALPHA) (Optional) | |
onWidgetClicked? | () => void | (ALPHA) (Optional) Callback that the component MUST call when the widget is clicked. | |
parentLayoutItemSize? | IDashboardLayoutSizeByScreenSize | (ALPHA) (Optional) The size of layout item in which the item is nested. Undefined, when item is in the root layout. | |
parentLayoutPath? | ILayoutItemPath | (ALPHA) (Optional) The path to the layout item in which the section is nested | |
rowIndex? | number | (ALPHA) (Optional) Zero-based index of the row in which the item is rendered, | |
screen | ScreenSize | (ALPHA) | |
showHeader? | boolean | (ALPHA) (Optional) Turn widget header on/off. | |
showMenu? | boolean | (ALPHA) (Optional) Turn visibility of the interactions menu on/off. | |
widget? | ExtendedDashboardWidget | (Optional) | |
workspace? | string | (ALPHA) (Optional) Workspace where the widget exists. |