Home > @gooddata/sdk-model > IDashboard
IDashboard interface
This API is provided as an alpha preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
Analytical dashboard consists of widgets (widgets are kpis or insights with additional settings - drilling and alerting), layout (which defines rendering and ordering of these widgets), and filter context (configured attribute and date filters). It's also possible to setup scheduled emails for the dashboard (user will receive an email with the exported dashboard attached at the specified time interval), and optionally extended date filter config.
export interface IDashboard<TWidget = IDashboardWidget> extends IDashboardBase, IDashboardObjectIdentity, Readonly<Required<IAuditableDates>>, Readonly<IAuditableUsers>, IAccessControlAware
Extends: IDashboardBase, IDashboardObjectIdentity, Readonly<Required<IAuditableDates>>, Readonly<IAuditableUsers>, IAccessControlAware
Property | Modifiers | Type | Description |
attributeFilterConfigs? | readonly | IDashboardAttributeFilterConfig[] | (ALPHA) (Optional) Dashboard extended attribute filter configs |
dataSets? | readonly | IDataSetMetadataObject[] | (ALPHA) (Optional) Data sets related to the dashboard, as defined by the includes directive |
dateFilterConfig? | readonly | IDashboardDateFilterConfig | (ALPHA) (Optional) Dashboard extended common date filter config |
dateFilterConfigs? | readonly | IDashboardDateFilterConfigItem[] | (ALPHA) (Optional) Dashboard extended date filters with date data set/dimension configs |
disableCrossFiltering? | readonly | boolean | (ALPHA) (Optional) Disables cross filtering for this dashboard. |
disableFilterViews? | readonly | boolean | (ALPHA) (Optional) Disables listing and saving of filter views for this dashboard. |
disableUserFilterReset? | readonly | boolean | (ALPHA) (Optional) Disables reset of user filters for this dashboard. |
disableUserFilterSave? | readonly | boolean | (ALPHA) (Optional) Disables save of user filters for this dashboard. |
filterContext? | readonly | IFilterContext | ITempFilterContext | (ALPHA) (Optional) Dashboard filter context, or temporary filter context (temporary filter context is used to override original filter context during the export) |
layout? | readonly | IDashboardLayout<TWidget> | (ALPHA) (Optional) The layout of the dashboard determines the dashboard widgets IWidget and where they are rendered |
plugins? | readonly | IDashboardPluginLink[] | (ALPHA) (Optional) Plugins used on this dashboard. |
type | readonly | "IDashboard" | (ALPHA) |