Home > @gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard > newDrillToSameDashboardHandler
newDrillToSameDashboardHandler variable
This API is provided as an alpha preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
Event handler with the default implementation for drill to the same dashboard.
When DashboardDrillToDashboardResolved event is fired and contains dashboard ref that matches the provided dashboard ref, or dashboard ref in the event is missing, it sets relevant drill intersection filters to the current dashboard.
Note that only filters that are already stored in the dashboard filter context will be applied (attribute filters that are not visible in the filter bar will not be applied).
newDrillToSameDashboardHandler: (dashboardRef: ObjRef) => DashboardEventHandler<DashboardDrillToDashboardResolved>