Home > @gooddata/sdk-ui-dashboard > SectionSlidesTransformerFunction > containerSwitcherSlide
SectionSlidesTransformerFunction.containerSwitcherSlide property
This API is provided as an alpha preview for developers and may change based on feedback that we receive. Do not use this API in a production environment.
This is more complex transformer that is used to transform container item in the layout to a slide. Container item is transformed as a structured slide, but if it contains a visualization switcher, switcher is spread into multiple slides where each slide contains one visualization from each switcher.
containerSwitcherSlide: (item: IDashboardLayoutItem<TWidget>, transform: (section: IDashboardLayoutSection<TWidget>) => IDashboardLayoutSection<TWidget>[] | undefined) => IDashboardLayoutSection<TWidget>[] | undefined;
If there are 2 switchers in the container, one with 3 visualizations and the other with 2 visualizations, then this transformer will create 3 slides. First slide will contain first visualizations from both switchers, second slide will contain second visualizations from both switchers and last slide will contain third visualization from the first switcher and empty item from the second switcher.