Working with Lifecycle
Life-cycle Segments
You can setup and execute a life-cycle management configuration to distribute new versions of dashboards, reports, and metrics from a master template to multiple target projects.
You can use life-cycle management API to create a life-cycle segment, associate it with its master template project, and populate the segment with target projects that are going to receive the new versions of objects from the master template. First let’s align on the terminology.
Organization - Organization is an object that contains all users and projects that you or your company have provisioned to the GoodData platform. Organization can also contain white-labeling configuration (your custom colors, logos, URLs etc.). Lifecycle management segments and projects are always set up within an organization.
Lifecycle segment represents a group of projects that contain the same analytical objects. New versions of these objects can be distributed from so called master template project to the segment’s projects. The segment’s projects can also contain ad-hoc objects (e.g. reports or metrics) that are not touched (not updated nor deleted) by the lifecycle processes. Lifecycle segments are usually used to represent a different tiers (e.g. bronze/silver/gold) tiers of an analytical solution.
Master template is a project that contains the latest and greatest versions of objects that are distributed to the segment’s projects. We recommend to keep the master’s project immutable once it gets associated with a segment. So a new master template project should be cloned from the previous master and associated with the segment for each new version of your solution. Lifecycle segment can be associated with just one master at any given time.
Client - is user-assigned ID of a segment’s project. The client ID is associated with a GoodData generated project ID during segment provisioning operation. The client ID is stable identification of certain tenant’s project. It can be associated with different project IDs during it’s lifecycle.
Having defined some terminology we present code that will do several things.
sets up a segment with master project (along with some data and dashboard)
creates a client within a segment. The client is not yet associated with a project at this time.
releases new master project
provisions new project for the client (this will ensure client’s project has the same model, dashboard but no data )
changes the dashboard in master
makes another release
synchronizes the clients with updated version
adds a client
provisions new project for the second client too
require 'gooddata'
TOKEN = 'token'
PASSWORD = 'pass'
# Connect to GoodData a specific organization's (aka domain's) URL
client = GoodData.connect('', PASSWORD, server: '', verify_ssl: false )
# Organization (aka domain)
domain = client.domain('mustangs')
seq_number = 8
# Prepare master project
# ======================
# Create LDM blueprint
blueprint ='HR Demo Project') do |p|
p.add_date_dimension('dataset.payment', title: 'Payment')
p.add_dataset('dataset.department', title: 'Department', folder: 'Department & Employee') do |d|
d.add_anchor('', title: 'Department ID')
d.add_label('', reference:'', title: 'Department ID')
d.add_label('', reference: '', title: 'Department Name')
d.add_attribute('attr.department.region', title: 'Department Region')
d.add_label('label.department.region', reference: 'attr.department.region', title: 'Department Region')
p.add_dataset('dataset.employee', title: 'Employee', folder: 'Department & Employee') do |d|
d.add_anchor('', title: 'Employee ID')
d.add_label('', title: 'Employee ID', reference:'')
d.add_label('label.employee.fname', title: 'Employee Firstname', reference:'')
d.add_label('label.employee.lname', title: 'Employee Lastname', reference:'')
p.add_dataset('dataset.salary', title: 'Salary') do |d|
d.add_anchor('', title: 'Salary ID', folder: 'Salary')
d.add_label('', reference:'', title: 'Salary ID', folder: 'Salary')
d.add_fact('fact.salary.amount', title: 'Amount', folder: 'Salary')
d.add_date('dataset.payment', format: 'yyyy-MM-dd')
# Create the master template project
project = client.create_project_from_blueprint(blueprint, auth_token: TOKEN)
puts "Created master template project #{}"
# Load data
department_data = [
['','', 'label.department.region'],
['d1','HQ General Management', 'North America'],
['d2','HQ Information Systems', 'Europe']
project.upload(department_data, blueprint, 'dataset.department')
employee_data_with_dep = [
['','label.employee.fname','label.employee.lname','dataset.department', 'label.department.region'],
['e1','Sheri','Nowmer','d1', 'North America'],
['e2','Derrick','Whelply','d2', 'Europe']
project.upload(employee_data_with_dep, blueprint, 'dataset.employee')
salary_data = [
['s1','e1','10230','2006-01-01'], ['s2','e2','4810','2006-01-01'], ['s617','e1','10230','2006-02-01'],
['s618','e2','4810','2006-02-01'], ['s1233','e1','10230','2006-03-01'], ['s1234','e2','4810','2006-03-01'],
['s1849','e1','10230','2006-04-01'], ['s1850','e2','4810','2006-04-01'], ['s2465','e1','10230','2006-05-01'],
['s2466','e2','4810','2006-05-01'], ['s3081','e1','10230','2006-06-01'], ['s3082','e2','4810','2006-06-01'],
['s3697','e1','10230','2006-07-01'], ['s3698','e2','4810','2006-07-01'], ['s4313','e1','10230','2006-08-01'],
['s4314','e2','4810','2006-08-01'], ['s4929','e1','10230','2006-09-01'], ['s4930','e2','4810','2006-09-01'],
['s5545','e1','10230','2006-10-01'], ['s5546','e2','4810','2006-10-01'], ['s6161','e1','10230','2006-11-01'],
['s6162','e2','4810','2006-11-01'], ['s6777','e1','10230','2006-12-01'], ['s6778','e2','4810','2006-12-01'],
['s7393','e1','10440','2007-01-01'], ['s7394','e2','5020','2007-01-01'], ['s8548','e1','10440','2007-02-01'],
['s8549','e2','5020','2007-02-01'], ['s9703','e1','10440','2007-03-01'], ['s9704','e2','5020','2007-03-01'],
['s10858','e1','10440','2007-04-01'], ['s10859','e2','5020','2007-04-01'], ['s12013','e1','10440','2007-05-01'],
['s12014','e2','5020','2007-05-01'], ['s13168','e1','10440','2007-06-01'], ['s13169','e2','5020','2007-06-01'],
['s14323','e1','10440','2007-07-01'], ['s14324','e2','5020','2007-07-01'], ['s15478','e1','10440','2007-08-01'],
['s15479','e2','5020','2007-08-01'], ['s16633','e1','10440','2007-09-01'], ['s16634','e2','5020','2007-09-01'],
['s17788','e1','10440','2007-10-01'], ['s17789','e2','5020','2007-10-01'], ['s18943','e1','10440','2007-11-01'],
['s18944','e2','5020','2007-11-01'], ['s20098','e1','10440','2007-12-01'], ['s20099','e2','5020','2007-12-01']
project.upload(salary_data, blueprint, 'dataset.salary')
# Create a report within the master template project
metric = project.facts('fact.salary.amount').create_metric
report = project.create_report(title: 'My report', left: [''], top: [metric])
# Create a dashboard within the master template project
dashboard = project.create_dashboard(:title => 'Test Dashboard')
tab = dashboard.create_tab(:title => 'Tab Title #1')
tab.title = 'Test #42'
item = tab.add_report_item(:report => report, :position_x => 10, :position_y => 20)
item.position_x = 400
item.position_y = 300
# Create new lifecycle segment
# ============================
segment = domain.create_segment(segment_id: "segment_#{seq_number}", master_project: project)
# Release the segment
# ===================
# Create new client
# =================
segment_client = segment.create_client(id: "client_#{seq_number}")
# Provision new project for the client
# ====================================
# The new project contains all the objects from the master template
# => aerkc6562oiauaof9mxtowcc4fl5vwb4
# => 1
# => 'Test Dashboard'
# The client project should not have any data from master
# => 0.366E6
# => nil
# Update master and propagate changes
# ===================================
# Now let's change something in our master.
# Let's change a title in master and transfer to the clients
dashboard.title = 'Better Test Dashboard'
# Release the segment and synchronize clients
# Check the results in the client's project
# => "Better Test Dashboard"
# Add additional clients
# ======================
# This is it. Just for illustration let's create another client. This basically just means repeating the flow.
# We already have our master prepared so let's just create a new client.
another_segment_client = segment.create_client(id: "client_#{seq_number + 1}")
# currently there should be only one project for the first client { |c| [, c.project_uri]}
# => [["client_8", "/gdc/projects/aerkc6562oiauaof9mxtowcc4fl5vwb4"], ["client_9", nil]]
# Let's provision project. This will provision it with project from last call of 'domain.synchronize_clients'
# Let's check we have a project { |c| [, c.project_uri]}
# => [["client_8", "/gdc/projects/aerkc6562oiauaof9mxtowcc4fl5vwb4"], ["client_9", "/gdc/projects/yxpp45hf39bigezp3ug8pm6kc9h6tihv"]]
# Let's also verify that we have a latest version. The new project should contain the updated version of the dashboard beacuse we've already released it via 'synchonize_clients'
segment.clients("client_#{seq_number + 1}").project.dashboards.first.title
# => "Better Test Dashboard"
Organizing Segments into Data Products
You can encapsule multiple segments into a data product for better granularity.
This solution is based on the terminology and examples presented in chapter regarding Segments.
This code will do several things:
sets up a segment in the legacy way, referencing no dataproduct
sets up another segment as a part of a dataproduct
shows that the segments are only included in the specific dataproduct that was used to create them
# Create a data product
custom_data_product = domain.create_data_product(id: 'data-product')
# Create new lifecycle segment without referencing a data product
first_segment = domain.create_segment(segment_id: 'segment-1', master_project: project)
# the API defaults the data product to 'default', which should be present in all domains
# that means the above call is equal to
default_data_product = domain.data_products('default')
default_data_product.create_segment(segment_id: 'segment-1', master_project: project)
# Create another segment as a part of the data product
second_segment = custom_data_product.create_segment(segment_id: 'segment-2', master_project: project)
# the first_segment is then only present in the default_data_product
default_data_product.segments.find { |s| s.segment_id == first_segment.segment_id }
# => #<DataProduct:#>
# and not present in the custom_data_product we created
custom_data_product.segments.find { |s| s.segment_id == first_segment.segment_id }
# => nil